The Blood Demon Hall is huge and boundless, just like a Minor World. After decades of turning around, Longfeng’s Magical Beasts team has reached tens of thousands.

Among the tens of thousands of teams, nine of them are quasi-devil saint peaks, and the remaining layer is at least demon saint grade, and there are even more than a dozen demon saint late stage powerhouses.

This strength is simply shocking.

If it is drawn to the battlefield of gods and demons, as long as the peak of the demon sage does not emerge, it will not be directly overwhelmed!

On this day, he was tame a demon saint's early stage flower python, but the system sounded a reminder.

"Ding, the master's proficiency in animal taming technique has been reached, and he is now upgraded to Mysterious Level, Mysterious Beast Taming Technique, and Power Ascension. Please check the description of the action by yourself."

"Ding, congratulations to the master, the chaotic Spiritual Roots flat peach is already ripe, does the master taste it?"

"Fuck, happiness comes too suddenly!"

"This is simply double happiness!"

"System, come on! Let's give the master a surprise first!"

With a smile on Long Feng's face, he stretched out his hand, and a flat peach with a big sea bowl appeared in his hand.

"Ding, the master took a flat peach, and there are eight remaining."

"Fuck, how come there are only nine in total?"

Longfeng's thoughts sank and he instantly entered the elementary world of Hongmeng.


The world of Nahongmeng is already very large, and I am afraid that it will not have the size of the entire prehistoric West.

In the center of that world, a big peach tree surrounded by ten people is spreading out its branches and growing densely.

On the flat peach tree, there are eight flat peaches the size of a sea bowl fluttering in the wind.

"What, such a big flat peach tree, give me nine flat peaches? Why not ninety-nine?"

Long Feng looked dazed.

"Ding, Chaos Pan Peach is Chaos Spiritual Roots, which can bear 81 fruits, but in the elementary world of Hongmeng, it is blessed by Hongmeng Spiritual Qi, and it has changed slightly."

"In the world of Hongmeng, flat peaches mature once a thousand years, but the fruit is reduced to nine, but the effect will increase dramatically."

"The effect has skyrocketed, to what extent?"

Longfeng is very strange, click on the flat peach to explain.

The chaotic flat peach condenses the Spiritual Qi and grows into a total of nine fruits. If you eat one, you have the opportunity to generate the blood of the god tree and control the law of the wood.

The chaotic flat peach is delicious, a hundred times more delicious than the fruit produced by Innate Spiritual Roots.

The condensed Spiritual Qi is even richer than a Hongmeng Purple Qi. When taken under Sage, it instantly transforms the celestial power into the sacred power.

Taking it on top of Sage can greatly increase the sacred power in the body. With just one, the sacred power, spirit, and soul consumed by the strong Sage late stage can be completely restored.

"Niu Bian!"

"This flat peach is simply an excellent tonic for regaining blood."

Sage late stage consumes the whole body of sacred power, just eat a chaotic flat peach, and immediately restore all the sacred power, which is simply more powerful than any Medicine Pill.

As long as there are enough flat peaches, a Sage late stage powerhouse can fight forever.

Don't worry about poor spirits, lack of sacred power, and consumption of the soul.

This is simply a heaven-defying treasure, an invincible existence.

Long Feng was excited, looking at the flat peaches in his hand, which was as big as a sea bowl, he put on his nose and scented it vigorously.

"Fuck, it smells good, I feel full of power!"

Long Feng involuntarily let out a loud shout, his eyes were bright, and his heart was beating non-stop.

Just a scent is refreshing and makes people feel like a fountain of strength.

Even if it was combat power, Long Feng faintly felt that there was a slight improvement.


Long Feng couldn't help it anymore, opening his mouth wide and biting the flat peach in his hand.

"Drafting! So cool!"

"It's almost ****!"

After taking a bite of the flat peach, Long Feng jumped up with joy, and he couldn't express his excitement at this time.

The fruit is sweet and juicy, the smooth and tender gravy is overflowing, and the aftertaste is long. The fruit melts in the mouth and is crispy and fragrant.

To describe it in one word, cool!

Two words to describe, violent!

To describe it in three words, it is super cool!

Long Feng had never tasted such a refreshing delicacy before, and almost let his taste buds explode.

not only!

He immediately felt that a huge amount of holy power was rising, filling up the power he had just lost due to the battle, and even exploding all over his body, filling every inch of his cell.

At the same time, his spirit was shocked, as if he had been beaten in blood, the soul was also in the strongest state, and even had a vague opportunity to breakthrough.

"Come again!"


He swallowed a flat peach with the size of a sea bowl in a few mouthfuls, leaving only one peach pit.

Long Feng still didn't want to finish, licking his fingers vigorously, almost swallowing the peach pits.

"It's cool!!"

"It's so cool!"

Long Feng directly sighed, this flat peach is simply an excellent delicacy bestowed by heaven.

At this moment, his blood, spirit, sacred power and primordial spirit have completely surpassed the limit, giving him the urge to vent.

Tame the beast, I want to tame the beast!

Long Feng's eyes flashed brilliantly, and his momentum was like a rainbow!

The primordial spirit immediately communicated with the Hall of Blood Demon, and instantly locked a black fog area.

In this area, there is a strong wave of fluctuations, and this wave has even reached the point of Demon Sage Great Perfection.

Longfeng already knew where this area was, and wanted to visit it several times.

However, this place is like a special existence in the Hall of Blood Demon, even Longfeng, the master of the Hall of Blood Demon, feels a bit of danger from it.

Because of this feeling of danger, Long Feng has never dared to come and explore, but today, he is in excellent condition, and he wants to try his luck.

The area of ​​the black mist in front of me is not large, about a hundred kilometers away, and the conditions inside are not only invisible to the naked eye, but even divine thoughts cannot penetrate.

Stepping out, Longfeng felt a mighty holy power, unparalleled coercion swept over him, suppressing his soul.

The further you go in, the stronger this repressive force becomes.

Gradually, Long Feng felt the pressure soared, and it would be very difficult to make further progress.

"Supernatural powers, blazing flames!"

How could it stop Long Feng's footsteps with a mere coercion? Under his supernatural powers, even the power similar to that of Sage's peak surged from his body.


Long Feng stepped on the thunder light, Saint Wei Ruoyuan on his body, instantly reached the center of the black mist.

At this moment, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and the original suppressive force completely disappeared.

A thatched house appeared in front of him.

This thatched house looks very old and has experienced countless years of influence, but its surface is covered with a faint layer of holy power, and the entire thatched house is very well preserved.

The door of the thatched house opened, releasing a faint light from it.

Long Feng walked in slowly.

The scene inside the house instantly appeared in front of you.

A Tsing Yi Demon was sitting on the futon in the center of the thatched house.

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