“Ding! Successfully cast Hu Zhen!”

“Bonus attribute points*12!”

“Reward factory flower: Yuhuatian Card!”

“Reward Yulin Cavalry Card*200!”

“Reward Yulin Elite Card*1000!”

Jia Hong raised his head slightly and looked at the light screen with his brows twitching.。

There was a burst of ecstasy in his heart, this wave of rewards was a bit big!

As expected, Zhen Yan was saved and his trajectory changed drastically.。

He doesn't talk too much, and adds attribute points to recovery, endurance and poison resistance.。

These attributes are urgently needed now and will be of great use in the future!

After adding the points, Jia Hong suddenly felt relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.。

As for the factory flower card, it is similar to the dead soldier, in that it directly summons characters. The key is that the characters are great!

Not to mention cavalry cards and elite soldier cards, this number directly fills up the Anfu Army's 1,500 people.。

Jia Hong was really happy with this wave of rewards and couldn't help but grin.。


At this time, Jia Yuanchun obviously misunderstood。

She looked at Jia Hong and smiled, his eyes flickering, and his face seemed to be flying. She suddenly felt that this little bastard was too shameless!

It was hard to say harsh words, so she had to rub his head and shout softly: "Brother, is there someone coughing outside?”

Jia Hong came to his senses, Hu Du had been cut off, so he might as well let the old man lie down for a while.。

“ah? no! My sister heard wrong. Just hold me and lie down for a while, I'll be fine soon。”

Perhaps it was because Jia Yuanchun was somewhat similar to his mother Chen Yun, and was five or six years older than Jia Hong, so he had a generous and virtuous temperament. Jia Hong really regarded her as his sister and couldn't help asking for her love.。

“Um. Maybe I'm too worried. "Jia Yuanchun bit his lip slightly and had to give up for the time being.。

At this time, Jia Yuanchun was also troubled for a while. Even though she is only a female official, she has been in the palace for many years, and she is fully aware of her destiny and the needs of the Rong Mansion.。

Usually, the people she comes into contact with are either women and children, or they are not men.。

On one of the few occasions, just over a month before the death of Emperor Daxing, Jia Yuanchun asked Emperor Jianlong to summon him to record documents so that they could be left to Jia Hong.。

But after all, his life was saved by Jia Hong. After sighing slightly, Jia Yuanchun no longer paid attention to any palace etiquette.。

She caressed her brother's head indulgently, fearing that he would feel cold, so she hugged him tighter.。

After a while。

“Water - water - cough cough cough——”

Jia Yuanchun felt horrified in his heart。

Sleeping in the emperor's palace, and then getting close to men outside the palace - how disrespectful!

She was so frightened that she thought that the ghost of Emperor Jianlong was coming to kill them both!

Although, Jia Yuanchun felt that it was good to be a short-lived mandarin duck, at least he died after tasting the feeling of deep love.。

But thinking about Jia Hong having a wife at home, he felt extremely ashamed and felt a little selfish.。

Even so, she still instinctively hugged Jia Hong tightly and shouted with a guilty conscience: "Brother! There really is a voice! It's...Emperor Daxing……”

“Hahaha——”Jia Hong couldn't help but grin. Thinking about it, for Jia Yuanchun, everything that happened at this time was undoubtedly like a horror movie.。

“Don't be afraid, I'm here. The emperor is alive。”


After saying that, Jia Hong pushed Zi Gong away and stood up, leading Jia Yuanchun out.。

Jia Yuanchun timidly took Jia Hong's arm and walked with him to the side of the emperor who had pretended to be dead.。

At this time, Zhen Yan felt that his chest was stuffy and his breath was thick. After coughing violently, he saw two figures with blurred eyes.。

Suddenly, a stream of sweet rain entered his throat, making his whole body feel rejuvenated!

“What kind of fairy spring are you giving me to drink?”

Jia Hong was stunned when he heard the sound, shook his head and said with a smile: "Back to the emperor, it's just ordinary water."。”

And it was half a pot picked up from the ground.……

Zhen Yan slowly opened his eyes and saw Jia Hong and Jia Yuanchun, "Ai Qing? Why are you in the palace?"”

“This again? "Zhen Yan looked around at the funeral gifts, and then caught a glimpse of his own portrait, with a look of astonishment on his face.。

Jia Hong briefly explained the situation to Zhen Yan。

Seeing the old emperor's confused face, he obviously couldn't believe that he had come back from the dead.。

I don’t even want to believe that the princes were dissatisfied with Zhen Xie and rebelled and usurped power.。

But Jia Hong can't control that much anymore。

He stretched his meridian bones and prepared to lead the two of them to evacuate first.。

Although he only rested for less than half an hour, after taking two Qi-nourishing pills and adding some attributes, Jia Hong's health has improved greatly.。

“Your Majesty, there is no time to explain too much.。”

“There are heavy troops stationed in Gyeonggi, but I don’t know when they will arrive, let alone whether the prince will invade.。”

“I'll take you out of here first and make arrangements after you stabilize.。”

“snort! These traitors! "Zhen Yan was so angry that his beard blew.。

“I have ruled the country for sixty years. Since I ascended the throne, I have captured the regent, killed all the kings, captured Mobei, and fought against the tsar!”

“Dozens of personal expeditions during this period! I've never seen anything like this before! This is my palace, why leave!”

“Whoever dares to kill me or rebel, I will skin and tear him apart!”

After all, he was the emperor of the Wu Dynasty. At this time, he was so majestic and murderous that he probably made these sons angry to death.。

But if you can control Jia Yuanchun, how can you coax Jia Hong?

Jia Hong was almost speechless. He pulled the old man and said, "Old ancestor! If you want soldiers, you don't have soldiers, if you want cannons, you don't have cannons!”

“Go out and try to see if Luan Yiwei will treat you as an emperor? It would be fine if the edict was not announced!”

After Zhen Yan became angry, he slowly calmed down.。

The old emperor looked at Jia Hong, suddenly felt moved, and said: "Then why do you think I am the emperor?”

Jia Hong was stunned when he heard this. He did like Zhen Yan as a person, but naturally it was impossible to tell the other Xiao Jiujiu.。

He said: "The old man saw the emperor leaving and cried hard. I want to refine the new elixir, so let's try it during the chaos. The emperor left too suddenly after all.。”

After hearing this, Zhen Yan had mixed feelings, her nose was slightly sour, and she sighed: "I am so lucky to have the help of the fourth generation of An Gong!”

“let's go. It's up to you! "Zhen Yan raised his hand and said。

“excuse me. "Jia Hong cupped his hands and said。

After that, Jia Hong carried Emperor Jianlong behind him。

“Sister, take those curtains and tie them up for the emperor. Just woke up, inevitably weak。”

When Jia Yuanchun heard this, he quickly took off the golden hairpin from his bun and cut off the whole piece of cloth.。

Just like tying up a baby, tie up Emperor Jianlong……

Zhen Yan glanced at Jia Yuanchun。

Last year he heard Jia Hong mention that he gave his wife as a teaching gift to Jia Yuanchun。

Looking at it now, Zhen Yan only thought it was a close relationship between brother and sister. At this moment, Jia Hong rescued Jia Yuanchun in the palace.。

Although he also remembered that Anfu's ancestral home was in Gusu, but Rongfu was in Jinling. The two houses just had the same surname.。

Seeing that Jia Yuanchun was so dedicated, Zhen Yan also took note of the matter.。

When Jia Yuanchun was done, Jia Hong held her in front of him again。

After leaving the Zichen Palace, he saw a silver gun on the ground, so he picked it up for self-defense. He held Jia Yuanchun in one hand, which was not difficult at all.。

Zhen Yan looked away from Jia Hong's back。

There are several troops in the square in front of the main hall, numbering about one or two thousand.。

Occasionally, artillery shells fly together, and the sound of killing is loud.。

Zhen Yan was a little silent when he saw it, and said to himself: The situation is so bad!

“Hahaha——”Zhen Yan laughed freely and said: "Ai Qing is quite as majestic as Zhao Zilong this time, and she actually has the courage to ride on the savior alone!”

Jia Hong shook his head and laughed, saying: "The emperor is calm, but he still makes fun of me. Please sneak away first as a courtesy!"”

After saying that, Jia Hong used Lingbo Microsteps, stepped on the red palace wall repeatedly, and jumped to the eaves of Zichen Palace.。

Zhen Yan was so shocked that he was about to praise him, but unexpectedly he almost bit his tongue.……


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