Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0541: The Battle of Zhuolu (Part 2)

The wild, the wild race!

During the battle between Xuanyuan and Chi You, both sides tried their best and tried their best to cut each other down.

But the strength of the two is equal.

On the other side, the fighters of the two sides are also killing each other.

Xuanyuan Yifang, relying on two Innate formations, coupled with the number of advantages, gradually mastered the initiative.

From the beginning of the defense, to the present offense.

I believe it will not be long before we can directly take the initiative and control the overall situation.

On Chi You's side, the 81 brothers also began to struggle, and even Jiuying Fengbo and others felt exhausted.

The momentum of the Jiuli soldiers also gradually declined.

However, the Xuanyuan tribe members were more courageous as they fought.

Later, the 10,000 sharp knives were even more scattered, forming a thousand tens of thousands.

It is like a thousand killing machines, specifically looking for the strong from the Jiuli side to fight.

Soon, the first Chi You brother fell.

Next, just follow the trend, and Chi You's younger brothers have been killed continuously.

"Jiuying, Feng Bo, Er waits for not respecting the number of days, and arrogantly set up swordsmen with Chi You, let me die today!"

At this moment, Jiuying and Feng Bo were also surrounded by a dozen unique formations.

The thunder and fire flickered, the ghosts cried and the devil screamed, and the wind bursts, causing Jiuying Feng to roar at himself, already exhausted.

The two of them exploded with witch power, and it was difficult to break out of the battle with all their efforts.

Chi You, who was fighting hard with Xuanyuan, finally panicked.

He didn't expect that Xuanyuan's subordinates would have so many powerful subordinates.

The formation that these people are proficient in is also extremely scary.

Own eighty-one younger brothers, in less than a moment, they are already dead.

"Xuanyuan child, you and I are already tired today, how about another fight?"

Chi You couldn't. For the present, he had to save his strength and retreat.

Otherwise, today, it might really be his death date.

"Hahaha, Chiyou, you think it's pretty beautiful, but your looks are a little bit flattering!"

"Do you want to go now? I tell you, I think too much!"

"Today, you will save your life!"

Xuanyuan laughed. He seemed to have seen Chi You's head cut off by his own sword.

Suddenly, he exulted and shouted loudly.

"Erlangs, Chi You stunned!"

"Did you see, he wanted to beg for mercy, kill me fiercely, and kill all these Jiuli traitors."

"At that time, my human race will be the master in the whole world."

The words of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi immediately resounded through the Zhuolu Plain, causing the confidence of countless Terran soldiers to rise sharply.

Even the military might have gone up a step.

For a time, the horn of killing continued.

The Jiuli tribe was defeated like a mountain, and people died every moment.

The victorious balance has completely fallen to Xuanyuan's side.

"I'm not convinced!"

"Xuanyuan child, if you dare to slaughter my Jiuli Erlang, I will die with you."

Chi You went crazy, and his whole body strength suddenly burst, and his whole body of shaman power was like the Yangtze River, rushing endlessly.

In anger, the magic power surging, broke through several Meridians in the body, and promoted the magic power to several levels.

Xuan Xian... Nine Heavens Xuan Xian...

Jinxian...Daluo Jinxian early stage...

Great Luo Jinxian peak!

At this time, Chi You had reached the limit of Chi You's previous life.

But it didn't stop, his momentum was still soaring.

Prospective saint early stage!

It didn't stop until the quasi-sage middle stage.

Chi You unexpectedly broke through the shackles of reincarnation at the last moment.

Using the gathered force of Qi Luck, not only to return to the peak, but also to break through the quasi-sage and achieve the body of the ancestor witch.

Suddenly, Jiuzhangzu Wu's true body stood on the battlefield, facing Xuanyuan.

He holds a big sword in his hand, with a vigorous momentum.

His body was majestic and majestic, his face was so gloomy that he was afraid of others, and his eyes were extremely cruel.

At this moment, he stared his eyes and scanned all directions.

The strength of the quasi-sage middle stage spread out immediately, suppressing Zhuolu.

The entire Zhuolu battlefield immediately stopped fighting.

Above Zhuolu, those who surpassed Daluo Jinxian have entered the Chaos Heaven and Outer Heaven.

Now only Chi You is the Cultivation Base.

Here, he is almost invincible.

Even tens of thousands of people are just ants to him.

"Despicable Xuanyuan child, you didn't expect it!"

"I was at such a critical juncture to achieve the quasi-sage middle stage."

"Now, who will die?"

"Who else can save you?"

Chi You was so angry!

His eyes were like two huge copper bells at this moment, staring at the Emperor Xuanyuan.

There was a glimmer of ants in his eyes.

Now, he felt that Xuanyuan Huangdi was no longer worthy of his opponent.

He can no longer be his opponent.

Because Huangdi Xuanyuan is dying.

To be slapped into a pile of mud by his palm.


Thinking of the wonderful things, he suddenly turned his anger into joy, and laughed wildly.

But Xuanyuan Huangdi was stunned at this time.


This script is wrong!

Why did Chi You suddenly break through?

The quasi-sage middle stage, how do you do this.

Others can slap themselves to death and fight for hegemony.

Now, Xuanyuan Huangdi was almost crazy.

This incident was reversed too fast, too thorough!

Don't even say hello.

Could it be that it's over?

"Everyone, breakthrough!"

At this moment, there was a loud shout and resounded.

"Boom boom boom..."

In just an instant, there were tens of thousands of powers bursting out of the sky, impacting the clouds.

The ten thousand sharp knives, like going crazy, blinked through several levels, all soaring to the Golden Fairy Cultivation Base.

It turned out that this was the trump card left by Longfeng.

In order to be foolproof, he had already allowed this ten thousand leading soldiers to serve enough magic pill.

And let them hide their strength, not to be exposed until the last moment.

Once there are characters that can't be dealt with, you can reveal your strength and give your opponent a big surprise.

In this way, the peak of ten thousand golden immortals was released smoothly.

Even Chi You was taken aback by this scene.

A full ten thousand golden immortals peak, such a big handwriting.

However, he was not panicked.

The peak of Jinxian, for him now, is still an ant.

Ten thousand ants can do nothing for a mature human?

The answer is of course no.

However, ten thousand golden immortals cannot deal with a quasi-sage.

What about ten thousand golden immortals arranged in a ten-perfect formation?

Since ancient times, no one has experienced the prehistoric nature.

But today, Chi You experienced it.

It's simply not too ideal.

Innate's best formation composed of ten thousand golden immortals, even if it is the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, it may fall into it.

Soon, the Shijue Great Array exerted its power and surrounded Chi You and suppressed it.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Xuanyuan once again showed his might, leading the human warriors, and beheading the remaining Chi You brothers.

Even Feng Boyu Master and Xiang Liu Jiuying were killed. Throughout Zhuolu, countless Jiuli soldiers lost their lives.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Huangdi showed no mercy.

Because he knows that to be cruel to the enemy now is to leave troubles for future generations.

The entire battlefield stabilized.

Only Chi You remained desperately resisting, roaring again and again.

However, he won't be struggling for long.

Under the Ten Jue Array, his witch power has been consumed more than half, and he is already on the verge of exhaustion.

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