Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0539: The Battle of Zhuolu (1)

The wild, the wild of Zhuolu!

Chi You is stepping up the formation.

This formation requires a large number of people to display it.

The more people in the formation, the greater the power.

This time, Chi You was preparing to lay out witch formations with tens of millions of people.

Then, led by Chi You's 81 younger brothers, he sprinkled Blood Essence of the Witch Clan.

Then gather Killing intent, apply the law of wind, cloud, thunder and fire, and kill the world.

This kind of power is extremely terrifying.

Except for Chi You's party.

At this moment, Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi was also making final preparations.

After dispatching the wind, he went to Sanxiao Camp, got in touch with him, and agreed on the time and strategy of the final attack.

On the other hand, he selected a group of death squads.

When necessary, you can break Chi You's battlefield at the cost of life.


It was sunny and sunny on this day.

Today is the beginning of the total attack.

Under Long Feng's leadership, the cultivators who surpassed Jinxian came out first and came to the opponent's formation.

Looking up, I saw black clouds rolling tens of thousands of miles ahead.

Dark clouds cover the sky and the sun, but the roar of Thor is also faintly visible, the wind is flying, and the phosphorous fire is a little bit.

This dark cloud, rolling up and down in front, screaming in the wind, can make people's scalp numb.

This is the eighty-one all dark and evil formation.

Before the battle, Chi Youzheng stood with his head high and his chest high, his hands leaning on the knife, his face was triumphant.

Seeing that Xuanyuan and Longfeng were able to come out of the camp, they shouted loudly outside the formation.

"Xuanyuan child, today is the time of Er's death, no matter how big a person you invite, it is useless!"

"And you, Longfeng, don't think that you are invincible, there are people in this world that you can't deal with."

Chi You was arrogant and mad.


"Who is so powerful, even I can't deal with it, you tell him to come out, we Bibi!"

Long Feng's face seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and he could not see his emotions at all.

I don't know if he is angry or happy.

In short, you can't guess what Sage's mind is. You won't understand even after guessing.

"Bibibi, Longfeng, I am not afraid of you!"

This time, it was not Chi You who spoke, but a dark and ugly chaos demon.

"Who are you, report your name?"

When Long Feng saw this demon god, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Long Feng felt a pressure on this Chaos Demon God.

While asking aloud, Long Feng also opened the soul-catching eyes.

The Dark Demon God, ranked fifteenth among the Chaos Demon God, possesses a high-level dark bloodline, and controls the use of the two-to-one dark law.

The law of darkness, the lethality is huge, there is the power of leapfrog challenge, there is the dark disc of the chaotic treasure, the cultivation of the mysterious-level supernatural power dark wind knife...

After a series of introductions, Long Feng spoke out loudly.

"I am a dark demon, a chaotic alien, born noble, and have dealt with Pangu."

The Dark Demon introduced himself with a arrogance of superiority.

"Niubi, the Chaos Demon God, still escaped under Pangu's hands, you are indeed qualified to pretend to be forced!"

"But you found the wrong partner."

"Your era of the Chaos Demon God has long passed away. Who gave you the courage to speak to me like this?"

"Pretend to be struck by lightning, do you know?"

"Dare to pretend to be forceful in front of me, you must have a deadly consciousness!"

"Be careful not to pretend to be forced!"

Long Feng's tone became colder and colder.

He hates other people's pretense, especially pretending to him.

Such people, no matter who they are, must be killed.

In Long Feng's heart, this dark demon had already been on his list of kills.

"Longfeng, you are looking for death!"

When the Dark Demon heard this, he was furious.

Think of him as a dignified Chaos Demon God, with deep roots and heaven-defying strength, who would dare to talk to him like this.

I'm afraid this Longfeng is the first one.

"Find f*ck, get out of here, let Xiaoye send you on the road today!"

Longfeng is also on fire.

Sooner or later, I have to solve it, hide what I'm doing, pull it out happily, do it all, it's refreshing.

Afterwards, Long Feng swiped at the void.

The suppression of the law of chaos broke out, and the void immediately opened a door, leading directly to the outer sky of chaos.

Immediately forced out the powerhouses above the hidden Jinxian from the entire battlefield.

"The battlefield below Daluo Jinxian is in Zhuolu."

"Above Da Luo Jinxian, go to the Chaos Heaven and Outer Space to fight!"

The eruption of Longfeng's strength immediately shocked everyone.

"Okay, it's really not easy to fight, go, let me go to Chaos Heaven and Outer Heaven."

The Dark Demon originally didn't care about the life and death of the prehistoric, even if the prehistoric was destroyed, it would have no effect on him.

On the contrary, there are benefits.

But he suddenly thought that he was here to absorb the power of luck.

If you blow up the predecessor, you still have the luck of fart.

Therefore, he immediately agreed.

He still didn't believe it. With the strength of his brothers, could he still turn a dragon peak!

Then, under the lead of the Dark Demon God, the Destruction Demon God also followed suit.

Then there are the eighteen Dzogchen powerhouses, and the Chaos Demon God who is close to the peak of Baizhun Saint.

When all the opponents entered the passage, Longfeng immediately greeted everyone to enter.

Kong Xuan, Zulong, Kunpeng, Tongtian, Nuwa, Zhenyuanzi, Three Phoenix, Sanxiao, Niu Demon, etc...

Even the disciples of several Sages finally entered the space channel and reached the outer sky of Chaos.

Soon, the two sides confronted each other, followed by a fight, and then the two sides couldn't help but start their hands.

For a time!

The battle begins!


The words are divided into two ends, one for each!

At this moment, Zhuolu also began to stage a wonderful drama.

Throughout the ages, both parties in a fight have to be scolded first.

Chi You and Xuanyuan are the same.

"Chi You, you don't respect God's will, and you rashly kill. Today you will die!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi slowly pulled out Xuanyuan Sword, his eyes getting sharper and sharper.

The murderous aura of the whole body is also rapidly condensing, reaching the peak.

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, Chi You felt extremely ridiculous.

"Xuanyuan child, don't you want to show off your lip service, and I will catch you later, I want to beat you up!"

Chi You knew that only one of himself and Xuanyuan Huangdi could have a life, and the other would die.

Otherwise, this force of luck will never be able to gather the peak.

The amount of robbery cannot be over.

"Hmph, Chi You, since you don't believe it, then see Kung Fu under your hand, today I will kill you and end the catastrophe."

"Hahaha, shameless Xuanyuan, who dare to speak wild words, then try to enter the battle and let me see how you can speak such big words."

Chi You was suddenly upset when he heard it.

Reaching out, the Tiger Soul squeezed his hand and flew back into the formation.

"Okay, see me breaking your formation today."

Xuanyuan Huangdi shook hands with the divine sword, stretched out his hand and waved, "Kill me!"

For a time!

Ten thousand horses galloped, shouting and killing all around.

Countless Terran warriors rushed out from all directions, all submerged in the black mist-shrouded area.

The incoming formation is different from the outside.

The thunder flickered, the wind knives danced wildly, and the flames fluttered from time to time, coupled with the clouds and mist, covering the sky and the sun.

In the entire formation, the sound of the demon roars, the wind and wind are blowing, a scene of The Underworld.

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