Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 605 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

FTLN 0605 I am a man


"I'll tell you, his boss is Longfeng!"

It was the ancestor who raised eyebrows.

He didn't worry at all about leaking Longfeng out.

Longfeng is strong, heaven-defying, and has many methods on him.

Even Luo Hu, who was a half-step avenue, could not kill him, let alone the late stage of two sages.


"Is that the prehistoric cultivator who escaped from Luohu's hands and was rewarded by the demons and the three-eyed evil race?"

Huo Tianming looked at him, and a red flame burst out of his body, surrounding him.

"Yes, it's that Longfeng, if you have the ability, go and kill!"

He raised his eyebrows and his face was indifferent, and his eyes flickered.

"Hahaha, good, very good, I heard that kid is in the Dark Sand Jedi."

"It just so happens that we also want to go to Mingsha Jedi to grab the treasure, and kill the kid by the way, making the two beauties lose their minds."

Shui Huo Tianming laughed, and then each shot, photographed Nuwa Chang'e, and flew away.

"Stop me!"

Seeing Shuihuo Tianming actually grabbed Nuwa Chang'e, Mo Batian was furious and displayed his holy power, so he wanted to chase after him.

But he is only Sage Dzogchen, how can he catch up with the two great masters.

In just an instant, he lost the figure of Shui Huo Tian Ming.

"No, what should I do this time?"

The saints are in a hurry.

"Don't panic, Nuwa Chang'e has great luck, there is no danger, there must be nothing."

"We still rush to Mingsha Jedi as soon as possible, and help Longfeng fellow daoist first!"

The face of the ancestor raised eyebrows remained unchanged, calm and composed.

"Alright, everyone find a place to heal your injury first, and set off as soon as your injury improves."

Zhen Yuanzi had stabilized his injury at this time, frowning and said.

Immediately, all the saints found a cave, not to mention healing.


at the same time!

Chaos Eighth City, Panluan Hall, Soul Card Room!

The soul card room enshrines the soul seal of all the demons in the battlefield of chaos.

In the chaotic battlefield, life and death are unpredictable, perhaps trapped in a dangerous place, even if it is alive or dead.

Therefore, there is a soul card.

The soul card is the master injecting a soul mark. Once the master dies, the soul card will shatter.

Use this to judge the life and death of the mission.

This method is very popular in all major forces in the chaotic battlefield.


Looking at the broken soul card, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu was losing his temper.

The shattered soul card was the Demon Venerable he sent to chase and kill the holy sages.

Now it's all shattered, and it's obviously annihilated.

This made him unacceptable for a while.

Killing a group of ants and losing ten Demon Lords unexpectedly, he didn't understand who did it.

Moreover, this loss is a bit big, even he is not easy to explain.

The demons entering the chaotic battlefield come from various Sects.

Mozun, even within Sect, is like a needle of Dinghai.

This sudden loss of ten places, if the Demon World Heavenly Dao is held accountable, he also has the responsibility of ineffective protection.

How can this make him not angry!

"Report, the latest news!"

At this time, an orc demon sage flashed over.


Luo Hui glanced at the person who came, his mount Heilongju.

"Report to the master that there is reliable news that the formation of the Dark Sand Jedi disappeared, and three great treasures appeared!"

"Furthermore, Longfeng is also in the Dark Sand Jedi."

"At present, many strong people have rushed to Chaos Third City."

Hei Longju knelt to report, with a respectful expression.

"There are three great treasures of Hongmeng in Mingsha Jedi, and Longfeng is also there. It's great!"

When Luo Hui heard this, he was immediately ecstatic.

He had a bad relationship with Gong Lao just now, if in peacetime, he would not dare to step into the Third Chaos City indiscriminately.

But now, it must be the gathering of the strong from all sides, and he is still afraid of a ball!

Treasure hunting, killing, just one time.

Luo Hui decided to go out in person.

Afterwards, he led the ten demon venerables to set off again.

In addition to Luohu, the Three-Eyed Evil Clan is also led by Princess Tianqing, followed by the Ancient Mistress and several powerful masters.

Of course, the Eighth Chaos City is not limited to the Demon Race and the Three-Eyed Evil Race.

There are other forces, all have actions.

Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, it is rare in the world, and can greatly Ascension the combat power of the half-step avenue.

Everyone wants to compete!

Not only the Eighth City of Chaos, but also other cities in the Chaos Battlefield, the wind is also heard.

The entire Chaos Ten Cities all moved.

Not only that, but the news quickly spread to the Zerg.

The Zerg race also sent a large number of powerful men to compete with the chaotic creatures for those great treasures.

For a time!

The storm is coming, and the entire chaotic battlefield is full of murderous aura.

In less than half a day, many powerful forces flooded into the Eighth City of Chaos.

These people are all treasures of Hongmeng.

Of course, many of them came to capture Longfeng.

Hongmeng Zhibao is the goal of the strong.

And the weak, it was Dragon Peak.

The rewards of the Demon Race and the Three-Eyed Evil Race are valid for life.

Grasping Longfeng can get a huge reward, which is much better than fighting the strong to fight for the treasure.

The battlefield core outside Chaos Eighth City also began to lively.

With the chaos strong and the Zerg strong entering frequently.

The fighting in it also broke out even more intensely.

Sometimes the zerg was beheaded, and sometimes the chaotic creatures were suppressed.

And at the moment!

The director of this incident, our handsome Longfeng, was lying in the nine-pointed star formation with his eyes closed.

Since sending off Young Master Xiaoxian, he once again withdrew from the formation of the Mingsha Jedi and began to wait for the fish to take the bait.

The most ideal is to deceive the powerhouses of the Demon Race and the Three-Eyed Evil Race, and then come and kill them all.

Turn on the system and start to check the rewards for picking up the nine gods.

There are three main types of rewards.

One of them is the nine god stones, and their function is to form a nine-pointed star map and control the big Samsara God Swallowing Formation.

The second is the fragments of the heavenly king disk.

Tianwang disk fragments, I don't know how many pieces there are in total.

But not every piece should be as powerful as a treasure of Hongmeng.

The nine dollars I just got are much weaker.

Except for two pieces of Chaos Supreme Treasures, the rest are only Innate Supreme Treasures, and one piece is even the best Innate Lingbao.

In these fragments, no attack and defense power is stored.

It now appears to be a pile of useless waste.

Even if the energy in the first two pieces is used up, it is only necessary.

It has the power and hardness of the Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, but it is unable to exert its lethality and defensive power.

It's not like the fragment in Luohu's hand, as long as it is injected with holy power, it can be used infinitely.

Longfeng is not entangled either.

Hongmeng Zhibao, with his current strength, can't display it at all, and he will only pretend to be criticized, and it has no substantive meaning.

Now, the most important thing is the middle-grade Hongmeng Ziqi.

The middle grade Hongmeng Ziqi, an upgraded version of Hongmeng Ziqi, can be used for sanctification, and the refining speed of the quasi-sage peak can be reduced by ten times.

After being sanctified, it can also be used to condense Magic power, and absorb one, which is equivalent to thousands of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

and also!

To upgrade the Cultivation Technique, bloodline, magical powers, Magic Treasures, and cast magical powers, you need to use the Intermediate Hongmeng Purple Qi.

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