Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0316: Taming the Three-Headed Bird King

"Kneel me down and surrender!"

With a punch, it turned into three energies, directly on the three heads of the three birds.

Suddenly, the three-headed bird felt dizzy and could not hold on, crawling on the ground, making a cooing sound.

"Tame me!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Longfeng's handprints flew up, and the last few beast-taming seals were all punched into the body of the three-headed bird.


When the last fight was finished, the three-headed bird immediately calmed down, shook his head, and looked around, revealing a look of doubt.

However, when he saw Longfeng, there was a sudden softness in his eyes.

This is the taste of surrender released from the depths of the mind. Compared with the black slaves, this is the rhythm of conviction.

"Kneel down, kowtow!"

Long Feng shouted coldly, testing the obedience of the three-headed bird.


Without the slightest hesitation, the three-headed bird flexed its legs, knelt in front of Longfeng, his head was connected, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

The power of Longfeng's primordial spirit is two levels higher than this three-headed bird.

Coupled with the power of animal training, it completely suppressed the opponent's soul, imprisoned him, established a master-servant relationship with himself, and made this three-headed bird obey 100%.

"Okay, get up!"

Long Feng was very satisfied with this beast training. He nodded and moved, riding on the back of the three-headed bird and looking into the distance.

Suddenly, from the end of my line of sight, there were dark clouds rolling in, countless flying birds shuttled among them, and magical Beasts appeared suddenly, roaring and thundering.

There, there are countless three-headed birds coming at lightning speed.

I think I just heard the tamed three-headed bird calling for help and came to support!


Flying in the forefront is a huge three-headed bird, the king of the three-headed bird family in the Blood Demon Hall, and has the strength of the demon saint's late stage.

It is one of the most powerful Magical Beasts in the Hall of Blood Demon, and its background is deeper than that of black slaves.

Although the black slave is also the Demon Sage early stage, he has not been promoted to the Demon Sage early stage for a long time.

But this three-headed bird king had been sanctified as long as the black slave parents were still in the flesh.

After such a long period of time, it has accumulated a strong sacred power in its body. Once the shackles are opened, it will accumulate thickly and make breakthroughs one after another, using his heritage over the years to advance to the late stage of the demon sage.


Hearing the clan's cry for help, it immediately led the clan master to come to support it.


The chirping of the three-headed bird pierced the cloud and cracked stone, and the blackness released from the body was dazzling. Under the monstrous power, the huge black figure came like a dark cloud.

At the same time, a monstrous holy power came from the suppression of Nine Heavens, and the whole world was crumbling.

The three-headed bird spreads its wings to cover the air, and is covered with jet-black feathers, as sharp as a blade.

On the three heads, there are six pupils that are as flaming as the sun, glanced at the trained three-headed bird, and then stared at Longfeng as if looking at killing his father's enemy.


The three-headed bird king's eyes were angry, and he screamed, and his soul was overwhelming.

"It just so happens to train your entire ethnic group to form a flying team. It must be very exciting!"

Long Feng's eyes were indifferent and his expression was indifferent.

Scan the group of three-headed birds in front of you.

One demon saint is late stage, two demon saints are in the middle stage, and a dozen demon saints are in the early stage.

If Longfeng wanted to deal with it, it was easy.


Long Feng screamed and started to make a move.

"Supernatural powers, the law of heaven and earth!"

For a moment!

Longfeng's figure is like an inflated balloon, growing taller and bigger.

In the blink of an eye, he was already a thousand feet tall, and his waist was over one hundred feet tall.


Long Feng felt that his body was full of strength, and his strength alone was eight levels stronger than just now.

After a glance at the explanation of the magical powers of the heavens and the earth, I knew it all at once.

The law of heaven and earth, the best yellow grade, can change the height of the body by thousands of feet, let the physical strength of the body ascension eight layers, and implement a rolling blow to the enemy.

Such a powerful change in supernatural powers immediately made Longfeng as tall as a mountain.

The three-headed bird king who was originally as large as a small hill was already in front of him like a little chicken cub.

The three-headed bird king suddenly became serious, his figure unfolded, his wings roared and his wings flicked into the sky, his eyes gleaming like blood, carrying a terrifying power, swept out.


The sound was harsh, swept by the powerful primordial power, like an invisible sledgehammer, knocking Long Feng's head.

"Don't struggle, give me surrender!"

Although the three-headed bird king is strong, for Longfeng, he is very weak!

The powerful primordial spirit carried the sound wave and hit Long Feng's head, but was immediately dispersed by Long Feng.

At the same time, a boxing force seemed to come from the distant ancient times, breaking through time and space, shimmering the past and the present.


The fist slammed into the mountain, and it was impossible for the three-headed bird king to have half resistance, and one punch was divided into three energies.

In an instant, the three-headed bird king immediately followed in his footsteps and was slammed on the ground by his fists.

"Beast Taming Technique, open it to me!"

For a moment!

Numerous handprints burst out, like a heavenly river overflowing, crazily poured into the brain of the three-headed bird king.

Such a scene!

Before the other three-headed birds could react, Longfeng had already penetrated half of the beast Taming Handprint.


At this time, the other three-headed birds reacted, and at the same time they spread their wings frantically and rushed towards the Dragon Peak, bringing the boundless wind swept across.

"Come on to me, block them!"

Long Feng gave orders to the three heads whose eyes had been trained.


The three-headed bird didn't hesitate at all, and directly threw out, violent the boundless holy power, and immediately fought with the three-headed bird that came.

Suddenly, several giant bird shadows collided, shaking the space in all directions, and gushing out black light.

The terrible breath swept across in all directions, if it wanted to destroy everything.

However, there was only one three-headed bird to be tamed, and under siege, it quickly retreated.

Those three-headed birds that attack will break through obstacles at any time and disturb Longfeng.


Seeing this, Long Feng threw a punch again and hit the head of the three-headed bird king, leaving him with no resistance and making his handprints faster.

Soon, a set of beast-taming mudra was taken out of his hands, all in the heads of the three-headed bird king.

Just at this moment, one of the three-headed birds of the Magical Beasts middle stage attacked, and Longfeng immediately stretched out a hand, pinched his neck, pressed it on the ground and started rubbing.

Soon, another three-headed bird was tamed.

So and this way, soon, the three-headed birds who came to the reinforcements were like food delivery, all delivered to the door, and they were enslaved by Longfeng.


A total of more than a dozen three-headed birds have become Longfeng's help, and he almost does not need to take action personally.

As long as the target is selected, the beasts will rush forward, knock the opponent down, and then send it to Longfeng to directly tame it.

Slowly, Longfeng's team is getting bigger and bigger, the strong are getting more and more, and the types of Magical Beasts are getting more and more complete.

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