Honghuang: Starting with Emperor Jun Taiyi, Shinto becomes a saint

Chapter 47 Chaos breaks and Pangu is born, laws gather and the treasure emerges

After having a certain understanding of the Dragon Han First Tribulation, Di Jun, who had satisfied his curiosity, began to accept the inheritance from the beginning.

Pull the progress bar of this spiritual enlightenment back to 0:00.

A gray chaotic scene appeared in the 3D screen.

At that time, Pangu was about to be born. In the chaos, there was no up and down, and the six directions were uncertain; there was no coming and going, and time was traceless.

There is a poem to prove it:

Chaos is like a chicken egg,

Huanyuan has no support.

I don’t know where it comes from,

I don’t know where to go.

I don’t know when it started,

the chaos cracked.

The law and the rhyme broke,

Pangu was born in it.

The chaos broke and Pangu was born.

Pangu stood in this ruined chaos, full of law and rhyme fragments.

Perceiving himself, billions of great laws intertwined and combined, running endlessly.

The surrounding law fragments were born from the same source as himself, but they could not be incorporated into himself.

Although he was much more perfect than these fragments, he was still not perfect.

He could even vaguely sense the laws in his body rubbing and colliding in the interweaving, breaking and separating.

Pangu clearly sensed that his physical body was at its peak when it was born, and then weakened little by little.

Although this process was extremely slow, so slow that it could not be felt without deliberate experience.

But this feeling was still unbearable for Pangu.

He couldn't help but start to think wildly:

Where did I come from?

Where am I going?

What should I do?

In this way, time seemed to be passing, but there was no trace of passing.

Space seemed to be changing, but it was impossible to locate the world.

After an unknown period of time, Pangu finally came back to his senses from his wild thoughts.

What he was thinking about just now, but he couldn't remember it anymore, and naturally he didn't dare to think about it again.

Seeing the fragments of the laws around him, he thought about gathering the closer fragments together.

Do it as soon as you say it, so as not to forget it later.

He wandered in the chaos, collecting fragments of the laws.

Then he arranged and combined these fragments like stacking blocks and kneading dolls.

Somehow, a strange-looking thing was molded out.

Pangu looked at the thing he created, his heart moved freely, his mouth spoke for his heart.

He actually opened his mouth and spoke, and naturally called out a word since his birth - [lian].

Maybe it was not long after he was born, and his speech was not fluent yet, so he could not tell whether it was "lian" or "lian".

Whether it was clear or not, it was the first word in the chaos!

When the word was called out, thunder roared, and the chaos shook.

Let's just think it was "lian" for the time being.

This lotus seemed to have a consciousness and swayed in the chaos.

There is a poem to prove it:

A lotus stem stands in the center,

splitting the chaos into two sides.

The stem supports the calyx and is divided into five pieces,

each stretching out to protect one side.

The lotus has thirty-six petals,

stacked up like a book.

There are bright dewdrops on the petals,

which are countless stars.

The yellow and thin stamens stand with their heads down,

and the male and female are entangled in love with the west.

A lotus pod stood in the center,

creating the universe and carrying yin and yang.

Five lotus seeds half covered the face,

a large and four small towns in the center.

Seven lotus leaves came out of the chaos,

the ten great spiritual roots gathered in the wild.

Pangu approached and looked carefully from bottom to top.

I saw the white jade lotus node at the bottom swelled, with a deep hole in it.

Counting carefully, it seemed that there were seven channels and nine.

Against the backdrop of the white jade lotus roots around, the hole looked even deeper and darker.

There seemed to be a great suction force in it, almost sucking Pangu's consciousness into it.

Pangu blinked, shook his head, retracted his sight, stopped counting, and continued to look up.

The straight lotus stem seemed round and square.

Many thorns of different sizes grew on the surface of this round and square lotus stem.

One by one, they stood on the lotus stem, pointing their swords at the four directions of chaos.

On the lotus stem, there was a green lotus flower.

This lotus can be divided into five layers from bottom to top and from outside to inside:

The sepals are quite tough as a support,

The lotus petals are stacked like a book.

The stamens bow their heads like monks,

The lotus pod is round and not square.

There are five lotus seeds inside,

one large and four small, emitting spiritual light.

The calyx is divided into five parts, stretching out like a triangular flag, standing in five directions.

It is obviously a thin layer, seemingly crystal clear, but upon closer inspection, it feels inexplicably heavy.

If it stands behind you and draped over your shoulders, it seems to be extremely tough and unbreakable.

Look at the petals again, there are inscriptions of the Great Dao engraved on them.

It looks like a picture, like words, and the petals are connected, like the leaves of a book turning, like a notice spread out.

There are crystal round beads on each petal.

Looking closely, there is only one large one, and many small and medium ones.

Born at the peak, Pangu, who was as innocent as a child and had not been tempered by nine years of compulsory education, could not even distinguish between seven and nine, so he naturally would not count them carefully.

It took him a long time to separate the largest round bead on each of the thirty-six petals and add them together to get the total number of the thirty-six beads.

Counting was not an easy task for Pangu.

The five petals of the calyx spread out in five directions and supported the center inward.

The thirty-six petals were stacked up layer by layer, forming a platform.

Although the petals were not as tough and thick as the calyx, the petals were interlaced and seemed sparse but dense, and it was difficult for a needle tip to penetrate.

If you stand in the lotus petals, on the flower platform, surrounded by layers of stacks and guarded by the lotus petals and flower platform, it is really hard to be injured by a knife and an axe, and it is as solid as a rock.

Among the petals, the pale yellow stamens that are difficult to distinguish between male and female are protected.

Look at the clusters of stamens, which are tall and thin, with curved stems and low stamen heads. They really look like a group of monks bending down and bowing their heads, walking for alms.

Among the stamens, the two tallest stamens were intertwined and intertwined, and the stems of the stamens were so close that they couldn't tell each other apart.

On top of the stamen stems that are embracing and fused, the two stamen heads are separated.

Compared with other stamens, they are much larger.

The round pollen grains on the top of the pistil head are densely packed together, like a bun on the head of a Buddha, which is really beautiful.

No matter how Pangu rotated the green lotus, the two largest stamens always stood with their heads facing one side.

In this chaos, it is clear that the direction is unclear and the heaven and earth are uncertain, but the two stamens are in the same direction, which is commendable.

Between the stamens, there is a huge lotus pod, standing in the sky.

The surrounding law fragments shuttle in and out from the holes. As they come in and out, the law fragments seem to be connected one after another, and they are restoring to their original state.

Pangu looked carefully and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Good fortune, good fortune!

Among the many holes on the lotus pod, there are one large, four small and five small lotus seeds inlaid.

Pangu glanced at it and didn't notice the four small ones at all.

A pair of tiger eyes stared straight at the round and towering largest lotus seed, dazed and lost in thought.

Although Pangu's body and limbs did not move, his soul had already penetrated out of his body.

The body of the soul that carries consciousness actually reached out and gently touched the large lotus seed.

The look of intoxication is beyond words.

What kind of magic is there in this large lotus seed that can make Pangu, who is close to the realm of the avenue of chaos, so intoxicated and unable to control himself?

There is a limerick that can answer questions:

Chaos and loneliness gave birth to Pangu,

Pangu pinched Qinglian out of boredom.

There is a lotus pod inside the green lotus flower,

The lotus pod and the tripod stand up to create good fortune.

The laws of creation nurture lotus seeds,

The round lotus seeds confuse the soul.

The Yuan Shen divides into three parts,

Sanqing Fenlian is one family.

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