Click on the magical powers, check the attributes, and the consumption has changed.

One shot from the sky, a low-grade predecessor, is a magical spearman power that the remnant soul of the Dao Dao injected into the Killing Spear.

Consuming a middle-level sacred purple energy and enough holy power, it can use a shot that breaks the sky.

A single shot can open up the world, or destroy the world. Because of its great power, it is recommended not to use it in the chaotic world.

Note: The master currently has insufficient sacred power and cannot be used.

The Dragon and Tiger Destroying World Fist, the best of profound level, consumes an intermediate Hongmeng Purple Qi and blasts out a punch, which can hit the dragon and tiger phantom.

The strength of the Dragon and Tiger phantom is the strongest combat power of the master, which is equivalent to two masters culling out.

The dragon and tiger phantom carries dragons and tigers howling, which affects the enemy's soul and enhances its lethality.

The dragon and tiger phantoms are controlled by the master's mind, can continue to chase and kill the enemy, and can be stacked.

The consumption of all supernatural powers has been reduced to a middle-level purple qi, and the others remain unchanged.

However, the specific lethality will still be known after the display.

As for the original Hongmeng Ziqi in the system, apart from being used for cultivation, it has lost other functions.

After checking the middle grade Hongmeng Purple Qi, Young Master Xiaoxian has been away for a while.

At this moment, he was able to sense that a stranger had entered the Dark Sand Jedi.

Those who entered the Mingsha Jedi were the original Chishui Dragon, Nether Ghost Lao, Jiuyin Ghost King and others.

Outside of the Mingsha Jedi, Chishuilong took advantage of the unpreparedness of the ghost, and rushed in first.

As soon as they entered the Dark Sand Jedi, the two realized that this place was already very different.

The rumored scene has changed.

Except for the yellow sand in the sky, there is no danger.

The power that could swallow the half-step avenue also completely disappeared.

This made the two of them overjoyed.

It seems that most of the rumors that there is a treasure of Hongmeng are true.

Chishuilong is a strong man who has just entered the half-step avenue.

And the old ghost ghost is the one who provokes old Gong, and his strength is almost reaching the middle stage.

The strength of the two is of course the Nether Ghost Old Strong.

Soon after entering the Mingsha Jedi, the ghost old man caught up with the Chishui Dragon.

Chishuilong is one of the three thousand world powerhouses in the Tianlong world.

The Heavenly Dragon World, among the worlds of Chaos, ranks much higher than the Demon Race and the Three-Eyed Evil Race.

The top ten is properly listed.

In the entire Chaos Three Thousand World, it is also famous.

Even if Chishui Dragon is a half-step avenue, in Tianlong Great World, it must be shot behind a hundred.

The Chishui Dragon also became enlightened by killing, fighting for countless years at the core of the battlefield before achieving its current achievements.

"Chishui Longer, you are so despicable and shameless, the treasure of Hongmeng is mine, you dare to snatch my things, I want you to be forever!"

Nether Ghost always blocked the path of Chishui Dragon, with murderous intent on his face, and the light of the muddy Movement Technique flickered.

"Old Netherworld, treasures have spirits and great fortunes, and those who have great merit will get them. What, if your name is not engraved on the treasures, I can't fight for it."

The Chishui Dragon was born from the dragon clan, with deep roots and feet, and a strong body. The law of control is also a rare law of power, possessing the power of leapfrogging challenges.

He thought that even if he was defeated against the ghost ghost, he would still be unbeaten, at least it would be no problem to escape.

"Child Chishuilong, I was the first to find out about the news. The treasure should be mine. If you dare to covet it, it's damn it!"

Nether Ghost Lao is not a reasonable person.

The strong are unreasonable.

What they practice is that the truth comes from under the fist, whoever has the hard fist has the final say.

Nether Ghost Old believes that his strength is stronger than Chishui Dragon, so there is no way to compromise.

As for Chishuilong, as a half-step avenue, where would he be weakened and lose face.

"Old Netherworld, don't rely on Cultivation Base to be higher than me, you can act recklessly, tell you, I'm not afraid of you!"

"Chishui Dragon, I still want to do it today, what can you do?"

Nether Ghost has been alive for so long, and apart from being suppressed by Old Gong, no one has dared to talk back to him. At this time, he was already angry.

"Then did it once!"

Chishui Dragon couldn't bear it, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the ghost ghost.

"court death!"

The Chishui Dragon's hands were just in line with the old mind of the Nether Ghost, and the Holy Power suddenly burst, urging the law, and fought the Chishui Dragon to one place.


The two of them were powerful, and they fought so hard that the sun and the moon were dull.

Within thousands of miles, affected by the aftermath of the battle between the two, there were all flying sand and rocks, and the sky was full of dust.

This scene was completely overlooked by Long Feng.

Including the other strong men who are pupa coming from behind the two.

These people had just entered the Dark Sand Jedi, and they were attracted by such a fierce battle.

Including the Jiuyin Ghost King, they hide their figures and watch the strong fight.

Watching the half-step avenue battle, you can clearly feel the more powerful law fluctuations, which is of great benefit to controlling the law.

Long Feng was also extremely excited at this time.

I didn't expect Young Master Xiaoxian to be so powerful.

Not long after he went out, he attracted two half-step avenues and so many holy masters.

He began to quietly break into the nine god stones, activate the nine-pointed star map, and move the big Samsara god swallowing formation.

The power of the limit of the nine half-step avenues suddenly spread, and the entire Mingsha Jedi has become his dominance.

But Chishuilong and Nether Ghost were fighting fiercely, and they didn't realize that there had been changes in their surroundings.

At this moment, Long Feng was also a little nervous.

Once you turn your face, you will never die.

The big Samsara God Swallowing Formation opened, and the space inside the formation began to fold, blocking everyone's retreat.

Now, Longfeng is sitting on the mountain to watch the tigers fight, and when the two people decide the victory or defeat, it is time for him to take action.

Nether Ghost Lao and Chishuilong fought a hundred moves in an instant, and both of them had already hit the real fire, and Magic Treasures had all their magical powers.


The two hot airframes burst out at the same time, and there was a sudden wave of weather, and the surrounding air revealed a gloomy chill.

The law of ice in the old ghost of the ghost exploded to the limit, and he had begun to gain the upper hand.

Although Chishuilong's law of power is powerful, the difference between the two is too much, a full four percentage points.

After fighting for a long time, I was unable to catch it and gradually struggled.

"Old Netherworld, this dragon is not as knowledgeable as you today. After I get the treasure, I will come to a showdown with you!"

Chishuilong knew that if he continued to fight, it would be more and more unfavorable to him, so he flickered, his figure flashed, and fleeed away.

"Chishuilong child, you stand still, I will kill you today!"

Nether ghosts always have the upper hand, how can they easily let go of the Chishui Dragon, and immediately chase after him.

Neither of them paid much attention to the people watching the theater around them.

A group of ants, if they block them to grab the treasure, they can be killed by turning their hands.

Seeing the two half-steps to leave, many people eating melons also came back to their senses.

Half a step along the road, violent and unparalleled, everyone saw it with horror.

Even the Jiuyin Ghost King was pale with shock.

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