Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0563 Chaos Battlefield Channel

Hearing the voice of Hongjun Daozu at this time, they all stayed together.

Even the ancestor Yang eyebrows complexion changed drastically.

The opening of the channel leading to the chaotic battlefield means that Honghuang will send the strong to enter the chaotic battlefield.

All Sage's faces are extremely ugly.

They didn't understand the Chaos Battlefield at all.

It’s just heard that even the Demon Realm is being killed in the Chaos Battlefield.

In Honghuang, Sage is aloof, but when they go to the Chaos Battlefield, they are the ants.

From a lofty ruler to an ant, such a change makes no one feel comfortable.

But no one can escape into the chaotic battlefield.

Soon, the channel was formally formed.

The colored beam of light is one mile square, exuding bursts of chaotic coercion.

While connecting to the original site of Buzhou Mountain, while connecting to the endless void, there is no bottom.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun watched the passage and cast a series of imprisonment techniques.

"The passage of the Chaos Battlefield is open, everyone, follow my Purple Cloud Palace to discuss matters!"

The voice of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, carrying the Taoist sound, can hear all the sages.

Of course, except for those Chaos Demon Gods.

"Follow the teacher's instructions!"

Subsequently, Hongjun took the lead, incarnate as a rainbow, and disappeared at the same time as the ancestor of the raised eyebrows.

The holy sages followed closely behind and headed towards the outer sky.

Soon, Zixiao Palace arrived.

This time, there were a lot of people entering the Zixiao Palace.

In the prehistoric world, everyone who enters Sage Realm has arrived.

In addition to the Heavenly Dao Sage such as Sanqing, the Three Emperors of Heaven, Earth and Human, and all the saints of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

This time, it was also the first time that Heavenly Sword Sect showed his full strength in the prehistoric land.

With so many Sages in the Sky Sword Sect, even Hongjun Daozu was taken aback.

The secret road to Longfeng is really amazing!

Just relying on the power of the human race, it is already worth the entire prehistoric famine.

This ability has even surpassed his Heavenly Dao spokesperson.


Long Feng still sat beside Hongjun.

Below him, Kong Xuan, Chang'e and others were all there.

At this time, all their faces were serious, and they listened to Hou Hongjun Daozu's words.

When everyone who should have arrived has arrived, Hongjun Daozu opened his eyes.

He glanced around and spoke lightly.

"Everyone, I believe everyone has heard about the Chaos Battlefield."

"Now that the passage is open, we need to send someone into the Chaos Battlefield to guard it. Now we all discuss, who should we send first?"

Daozu Hongjun scanned his eyes, but his face couldn't see the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

"Fellow daoist, in my opinion, the first batch of people sent to the battlefield of chaos must have at least one sage!"

"How about this!"

"I'm the one in the first batch."

The first to speak was the ancestor of raising eyebrows.

Among these sages, his strength can be ranked in the top three, and now he has something to do, he has no shirk.

"Well, raise eyebrows fellow daoist, count you, who else?"

Daozu Hongjun nodded with raised eyebrows.

Raising his eyebrows, he was very relieved.

Hong Huang is still inseparable from him for the time being.

Heavenly Dao has not yet completed its evolution. As the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, leaving the land is not good for the evolution of Heavenly Dao.

The ancestor Yang Mei can replace him, is the best choice.

The other Sages glanced at each other, their eyes all struggling.

"Let's do it, I, Kong Xuan, Chang'e, and the three of Tianjianzong will go together."

Looking at the tangled look of Sage below, Long Feng made a decision.

"By the way, Nuwa will enter with me too!"

Long Feng added immediately.

"Well, Dashan!"

"Dragon Peak fellow daoist will be able to go, it will be a great fortune!"

A mechanized smile appeared on Hongjun Daozu's face.

This time, with Longfeng and Yang Mei, there shouldn't be any problems in the Chaos Battlefield.

As long as the Primordial Land is stabilized in the chaotic battlefield, and the strong will be sent in in the future, there will be an extra layer of security in terms of safety.

"Teacher, and me, Tongtian is willing to enter the Chaos Battlefield at the same time as Longfeng fellow daoist and Yangmei senior."

At this time, the Lord Tongtian also spoke.

"Zhen Yuanzi is willing to go!"

"Fuxi, Shennong, Xuanyuan is willing to go to the Chaos Battlefield!"

Afterwards, Zhen Yuanzi and the Three Emperors were willing to enter in the first batch.

"Great good!"

"Since you are all willing to go, let's decide this way!"

Daozu Hongjun glanced at him immediately, and when he saw that no one was speaking, he gave an order.

"Now I announce that the first candidates to enter the Chaos Battlefield are Yangmei, Longfeng, Zhenyuanzi, Three Emperors, Tongtian Guru, Nuwa, Kong Xuan, and Chang'e."

"You waited to enter the Chaos Battlefield, first of all to hide the entrance to the prehistoric, gain a firm foothold in the Chaos Battlefield, and lay the foundation for future entry."

Daozu Hongjun looked serious.

"We will follow the orders of the Taoist ancestor!"

The saints shouted.

"Great good!"

"Raise eyebrow fellow daoist, hide the formation of the entrance to the wilderness, use the Dao Meng Great Array!"

"As for other things, you can discuss with Longfeng fellow daoist."

Hongjun raised his eyebrows and ordered again.


Raised his eyebrows and struck a checker, nodded in favor.

"Well, the next calamity is still nearly two thousand years away. After the calamity, everyone will enter."

"Now, let's go down and prepare!"

"Three days later, the saints set off on the battlefield of chaos."

Daozu Hongjun waved his hand, and all the saints immediately retired from Zixiao Palace.

Longfeng has not left for the time being.

He stayed, and said to Hongjun raising his eyebrows about what he had seen and heard about entering the battlefield of chaos.

However, he did not tell how he got the puppet cultivation insects.

After speaking, he left Zixiao Palace and returned to Heavenly Sword Sect.

Three days, enough time for him to arrange the puppet cultivation insects in the Blood Demon hall.

And set the rules.

From then on, only when you become holy can you enter the Blood Demon Temple cultivation.

The puppet cultivation bug is, after all, a remarkable treasure, and it will not benefit anyone to spread it out.

Coupled with the opening of the Chaos Battlefield, it is not good to attract the strong coveted at the time.

Therefore, confidentiality work must be done well.

Don't shoot guns, muffle and make a fortune is the kingly way.

If it is possible not to be exposed, try not to expose it.

After arranging the affairs of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Longfeng recruited several apprentices to explain.

Sanxiao, Bull Demon King, Iron Fan Princess, these disciples, helped by luck, are already beginning to break through Sage.

I believe that it will not take long to be completely sanctified.

At that time, the Heavenly Sword Sect will send out a few more Sages.

Sect luck will also condense faster.

As a Sect Leader, Longfeng will also benefit a lot.

Three days in a blink of an eye!

All the saints once again returned to the original site of Buzhou Mountain.

The color beam has not changed.

Yangmei, Longfeng, Zhenyuanzi, Three Emperors, Master Tongtian, Nuwa, Kong Xuan, Chang'e bid farewell to everyone, and stepped into the beam of light at the same time.

Accompanying them are Mo Batian and Mo Ling.

They are not prehistoric creatures, the chaotic battlefield, perhaps the place where they belong.

So this time, Long Feng brought both of them with him.

Stepping into the beam of light, you are bound by a powerful Dao force, and your vision is blocked.


It was a whirl of heaven and earth, as if penetrating the endless river of time and space.

Maybe it was a moment.

Maybe countless years!


When the saints reappear, they are already in a mountain range.

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