Jia Hong looked up again。

Above the palace, rubble exploded。

On the ground, the Empress Dowager was hit by cannonballs and rocks, and she was smashed into minced meat.。

Jia Hong's brows jumped at the sight.。。

If it weren't for his extraordinary skills and reflexes, he would have been disabled even if he didn't die!

Seeing Jia Yuanchun looking around, Jia Hong stretched out his hand to block her eyes, "Don't look. I'm going with Emperor Daxing."。”

Then, Jia Hong hurriedly pulled her up and heard people outside the palace shouting.。

“bang bang bang——”

There was another crackling sound of muskets.。

“Not good! "Jia Hong was shocked.。

With no time to worry about who is so bold, Jia Hong hugs Jia Yuanchun。

After running away quickly, he kicked open the window and flew out。

Stepping on the red wall in a few steps, he jumped to the roof of the palace。

He doesn't want to care about anything now! I don't care who wants to take the throne!

How bold it was to bombard the palace! My mother’s life is at stake!

Anyway, go back to Anguo Mansion first. Who has nothing to do to attack Anguo Mansion?

At least the Jingwei battalion patrols and dead soldiers are here, so it's safer than this palace.。

“assassin! quick! Beat it down!”

“bang bang bang——”

When Jia Hong glanced at the foot of the palace, everyone was stunned!

Worri, Luan Yiwei actually regarded him as an assassin!

Jia Hong cursed in his heart and hurriedly wrapped Jia Yuanchun tightly.。

His leg muscles exerted force, and he suddenly flew ten meters away.。

After the two of them flew out of the palace, they landed on the top of a large hall.。

In this way, we got rid of those blind Luan Yiwei。


“elder sister! lighter! neck!”

“You want to strangle me to death! I'm going, I'm going。”

Jia Hong choked his neck and almost wanted to execute Jia Yuanchun on the spot.。

Jia Yuanchun's expression froze when he heard this, and a blush suddenly appeared on his pale face.。

“I'm sorry, sir... I'm just afraid。”

After just such a short while, Jia Yuanchun also knew that whether he could survive now all depended on Jia Hong.。

She hurriedly asked: "Sir, what should we do now?”

Jia Hong shook his head, "Don't pinch me, just hug me tightly."。”

“oh……”Jia Yuanchun's face suddenly turned red and he didn't dare to ask any more questions.。

I thought again, luckily I still have the younger brother from the next door house.……

At this time, Jia Hong stopped and looked into the distance。

I saw several artillery pieces set up in the distance of the palace, and I guess they were the Fourteenth Master’s blue lion flag.。

Two rows of Blue Lion infantry lined up with shields erected in front of them。

The infantrymen fired volleys of muskets and arrows, and the Luan Yi guards were firing continuously.。

There were phalanxes and cavalry cruising everywhere in front of the palace, but Luan Yiwei blocked several important roads, and for a while the Blue Lion Army was unable to get in.。

“I guess it was planned in advance! I'm afraid that the Luan Yi guards at the palace gate will be cleared, otherwise how could they get in?”

Jia Hong thought to himself that Emperor Jianlong was too negligent.。

The Fourteenth Master is good at literature and martial arts, and he also has military power. How can he die without first clearing the way for the new emperor?

But thinking about it again, Jia Hong understood。

The war in the northwest has just stopped, and the Fourteenth Master is so accomplished that he can't be in a hurry even if he wants to cut it.。

Things are being done in a hurry, who would have thought it would turn out to be the other way around?

Moreover, having just received Qi Yang Pills last year, Old Man Zhen must have never thought that he would belch so quickly.……

In addition, there are tens of thousands of garrison troops on the front line of Gyeonggi Province. Someone is really coming to attack the imperial city from the inside. If you delay for a moment, you will basically die.。

Jia Hong shook his head when he saw it, and quickly ran away with his footsteps.。

“Bang bang——”

But when he landed between a palace, he heard a gunshot blast behind him。

“Hiss—fuck me!”

Jia Hong suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and a heartbreaking pain hit him. He was shot in the back and was severely burned.。

“Boo hoo hoo——”

Suddenly, he saw Luan Yiwei, a team of 20 people, firing a volley of sharp arrows from the left and right!

Jia Hong's nerves were tense and he dodged one after another. However, he had to worry about Jia Yuanchun in his hand, and his calf was suddenly hit by an arrow.。

“Luan Yiwei and I are not done yet!”

Jia Hong cursed for a while and didn't care about fighting back. He just ran away.。

The ripples under my feet took a slight step and I took a few steps to fly over the eaves and walls before leaping to the palace.。

The two then landed on the top of a large hall, and there were no more Luan Yiwei to disturb them.。


Jia Hong was so painful that he hit the green tiles on the roof. Even if his body had been strengthened, he wouldn't have been able to withstand such a beating!

If it were military armor, it would be able to protect it.。

After all, the Wu Dynasty army was equipped with smooth-bore matchlock guns, which were not powerful enough to penetrate the steel plate at a distance.。

But fortunately, he still wore Qin Keqing's soft armor. The shot in the back was probably a burn and blunt injury.。

Seeing Jia Hong gasping for breath, Jia Yuanchun was so frightened that he started crying.。

“younger brother! It's okay, brother!”

Jia Hong waved his hand, "No problem.。”

After that, Jia Hong stretched out his legs with difficulty。

He has added some resilience attributes, so this injury is not serious for him.。

Seeing that the arrow in his calf penetrated the muscle directly, Jia Hong tore a piece of cloth and stuffed it into his mouth。

He exerted force in his hand, and after a roar, he took out the arrow shaft, bandaged his calf with a cloth, and then took out a Qi Yang Pill and swallowed it.。

But after all, the pain was severe, and the imperial city was so big. Jia Hong was already very tired after carrying Jia Yuanchun all the way.。

Jia Yuanchun's heart trembled when he saw it, and he didn't care about the defense between men and women. Instead, he hugged Jia Hong and lay in his arms, wiping his sweat at the same time.。

“Good brother, if the two of you can't get out, just leave. do not do that!”

Seeing her crying so hard, Jia Hong felt that it would be nice to lie down in this gentle countryside. What are you going to do next?

He pursed his lips and smiled: "Stop crying, good sister. It's okay for now. If you can't escape, hide here."。”

“When the troops who hid in Gyeonggi garrison came, they would naturally stop.。”

“OK, listen to you. "Jia Yuanchun wiped his eyes quickly and regained some composure.。

But, not even a moment after I finished saying this。

Several rounds of artillery fire hit the Blue Lion's infantry square, and Jia Hong saw a team of hundreds of people coming from the palace gate in the distance - it was the third master's men again.。

“Master Fourteen lit a powder keg! "Jia Hong was inevitably worried about the safety of Anguo Mansion, fearing that the battle in the imperial city would spread to the outside world.。

At this time, he accidentally glanced sideways and saw that he had hammered a hole in the roof just now... and there was a dead man lying underneath.。


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