Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 565 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

FTLN 0565 I am not a man

But speaking of the Demon Realm, the Demon Ancestor Luo Huo wanted Longfeng in the Demon Realm since he lost the Gunslinger.

In the end, it was discovered that the God Sect of Emperor Demon was discovered, and it was realized that the passage leading to the prehistoric land had been damaged.

There is always a knot in his heart.

This was when Hongjun raised his eyebrows and drove him out of the predecessor, and he almost took his life.

This hatred, like a thorn in his heart, kept him unforgettable.

He has been trying his best to find the space channel leading to the wilderness.

But nothing happened.

After finally waiting for the opportunity, he could give up.

Besides, there is the precious gunshot.

The most important thing is Tiger Hill in the Killing Spear.

He absolutely does not allow Huqiu to cultivate a half-step avenue.

In that way, the Gunslinger will never be returned.

Moreover, it is possible to compete with him in the future.

A legend like Luo Hu, he is enough.

The rest, all to die.


The space channel is damaged, but it can be repaired.

However, it is extremely difficult to repair.


Luo Hui put aside all important things, even the Chaos Battlefield.

He used the power of the whole family for more than a hundred years to reshape the channel.

However, how can it be easily repaired if the channel is damaged?

Without spending thousands of years, there will be no effect at all.

Therefore, even if he took a hundred years, he did not see any improvement.

Luo Hu felt that he couldn't wait any longer.

He is in charge of the battlefield of chaos and the demon world.

The Heavenly Dao first sage of the demon world, originally stipulated by the Heavenly Dao demon ancestor of the conjoiner.

The new half-step avenue of the devil must go to the battlefield of chaos to guard it for a long time.

In the battlefield of chaos, there is no limitless calamity.

After a long time, after the formation of the chaotic battlefield, it is commensurate with five eras.

It is ancient times, ancient times, middle ancient times, modern times and modern times.

An ancient time is hundreds of millions of years.

In ancient times, there was no way to verify it. At that time, even the Zerg and Chaos World had just formed.

Ancient times, I'm afraid it was the beginning of the world.

As for the Middle Ages, the Zerg race officially confronted the Great Chaos World.

Then it intensified.

The Zerg relies on its powerful strength and wants to destroy the chaotic world.

Although the Chaos World is at a disadvantage, it sometimes has fresh blood to join, but it can barely defend.

Of course, if you resist the Zerg, you may die.

Even if it is a half-step road, it is not uncommon to fall.

And in every big world, those who reach the half-step road are life-saving people.

Moreover, they have also made great contributions to the own world.

Before the crisis, I am no longer willing to take risks.

Then, the task of guarding the battlefield of chaos falls into the hands of the newcomer.

And Demon Zu Luohu is undoubtedly the new half-step road of the Demon Realm.

According to the rules of the Demon Ancestor of the Skyscar, he will replace the Demon Realm to guard the battlefield of Chaos for half an ancient time.

At this time, it has been delayed for more than a hundred years.

The chaotic battlefield is turbulent and treacherous, and the half-step avenue plays a suppressive role in it.

Once one is missing and it is acquired by the Zerg, no one knows what will happen.

In severe cases, it may directly lead to the defeat of the city guarded by the Devildom.

This is not only the Tianhen Demon Ancestor disagrees.

Even other chaotic worlds would never allow it.

Therefore, Luo Hu had to temporarily lay down and repair the passage to the prehistoric, and deal with the chaotic battlefield first.


The Eighth City of Chaos is an area guarded by the demons and the other nine worlds.

Today, the entire ten major cities of Chaos have been alarmed.

The prehistoric channel is opened, announcing the battlefield of chaos.

The vision fell from heaven.

Not only the Third Chaos City, but even the entire Chaos Battlefield can be sensed.

Even the Dao of the Chaos Battlefield was engraved with the word "Honghuang" between the heaven and the earth.

Announce the entire chaos battlefield, Honghuang will become a member of the battlefield.

Luo Hu just arrived at Chaos Eighth City.

But I was overjoyed when I got such news.

He didn't expect Hong Huang to enter the Chaos Battlefield so quickly.

In this way, there is no need for him to open the passage of the Demon Realm to the prehistoric.

Directly from the chaotic battlefield, you can also return to the flood.

At that time, he could punish Luohu, kill Hongjun, and regain control of Honghuang in his own hands.

Even the great Heavenly Dao has to be enslaved by himself, so unhappy.

Just thinking about it made him feel excited.

At this moment, he couldn't help it anymore.

With a flash of body shape, he began to head towards the Chaos Third City.

The Eighth City of Chaos is separated from the Third City with five cities in between, which is equivalent to half a battlefield of Chaos.

Even for Luo Hui, it would take one month to go from the eighth city of chaos to the third city.

And it is a month in the battlefield of chaos.

This is equivalent to almost a hundred years of prehistoric times.

However, Luo Hu didn't care about it for a mere month.

He doesn't want to care about other things anymore.

He wants to get rid of this thorn in his heart as soon as possible to make his merits complete, and he believes that his strength will also be ascension.

At that time, a month was fleeting!

Outside the prehistoric passage, a formation has gradually been completed, covering the entire exit.

The colored beam of light was also hidden in the void, gradually losing its color.

Even the channel is not waiting to be discovered.

Only the predecessors who understand this formation can see through the passage and even enter and exit at will.

At this moment, not many people around are watching.

The strong on the battlefield of Chaos are always working hard for the Ascension Cultivation Base, no benefit, no one will pay too much attention.

It was when Long Feng and others received their merits that Luo Hu arrived.

He was very familiar with the aura of the people in the predicament, and just a little bit of induction, he had already locked onto the few people in Longfeng.

Especially among these people, there is also his old friend, Yangmei ancestor.

Even Long Feng still carried the breath of a sharp gun.

This made Luo Hu overjoyed.

"Hahaha, raised eyebrow boy, do you still recognize old friends?"

Luo Hui was extremely excited, his eyes were fixed on the ancestor with raised eyebrows, and even Long Feng stopped paying attention.

At this moment, he felt all over.

He took a quick glance at the strength of these people.

Except for the ancestors who raised eyebrows for the early stage, all the others are ants.

Even if the eyebrows are raised in his eyes, they are also ants.

"It's you, Demon Race Luohu?"

Hearing this familiar voice, the ancestor raised eyebrows also shrank his pupils and immediately looked at Luohu.

This face, this primordial aura, he couldn't be more familiar with it.

He and Hongjun joined forces and fought Luohu for a long time. It can be said that they know each other well.

That breath of primordial spirit will definitely not admit mistakes.

"Yes, you didn't expect it, Wu Luohu has gone through catastrophes, but he is still alive!"

Luo Hui is not in a hurry now.

It's hard to meet old friends, and I still can't talk about the past.

"I didn't expect it."

"But since you didn't die, it was due to chance. I don't know what Luohu fellow daoist came here today, why?"

The ancestor raised eyebrows said calmly.

"Hahaha, raised eyebrows kid, you said it lightly, such a big grudge, you actually want to write off."

"You are so whimsical, today, I am going to kill you!"

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