Jia Hong looked at Emperor Jianlong below.。

He had a bold idea in his mind。

Although Emperor Jianlong was saved with the Soul-Reviving Pill, the situation of the bombardment of the palace could not be changed.。

But does saving a person who should have returned to the West count as being cut off by the system?

When using the soul-reviving pill to save Qin Keqing, Jia Hong didn't give any hint。

But how talented was Qin Keqing, and how old was Emperor Jianlong?

Obviously, Zhen Yan is the kind of person who has exhausted his lifespan and is now completely dead.。

Moreover, a soul-reviving pill saved Emperor Jianlong, even if it failed to cut off the beard, Jia Hong would still benefit from it.。

For example - a great emperor who has great trust in him? The premise is that the battle in the palace can end smoothly。

Although Jia Hong and Zhen Xie had nothing to do with each other, the new emperor did not want to see his old ministers. This was a tradition from ancient times.。

For Jia Hong, Emperor Jianlong left too suddenly. Even if we give him another three to five years to develop, that would be great!

Jia Hong may not really want to rebel, but he definitely does not want the ending of "if the king wants his minister to die, he must die". There is no possibility at all!

Immediately, Jia Hong opened the system description。

After confirmation, Jia Hong made a prompt decision - save!

He trusted Emperor Jianlong more than the new emperor!

In other words, he believed in the old man’s true character and that Zhen Yan would be fine as the emperor!

If you include the Hu-cutting rewards, it will be even more profitable!

As for Zhen Xie becoming emperor? Let’s talk about that later!

At this time, Jia Hong looked around the Zichen Hall。

Perhaps the prince who had seized power and usurped the throne had not come in yet, or perhaps it was taken due to the remaining power of Emperor Daxing.……

No one around, quiet and peaceful。

Even the main hall exudes an eerie aura.。

Jia Yuanchun only glanced through the hole, feeling sad and did not dare to look more.。


Unexpectedly, Jia Hong got up and picked her up again, and even hid in the hall!

Jia Yuanchun was so frightened that he lay in Jia Hong's arms, trembling.。

Jia Hong endured the pain in his leg and came to the palace, then walked around to the back of the palace.。

The magic weapons inside were scattered in all directions. Apparently they were knocked over when the eunuchs and palace maids ran away due to the sound of cannons just now.。

Seeing that Jia Yuanchun was afraid, Jia Hong put her down and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, sister."。”

He asked again: "When did Emperor Daxing die?”

Jia Yuanchun took a breath and said weakly: "This morning, about two hours ago。”

She pulled Jia Hong's clothes and said, "Brother, do we want to hide here?”

Jia Hong shook his head, half-bent, lowered his head and looked straight at Jia Yuanchun。

He said seriously: "Sister, I need you to keep the things I will do a secret."。”

Jia Yuanchun looked into Jia Hong's deep eyes and felt that his face was too close. He suddenly panicked and wrung his fingers behind his back.。


After the reminder, Jia Hong walked straight towards the body of Emperor Jianlong。

Judging from the time of Emperor Jianlong's death, it has almost exceeded the effective time of the soul-reviving pill.。

But now that the time has come, he still tries to take a gamble。

Jia Hong picked up two candles from the ground, pried open Zhen Yan's mouth, took out the cicada jade, retrieved the soul pill and stuffed it into his mouth.。

After a while, Jia Hong listened to the voice and felt the pulse again, but saw that the old man didn't respond at all.。

He used a candle to pry open the dead old man's mouth again, and when he took a closer look, he found that all the soul-reviving pills had melted.。

“After all, if you steal the chicken, you will lose the rice? Could it have been more than two hours? "Jia Hong rubbed his chin.。

After thinking about it, Jia Hong decided to guard a wave of corpses before talking. Lest Zhen Yan suddenly come to life and pick peaches for someone else。

In addition, there were still gunshots all around, and he was still injured on his leg, so it wouldn't hurt to wait for him to recover. If you are in a bad situation, it will be more than worth the loss if you kill someone while escaping.。

As for his family, he also believed in his Yulin Army for a while. He was extremely brave on the battlefield in Huozhou, so it was no problem to defend his home safely.。

So Jia Hong took Jia Yuanchun and found a hidden corner behind the palace to sit down.。

Suddenly my eyelids felt heavy again and I wanted to fall asleep……

Jia Yuanchun was panicked and frightened, so he sat close and shouted, "Brother, are you not feeling well?”

After she mentioned it like this, Jia Hong couldn't help but trembled in his heart - maybe it was a poisonous arrow that hit his leg?

Jia Hong took out a Qi-nourishing Pill and a Soul-Reviving Pill, handed them to Jia Yuanchun and said: "Sister, take it. I'll find a place to lie down for a while. If there is any movement, pull me up.。”

“I don't know if it was poisoning or blood loss. If I really can't do it, feed me the white one first. If I suddenly die, feed me the black one.。”

Jia Hong thought for a moment, "Well - it's best, it's best to feed it with your mouth! Seriously, I don't want to take advantage of you.。”

Jia Yuanchun is about to cry again, why should he be so worried!

It's crackling outside. Do you want to take a nap? And joking with her!

“Brother, how can I sleep like this! Jia Yuanchun said nervously: "What if someone comes to the rear?" What should I do if I can’t wake you up?”

Jia Hong looked around and saw a large coffin of nanmu wood with a golden silk mouth placed in the back.。

“Okay - I'll sleep over there. No one would think there is someone there, right?。”

“……Sleeping in Zi Palace? "Jia Yuanchun was stunned for a while, what about her, what about her!

Seeing Jia Hongzhen lift the coffin board and go in, Jia Yuanchun glanced sideways at Emperor Jianlong and suddenly felt horrified.。

She shouted dissatisfied: "Brother, don't do this! I, I will hide in there too!”

Jia Hong's mouth opened slightly, as if it was inappropriate to leave her behind, so he could only say: "Okay then.——”

He gave Jia Yuanchun a hand, and the two of them lay down in the Zi Palace. He reached out and pulled the upper cover, leaving only half a gap.。

But even if this is the emperor's coffin, it's only big enough for one person to lie on it, so it's inevitably... a bit crowded.。

Jia Hong lay down and closed his eyes. Although he wanted to rest, he still remained conscious and alert.。

He is always on the march, and there are occasional emergencies, but this is nothing to him.。

After a while, my body felt cold and I was shivering violently.。

Jia Yuanchun was scared at first, but seeing Jia Hong's body shaking and dazed, she also panicked。

Not caring too much, she hugged Jia Hong tightly. Seeing that he was getting worse...she gave him a white pill.。

Jia Hong laughed in his heart, thinking that this sister is easy to deceive.。

He could take the Qi-nourishing Pill first, but he was afraid of something unexpected happening, so he left the Soul-Reviving Pill in her hand.。

He nestled in the gentle countryside and said: "My good sister, I'm going to die."。”

Jia Yuanchun was panicked and said hurriedly: "What should I do? Can I give you the black pill?”

“Hey, no, I'm so happy. Jia Hong grinned and said, "Just give it a kiss. Save the medicine in case you die."。”

Jia Yuanchun saw him raise his head and heard his rogue words. He was stunned at first, and then his face turned red.。

She said angrily: "You little bastard, how long have you been making fun of me? Don't you know that I am a female officer, and teasing me is a serious sin!”

“Hahaha——”Jia Hong secretly pecked her and hugged Jia Yuanchun comfortably.。

“If you dare to lie down in the palace of Emperor Daxing, what does it mean to make fun of you?”

Jia Yuanchun stroked the back of his head and couldn't help laughing, thinking that he was really a bold brother!

Just a moment later, the Qi-nourishing pills Jia Hong took gradually took effect. He soon felt that the toxic effects were slowly fading away, and his body was no longer seriously injured.。

“Cough cough cough cough——”

At this time, a violent cough suddenly came from outside Zi Palace.。

Jia Hong was overjoyed, the dead old man was alive?


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