Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0591 The horror of the dark sand Jedi (1)

In Longfeng's body, that endless power also rushed to the limit of Sage's peak, and finally stopped as well.

After spitting out a suffocating breath, Long Feng felt that he was refreshed and his brain was bright.

"Sage peak limit!"

Long Feng said to himself.

As long as we go one step further, we will be able to break through the Sage Great Perfection.

At that time, the shackles of the law of control will definitely be broken.

If the law of control can be increased, then the strength will follow.

But now, as long as you kill the Zerg, you can help yourself breakthrough Sage as soon as possible.

Longfeng seems to have found a way to advance quickly.

That is to slaughter the Zerg!

I believe that by slaughtering a few more Zergs from Realm, I can completely break the shackles of Sage's pinnacle and successfully advance to the Sage Dzogchen.

Long Feng had a long aftertaste, then had another beautiful dream, and then he came back to his senses.

Keep checking.

This time there was also a kind of card.

Longfeng clicked on the explanation.

Hongmeng Supreme Treasure Fusion Card, the owner collects ten cards, and the ten half-step Hongmeng Supreme Treasures can be merged into a real Hongmeng Supreme Treasure.

This is a bit overbearing.

You know, Hongmeng Supreme Treasure is extremely rare.

If used for exchange.

Even if it is a hundred half-step Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, it cannot be exchanged for a real Hongmeng Supreme Treasure.

Regardless of its preciousness or power, the Half-Step Hongmeng Supreme Treasure is far inferior.

For example, Longfeng's strength.

Even if he can bring the Cultivation Base Ascension to the early stage of the Lord, he will certainly not be the opponent of the Lord's late stage.

Even if he can use twenty-one laws of chaos.

And the reason why he can continue to kill the late stage of the Lord is because of the low-level supernatural powers and the great treasure of Hongmeng.

Among them, Hongmeng Zhibao absolutely must occupy one-third of the role.

In other words, the treasure of Hongmeng, it can definitely help a cultivator to ascension more than ten times its own strength.

It would be terrifying to increase the combat power by more than ten times.

You know, if two evenly matched opponents are fighting life and death.

As long as one party suddenly increases its attack power by 10%, the victory can be established immediately.

Not to mention, an increase of more than ten times.

If the level is low, it can even surpass a level.


Longfeng is simply crooked!

In terms of systemic urination, as long as you have the first Hongmeng Arcana Fusion Card.

The few remaining ones will drop one after another.

It's certainly not too far away from the ten Hongmeng Arcana Fusion Cards.

"Long... Brother Long, look!"

Just when Longfeng was still whimsical, there was a sudden cry of exclamation.

His eyes swept away, and he suddenly saw Young Master Xiaoxian looking at his back with amazement on his face.

Long Feng was puzzled, and immediately felt a movement behind him.

This surprised him, and immediately covered his whole body with holy power, and turned his head quickly.

Ahead, the scene of the entire land has changed.

The surrounding sky is dark, flying sand and rocks, the wind roars, the sky is full of yellow sand and rocks dancing wildly in the sky, and the sky is filled with black miasma in an instant.

The sky was also overwhelmed by gray, and there were countless tornado storms raging in it.

The wind blew the earth, rolling up a thick layer of dust, sand and stones flying all over the sky.

The earth was rustling, and a choking smell of yellow sand was floating.

The most important thing is that Long Feng smelled a dangerous breath in it.

This breath shocked his heart.

It seems that the god of death is fascinating.

"No, there's something weird here, go back!"

Long Feng roared.

Immediately, he moved his steps, his body retreated, and he began to flee quickly.

The unknown power made him feel irresistible.

Only step back and then consider.

Seeing Longfeng retreating, Young Master Xiaoxian was even more shocked and immediately followed.

The two did not stop until they stepped back a hundred miles.

Turning his head to see, their original location was already covered by a dust storm at this time.

However, only in the blink of an eye, the storm began to retreat, and the surroundings gradually returned to calm.

However, the scene before them completely shocked the two of them.

The dead corpse in the same place, the ground that was destroyed into pits and pits, has now returned to its original state.

Bones, decayed Magic Treasures, reappeared in front of them.

It's just that those bones, Magic Treasures, are a bit more.

It was the corpse of the Zerg just now, and the treasure weapon they dropped.

"What's going on here? Is there an automatic cleaning function here?"

Long Feng looked dazed.

But at this time, Xiao Xian's face was gradually turning pale.

"This...is this the Dark Sand Jedi?"

Xiao Xian's words were trembling.

From his tone, an extreme fear can be heard.

"To be clear, what is the Dark Sand Jedi?"

Long Feng turned his head and looked around, and saw that Xiao Xian's legs were already soft, and there was a piece of wetness above his crotch.

"Fuck it, you're a bullshit, as for?"

Long Feng fanned the air in front of him with his hands in disgust, and immediately stepped back, looking at Xiao Xian with contempt.

"No... you don't understand, you just came to the Chaos Battlefield, don't know the horror of Mingsha Jedi!"

"This place, but a half-step road is buried here!"

"Even a half-step road can't escape, then we are dead!"

There was already a hint of crying in Xiao Xian's tone.

"Then tell me, what is the danger in this Dark Sand Jedi."

Long Feng said disdainfully.

"It is rumored that Mingsha Jedi is a natural formation, and its rank has surpassed the limit of the chaotic world."

"This large formation is dedicated to devouring the flesh and blood of living beings. Once the flesh and blood is swallowed, it can instantly recover if the sky and the earth collapse in its formation."

"Of course, there are also rumors that there are incredible treasures in the Dark Sand Jedi."

"So, since ancient times, countless strong men have entered treasure hunts, even half-step avenues have entered."

"However, since ancient times, in the Dark Sand Jedi, only those who have entered, no one has ever been able to go out."

"Even if it was a half-step avenue that I entered, I never went out again."

"Think about it, since ancient times, active entrants, plus passive entrants, are more than trillions."

"But there is no life left, do we have any hope to live?"

There is no blood on Young Master Xiaoxian's face, and fear has taken over his brain.

"I think you are exaggerating! You see, we are not all right now."

When Long Feng listened to Xiaoxian's words, he felt a little drumming in his heart.

However, he thought that he had entered the Dark Sand Jedi for a long time, but there was no danger.

Suddenly I was a little puzzled, I thought it was a false rumor, a bit alarmist.

However, Young Master Xiao Xian was even more afraid, and the fear in his eyes remained unchanged.

"No, no, you don't know, this Mingsha Jedi, although usually he only swallows some dead people, or people who have lost resistance."

"But every other day, there will be a big storm in the entire Mingsha Jedi."

"After this storm, everything will disappear."

"Including law treasure weapon, puppet Medicine Pill, corpse living thing."

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