Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0540 Battle of Zhuolu (2)

The wild, the wild of Zhuolu!

Everyone entered the formation, and under the leadership of Xuanyuan Huangdi, they directly charged towards the center of the formation.

Xuanyuan's side and Sanxiao's army united, and the number of them was immediately twice that of Chi You.

Moreover, there are 10,000 sharp knives in Sanxiao's army.

All of these ten thousand have reached the realm of true immortals, and all of them understand the method of battle formation.

Once rushed, it was like no one's land.

Countless lightning beams, sparks and lightning slashed in front of them.


This ten thousand-point knives have shown their strength.

Under their leadership, the circling clouds suddenly reduced a lot, and there was even a ray of light shining in.

Chi You was furious, and with a wave of the Tiger Soul Sword in his hand, he brought up evil clouds in the sky with a terrifying expression.

"Little ones, give me my all-out effort to bring out the power of the Eighty-Eleven Dark Sky Array!"

The best Innate formation, of course, is more than this power.

Hearing Chi You's order, his eighty-one brothers moved.

I saw the eighty-one people each spit out a spit of Blood Essence, Blood Essence spread out in the big formation, merged with the vitality of heaven and earth, and turned into a tossing blood mist.

Countless Nine Li tribes all learned the same way, and they also forced a mouthful of Blood Essence and sprayed it in the air.

The entire mid-air, within a blink of an eye, was bloody, flushed like fire.

This was not over yet, the countless bloody mists began to combine with the thunder flames and wind knives to form countless dense large nets.

In the big net, there are countless tadpole-like formation runes free, releasing extremely powerful breath.

With the blessing of that rune, the thunder fire wind knife net is more solid.

During the tumbling, countless reticulated dragons gradually formed.


Countless dragon roars resounded across Zhuolu immediately.

Xuanyuan Huangdi was shocked. When he raised his eyes, he saw countless reticulated dragons with scales attached to their bodies, and they were thousands of meters tall.

The voice of Long Yin roared out, shaking the earth and the sky was shocked.

On every Shenlong, there is a Killing intent that passes through the blue sky and descends through the nine quiets.

And the strength is extraordinary, at least with the strength of Da Luo Jinxian peak.

Among them, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one heads, even reaching the Realm.

This is a bit ridiculous.

This big formation, if used properly, can even kill the quasi-sage peak powerhouse.

On Xuanyuan's side, although there were tens of millions of soldiers, to the practitioners, they were all ants.

As for facing the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, it was even more of a wave, which would bring down millions of people, or even kill them all.

Even with the 10,000 sharp knives trained by Sanxiao, it is not an opponent at all.


Now that Chi You can achieve such a powerful attack power with the power of the battle formation.

Xuanyuan, who is the disciple of Nine Heavens Profound Girl, also has a stunning formation.

Heaven Court’s Innate Heluo Array and Innate Water Spirit Array were all created by the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

As a disciple of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, Huangdi Xuanyuan has thoroughly studied the Innate Heluo Array.

Innate Heluo Great Array is different from Hunyuan Heluo Great Array.

The Hunyuan Heluo Array was evolved from Emperor Jun in the Hetuluo book.

Its power is unmatched, even surpassing Innate.

However, Emperor Jun was busy with hegemony that year, and this formation did not evolve to the highest level.

Otherwise, its power must be above the Universe Star array.

The Innate Heluo Formation is based on a prehistoric layout.

Inside, it is full of wild phenomena, including prehistoric rivers, oceans and sky, birds, beasts, fish and insects, and the changes of evolution.

The attack in this array is the passage of time.

When you are in the formation, you can see the snow-capped mountains turn into the ocean, and the sea turn into the mulberry field.

The birth and death of an instant grows and disappears, as if hundreds of millions of years have passed, and it also seems to have passed an immeasurable calamity.

This array can also destroy people's minds and make people feel like a dead heart.

Even lost in the formation, life is taken and taken away.

At this moment, Chi You began to attack.

The countless Soaring Dragons rushed and attacked the human race on the Xuanyuan side.

Where the dragon's claws passed, the void collapsed, and the air of destruction overflowed.

In an instant, humankind suffered casualties.

"Shi Jue Formation, start it for me!"

At this moment, on the Sanxiao side, ten thousand sharp knives immediately formed ten teams, laying down ten outstanding formations.

The ten best formations are also the best Innate formation.

However, there are also strong and weak points between formations of the same grade.

The most basic factor that affects the strength of the formation is the number and strength of the formation.

Ten thousand people, despite their extraordinary strength, could not stop Chi You's tens of thousands of soldiers.

For a time, the earth rumbling soundly, only shocked the people's true essence fluctuating, and the original spirit was unstable.

Right now, Xuanyuan didn't dare to neglect, so he picked up the magic skills and shouted loudly.

"Come on, give me those eighty-one demon-breaking chariots.

The magic chariot has a peculiar shape, and its appearance is shining with extremely dense formation rune.

This kind of chariot was proposed by Nine Heavens Xuan Girl, and Xuanyuan Huangdi used his imagination to carefully develop it.

As soon as the chariot came out, a large mask suddenly exploded, covering the entire Xuanyuan tribe in Zhuolu area.

However, despite the amazing defenses of the tank, it can also weaken the power of formation.

But the Eighty-Eleven is too dark and the evil spirit is too strong, and it can only block part of the strength.

Everyone was overwhelmed for a while and was quite embarrassed.

For this reason, Xuanyuan made another killer move.

"Everyone, give me my best shot and arrange Innate Heluo Grand Formation."

Hearing Xuanyuan's roar, all the soldiers immediately began to move in their respective positions, playing Magic power on their bodies, and injecting them into the void.

Xuanyuan Huangdi also held a sword, drawing out one after another in the void.

On the tip of the sword, Sword Qi swung to form a series of formation rune.

As soon as these formation runes emerge, they are like countless tadpoles, as if they were in the void.


An enchantment-like power began to fluctuate rapidly, spreading rapidly in all directions.

The power of formation spread out immediately, covering Zhuolu.

Within a few breaths, the entire Zhuolu is in an array, with three formations interspersed with each other, each exerting power.

Time goes by, ten powers, thunder fire wind knife.

Chi You's morale plummeted.

The three forces were madly released in Zhuolu, strangling the enemy soldiers.

For a time!

The earth was stained red with blood, and countless soldiers died in fate.

The cruelty of the war was staged so fiercely in the human race.

"Xuanyuan child, today I will break your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Seeing that the iron-blooded men of his tribe were dead on the spot like cutting grass, Chi You yelled.

The roar was violent, as straight as piercing clouds and cracking rocks.

When Xuanyuan heard it, he roared again and again.

"Chi You, if you commit such a murder, I Xuanyuan wants your soul to be scattered."

At this time, Xuanyuan could no longer hold back.

He drew out the Xuanyuan sword, flew out suddenly, and killed Chi You.

"Xuanyuan child, take my life!"

Chi You yelled angrily without showing weakness.

He stepped on his footsteps, raised the Tiger Soul Sword with both hands, and made a stab towards Xuanyuan's head.

With this knife, there was a roar of tigers, and it was very lethal.

There is a cold light on the blade, which can pierce people's eyes and dazzle people.

For a moment!

The knife light cut the air and slashed in front of Xuanyuan.

"Break it for me!"

Xuanyuan roared, and the sword swept against the Tiger Soul Sword.


A symphony of gold and iron resounded, and immediately pierced the eardrum, making the scalp numb.

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