Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 590 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)



Feeling the highest strength in his body, Long Feng was no longer polite.

Killing intent splashed all over, Killing intent rushed into the sky.

The Killing Gun was activated again, the gun burst shot, and the gray shadow suddenly hung in the air.

"Chongerfei, give me life."

Longfeng's first goal is Chongerfei.


Without a trace of suspense, a single shot pierced the chest of the insect, destroying all of his insect crystal body.

The saint’s early stage, for the current Longfeng, is the ant.

Afterwards, Longfeng completely transformed into a Devil.

Earth-level magical powers, the treasure of Hongmeng, twenty-one laws of chaos.

Ordinary people have one, and they can leapfrog the challenge.

But now, the three most powerful forces are in the hands of Longfeng alone, and that power has doubled and soared.

All the Zergs were killed in one shot.

Even if it was Chongqianxue, he didn't block two moves and was rubbed on the ground.

At this time, Long Feng pierced the chest of Chongqianxue with a shot, thrusting his body into the ground.

Zerg has no primordial spirit.

They only have insect crystals, and insect crystals are their souls.

The Killing Spear radiated light and dazzled the worm crystals of the Thousand-Blood worms, leaving them with no resistance.

It was also at this time that the system sounded a reminder that the time limit of the experience card had expired.

His Realm instantly regained the peak of Sage, and he only used ten rules again.

However, although his strength has fallen, the power of the Gunslinger has not changed.

Chong Qianxue was controlled by the Killing Spear, and there was no way to get rid of it.

At this moment, Longfeng was arrogant.

He stepped forward and stomped on the body of the stepped insects.

It feels limp.

The appearance of Chongqianxue is somewhat similar to that of silkworm babies.

It is two meters long in total, and the body is white and fat. The two ends are slightly smaller and the middle is larger, and the shape is like a cylinder.

Look closely, his body is divided into three sections, shining with pale golden luster.

The upper section is the head, the middle is the internal organs, and the last section is the digestive system.

In his head, there was a black hole, and I knew it was his mouth when I looked at it carefully.

There are noses and eyes on the mouth, but they are all smaller than humans, which is very ugly.

His skin is crumpled, but very defensive.

Even if the Killing Spear wanted to penetrate his body, he had to use a certain amount of strength.

Under him, there are two rows of tentacles.

There are ten in total.

These tentacles are like the hands and feet of the Zerg.

At this moment, Chongqianxue has been scared to feces and urine.

A strange smell rushes to the nostrils.

Smelling this smell, Long Feng frowned and felt very upset.

Suddenly he was no longer polite, and stepped on Chong Qianxue's soft head.

"It seems that you Zerg are also afraid of death!"

Long Feng's face was scornful and disdainful.

"Dage joked, who is not afraid of death?"

"If we want to cultivate to the level of the Lord and have an endless lifespan, of course we want to live well."

Chong Qianxue was stepped on his face by Long Feng, but he did not dare to feel dissatisfied.

Instead, they have to accompany a smiling face and look like a good-looking baby.

"Hehe, Dage, didn't you just call me ants?"

"Why is it called Dage now?"

"It's okay to be alive. If you want to be alive, why do you want to come to the Chaos Battlefield?"

Hearing Chongqianxue's words, Longfeng almost laughed.

This beast, thinking that if he pleases himself now, he can save his life?

"No, no, Dage, I didn't mean to run into the Chaos Battlefield either!"

"Moreover, it was the little brother who had no eyes but now he knew it was wrong. I beg Dage to let me make a living."

Chong Qianxue had a sincere face and a faint smile on her face.

But he was just a worm, and Long Feng couldn't see the change in his expression at all.

Seeing Chong Qianxue's mouth softened, Long Feng also lost interest in teasing him.

Suddenly his expression fell cold, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

"Presumptuous, you are a humble caterpillar. You are like a brute, and you dare to call me a brother. Who will give you the courage?"

"Also, the one who clamored the most fiercely just now was you. Now that you are defeated, just admit it?"

"If I lose, will you let me go?"

Long Feng's words, every word of sentence, horrified and frightened, it seems that the other party will not forgive him!

Seeing Longfeng approaching, he must kill himself.

Chong Qianxue suddenly changed his mind, and that was a threat.

"Stop, you know, I have a worm in the backstage, you kill me, you will endure the crazy revenge of the zerg."

Chongqianxue's voice is a bit urgent.

"Oh, backstage, let's just listen, who is your backstage?"

Long Feng smiled contemptuously.


Are you afraid?

Of course I'm not afraid, it's just a trivial matter.

He Longfeng wanted to kill someone with a backstage, and he didn't even bother to kill them if he didn't.

However, the backstage of Chongqianxue is really a bit Bufan.

"My backstage is the commander of the insect dragon, the commander-in-chief who attacked Chaos Third City this time."

"He is a half-step strong, no matter how strong you are, you can't be his opponent."

Speaking of worm dragon, Chongqianxue is full of joy, as if he himself is a worm dragon, already awe-inspiring.

"Uh, stop, this worm dragon is not that powerful, just take care of you!"

Long Feng held the Gunslinger, stirred vigorously, and suddenly screamed in pain.


"Stop, stop, the worm dragon is handsome, but my Uncle, if you dare to hurt me, my Uncle will not forgive you!"

Chongqianxue's miserable howling sound suddenly shook everywhere.

"Shit worm dragon, tell you, I will send him down to find you, let me die!"

Afterwards, Long Feng took out the Immortal Demon Seal, transformed into a giant axe, and smashed it according to the worm crystals of the thousand blood.




Three axes were smashed with all their strength one after another, and then the worm crystal of Chongqianxue split a crack.

At this moment, Chongqianxue saw that he was hopeless and changed to curse again.

He kept cursing Longfeng, and his language was extremely vicious.

But Long Feng didn't care, and once again raised his axe, smashing the worm crystal into pieces with one axe.

"Ding, the master kills a large number of Zergs, gets a little bloodline as a reward, and the puppet merges with a pill."

"Ding, the master killed a large number of Zergs and got a hundred insect crystals as a reward."

"Ding, the master killed a large number of Zergs and got ten reward cocoons and ten eggs."

"Ding, the master beheaded a large number of Zergs and obtained the reward strength Ascension."

"Ding, the master killed a large number of Zergs and got a rewarded Hongmeng Arcana Fusion Card."

At the same time as the system prompt sounded, a force gathered into a river, crazily flowing backwards.

For a moment!

Long Feng felt the breath in his body surge, and Dantian swelled.

Chaos Dantian and the Sea of ​​Consciousness began to expand continuously, and the holy power was compressed, becoming more and more refined.


In the void, a chaotic law is looming, plausible, and it is quickly drifting towards Longfeng.

But this law of chaos seemed to be fettered by some kind of shackles, but it was still unable to descend on Longfeng.

In this way, the last law of chaos had to be shadowed in the void and disappeared.

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