Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 564 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

FTLN 0564 I am the eldest son of God

Chaos battlefield!

The ancient Tianhe traverses east and west, dividing the entire chaotic battlefield into two halves.

In the ancient Tianhe, there are countless river beasts without any intelligence.

These river beasts have at least Sage-like strength, and the strong ones can even contend with the half-step road.

Moreover, the number of river beasts is also numerous, which can be said to be innumerable.

Because the river beasts are ferocious and bloodthirsty.

Under normal circumstances, no matter whether it is a Zerg or a chaotic world, they will not easily cross the thunder pond.

Otherwise, once it is attacked by a beast, it is very likely that the whole army will be wiped out.

However, the number of Dayan is fifty, and forty is nine, and there is still one to escape.

Everything has a silver lining.

This ancient Tianhe, every certain distance, there will be a taboo area.

In this area, river beasts are afraid to enter.

The Zerg depended on this area, and could cross the ancient Tianhe at any time and attack the chaos.

And the worlds of Chaos, according to the location of these taboo areas, built ten large cities on the bank of the ancient Tianhe.

There are ten gates in each big city.

Corresponding to the ancient Tianhe and Chaos Great Rear, each has five gates.

Behind each city, there are countless channels leading to the chaotic world.

Once the city is broken by the Zerg.

Those countless Zerg powerhouses can cross the city and find a way to the chaotic world.

In this way, it is the end of the Chaos World.


Behind the third city of Chaos, behind the exit of the eighth city gate.

The clear sky suddenly heard a loud bang.

The void suddenly flashed and thundered, and ice and fire raged!

A space portal was born out of thin air, releasing the boundless phantom of colored light beams.

As soon as the phantom of this beam of light appeared, it immediately alarmed the entire Chaos Third City.

Being able to enter the battlefield of chaos is one of the three thousand great worlds.

However, not everyone in the Three Thousand Worlds is eligible to enter.

At least, there is no great world of the noble master, and even the Chaos Battlefield does not know it.

Of course, the Three Thousand Great World is just a term, and the number of the Great World is not fixed.

Sometimes, Minor World may advance to the Great World.

It is also possible that the big world is maimed by the opponent and relegated to Minor World.

But whether it is the big world or the Minor World, if you want to have the existence of the breakthrough sage, then you must open the chaotic battlefield.

Those are extremely rare.

The entire chaos battlefield has not had fresh blood for hundreds of millions of years.

Today, there is a vision in the sky, and there is actually a space channel leading to chaos.

This means that another force will be added on the battlefield of chaos.

Everyone ran out to see the surprise.

Even if some of the sages are extremely powerful, they are also releasing their divine minds, wanting to see where Sacred has joined.

at this time!

As the colored light became more and more intense, the phantom shadow of the beam of light also turned into reality.


Suddenly, in the beam of light, suddenly several figures appeared out of thin air.

These figures are just the people of Longfeng.

As Longfeng and the others descended on the battlefield of chaos, the colored beam of light bloomed and forced several people out of the beam of light.

"Amitābha, welcome all donors to the Chaos Battlefield!"

Longfeng had just stood firm, and had not had time to look around.

Then there was a monk wearing Kasaya with his head bare and flying in the air.

The monk released the power of Buddha all over his body, a gesture of compassion.

For the same monk, compared with quasi-promotion, it is simply too bad.

Whether it is temperament, strength, or Buddha power proficiency, those two two hundred and five can only be expected.

"Dare to ask the master..."

Seeing the monk's kind greetings, the ancestor raised eyebrows had no reason to speak badly.

However, he didn't seem to know this monk.

What did the other party come to do.

"Amitābha, the poor monk and master of the evil demon, has the trust of the major forces in the Third City of Chaos, and temporarily adds the post of the city's lord."

Master Hemo showed a kind smile on his face, and glanced around Long Feng and the others.

Judging from the response of the people, he immediately spotted the opponent's head and locked in the ancestor with raised eyebrows at a glance.

"Oh, it turned out to be the city lord of the evil demon. My ancestor of the wild world raised eyebrows has seen the city lord."

Raised his eyebrows to the cupped hands of Master Hegemon.

"Are you from the prehistoric world?"

Master Hemo looked puzzled, he had never heard of the prehistoric world.

However, it is not surprising that the other party is just qualified to enter the Chaos Battlefield.

"Yes, we are all from the great world!"

The ancestor raised eyebrows was sonorous.

Looking at the various racial powerhouses around him, he felt that he was going to rise up at this time.

"Well, the Third Chaos City has rules. Newly entering the world of Chaos Battlefield will be blessed by the City Lord's Mansion for one year."

"Within one year, no one is allowed to invade the prehistoric world, and must not kill the practitioners of the predominant world for no reason."

"Offender, die!"

The sound of Buddha, Master Hemo, spread all over the entire Chaos Third City.

"Thank you Master Hemo for your blessing!"

Hearing the words of Master Hemo, raising the eyebrows was also a joy in my heart.

He is really a little scared, the strong on this chaotic battlefield will make things difficult for them.

After all, life is unfamiliar, and this place is where the strong gather, which is extremely unfavorable for newcomers like them.

"Raise your eyebrows fellow daoist, you don't have to be polite, this is the rule of the entire chaos battlefield."

"The latecomers will all be blessed for a year, and within this year, no one dare to do anything to you."

"However, Chaos Battlefield is a place where The Weak are Prey to the Strong, where the strong are respected."

"After one year, it will be on your own."

Master Hemo looked serious, and said softly to raise his eyebrows.

"Master, rest assured, we will make good use of this year!"

The ancestor raised eyebrows did not pretend to be forceful, but gratefully glanced at Master Hemo.

"Well, all the donors can do it for themselves, and the poor monks can go!"

As soon as Master Hemo finished speaking, his figure immediately turned into a phantom, and then disappeared.

"Send to the city lord!"

Seeing Master Hemo left, many of Chaos Third City powerhouses bowed to each other.

"Raising eyebrow senior, we still arrange the formation first to hide the passage to the prehistoric."

Long Feng glanced around, and then reminded the ancestor of raising eyebrows.

The passage to chaos must be hidden.

Otherwise, it's like the front door of a vault is wide open, anyone can get in and out.

Once hidden with formation, only people who understand the changes in formation can enter and exit.

Even the formation is powerful, and it can attack the people who plot wrongdoing.

In this way, safety is guaranteed.

Next, the saints began to arrange formation.

Due to the warning from the master of the evil demon, many powerful people around did not dare to move arbitrarily, just watching the movements of the predecessors with a joking expression.

The big world powerhouses who come to the battlefield of chaos are not fixed.

For countless years, there have been countless great worlds that have entered the battlefield of chaos, but most of them have been wiped out by the entire army, and some have even spread to the own world.

They want to see how long this prehistoric can last?

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