
At this time, Jia Hong, Jia Yuanchun and Emperor Jianlong were flying around the palaces. If they encountered someone too far away, they would have to land and run quickly.。

But suddenly, just a moment after landing, two cavalrymen came around the corner!

“Bold rebel!”

Since most of the ministers had retreated and evacuated after the burial, the emperor had given the order to kill the rest without mercy.。

Naturally, the cavalry was not polite to Jia Hong. After shouting loudly, he rushed over quickly, brandishing a long sword in his hand!

Jia Hong felt awe in his heart, how could he escape the horse while holding the two of them!

After just one move, he placed Jia Yuanchun in the corner. "Hide, don't move!”

At this time, the cavalry failed to hit the target and turned their horses again to charge.。

In the flash of lightning, the pupils of Zhen Yan behind him dilated. He was about to hit him, and he was horrified!

Jia Hong tapped his foot lightly, flew sideways, and with a move in his hand, the silver spear swam away like a dragon and snake, stabbing straight into a person's head!

For a moment, blood spattered everywhere, and Jia Hong spun around.。

After he shouted loudly, he waved his gun and threw the cavalry off his horse, killing him on the spot!

Zhen Yan felt that the world was spinning before her eyes, and her heart was filled with joy instead of worry.。

However, another rider came from behind with such force that the knife was almost smeared on Zhen's face!

It's going to hit, it's going to hit! Before Zhen Yan could curse, Jia Hong turned around and said, "Ding——”

The knife hit the tip of the spear, and Zhen Yan's teeth ached for a while, and she felt sad in her heart. She secretly thought that her mother is so brave!

At this time, Zhen Yan didn't know where Jia Hong got the long bow from. He pulled the full moon and shot an arrow, which penetrated the helmet directly!

Unrivaled in martial prowess! Zhen Yan thought of。

After all, if four or five infantrymen can pick off a cavalryman, this is already a profit on the battlefield. Otherwise, the horse can eat the food and grass of three or four people, so what's the point?

Musket? If you shoot two shots in one minute, the fight just now is of no use!

Zhen Yan felt so refreshed all over his body, as if he had killed the person!

Full of praise, but in the end it turned into a blinding retching.……

“Vomit cough cough——”


Jia Hong glanced sideways and thought to himself: Fortunately, Zhen Yan only drank a little "Xianquan" just now.”。

Immediately, Jia Hong picked up Jia Yuanchun again and flew towards the west.。

In less than half a moment, he led the two of them to the palace wall。

As soon as he jumped up, Jia Hong saw soldiers entering the main entrance.。

On the west side of the city where Jia Hong was, there were occasional cavalry patrols in the streets below.。

“The fourth son of the emperor, Zhen Xie, murdered Emperor Jianlong, secretly changed the imperial edict, and usurped the throne!”

“Everyone can punish these traitors!”

“The fourteenth son of the emperor inherited the great rule of the late emperor, and the military army defeated him! Get rid of the traitors!”


After dodging a group of cavalry, Jia Hong jumped off the wall and hurriedly jumped toward the rooftops outside the imperial city.。

Such words of crusade can be heard everywhere in the streets of the West。

But this place is not under the jurisdiction of Jia Hongjing Guard Camp, but under the jurisdiction of Jiumen Admiral Xiacheng Guard Camp!

Hearing this, Zhen Yan said in a deep voice: "My dear, it seems that there are also traitorous members of the Nine Sects!”

“I originally ordered him to lead five thousand elite troops to Shaanxi and Gansu, but I didn't expect that my body could not support it.。”

Jia Hong nodded lightly when he heard the words, which made it clearer.。

The Fourteenth Master led the troops to Shaanxi and Gansu, but Emperor Jianlong died on the way.。

Due to the sudden incident, the emperor who inherited the throne had not yet regained the military power, so the Fourteenth Master came directly to kill him.。

But being able to enter the capital so smoothly instead of being stationed on the outskirts of the city, Admiral Jiumen is probably "indispensable"”。

Jia Hong rushed all the way, his expression becoming more solemn, "Your Majesty, if Jiumen wants to be tough, I'm afraid it will not be easy for the troops garrisoned in Gyeonggi to break in."。”

Zhen Yan said again: "I love you, why don't you spread my news!”

“The current admiral is just taking advantage of my absence to command the city gate guards to do evil!”

“Since I am the commander-in-chief of the three divisions, even if I don’t have the military orders, how can I disobey the orders of my subordinates who serve as commanders and assistants?”

When Jia Hong heard this, he naturally knew that in the Wu Dynasty's army, military power and command power were separated.。

Including the Anfu Army in his Jingwei Camp, are they also under the command of the Nine Admirals?

However, the actual military power of the Anfu Army is in the hands of Jia Hong, and Jia Hong’s immediate boss is Zhen Yan。

But he still said: "Your Majesty, even so. It is impossible for me to send your Majesty there!"”

“The defense of the Jiumen garrison was heavy, and among them, the counselors and assistant leaders may not have participated in the 'small burial'. If the admiral gives orders, they can only obey orders!”

When Zhen Yan heard this, his expression became slightly serious - could it be that the Nine Gates Forbidden Army was allowed to resist?

If the troops stationed around the capital and the Nine Gates Forbidden Army fight, the scene will be so ugly! Wouldn’t Tianjing City become a rubble field?

At this time, Jia Hong was jumping around in the west of the city, and after a while he arrived in front of Rongning Street.。

However, the sight before him surprised him!

Outside Rongning Street, soldiers from the Nine Gates Tianwei Battalion and City Guards Battalion were attacking.。

Two hundred members of the Anfu Army who were originally patrolling the area were in the street. They occupied two archways on the street and set up "defenses" such as shield formations, Eight Immortals tables, benches, and quilts. They kept shooting bows and arrows, and muskets sounded from time to time!

The remaining four hundred people were scattered in various narrow alleys, and hand-to-hand combat continued!

Without thinking too much, Jia Hong walked around to the side of Ning Mansion, strode across the rooftops, and landed in the street after a short while.。

“His Majesty! I'm afraid that the Jingwei camp did not obey the admiral's command and a war broke out.。”


Jia Hong walked quickly into Rongguo Mansion, only to see that there was no one inside.。

He said to Jia Yuanchun: "Sister, please arrange your majesty's。”


After saying that, Jia Hong hurriedly left the house.。

He arranged this because he was afraid of the unexpected: if Emperor Jianlong died again, don't die in An Mansion!

After leaving, Jia Hong immediately used the factory flower card, and the next moment, Yu Huatian, the governor of the West Factory, appeared in front of him。

He took out his soldier card, which was useless now, and said: "Yuhuatian!”

“The slave is here!”

“He took the military card and entered the Rongguo Mansion and said to His Majesty: I ordered you to protect him.。”

“Yes, Master!”

After making arrangements for Emperor Jianlong, Jia Hong turned around and left, and found Jia Changzhu at a glance.。

“Jia Changzhu! Why is this fighting?。”

Jia Changzhu cupped his hands and said: "Sir! The Tianwei camp came to An Mansion and said they would arrest you and all your relatives!”

“The dead soldiers resisted immediately. When I learned the news, I led people to defend the entire neighborhood to prevent the fighting from spreading to the house!”

“At present, unless the two battalions use artillery bombardment, the Anfu Army can completely resist the front line of the archway and the front line of street fighting!”

Jia Hong touched his forehead when he heard this, "The Fourteenth Master is so awesome!"

Because of the old man, Jia Hong first protected the family and acted as a fence-sitter.。

But when they first arranged two battalions to attack Anfu, they were obviously also afraid of the Anfu army, which was famous in the northwest battlefield.。

The Fourteenth Master probably wanted to capture the thief first, but he didn’t expect the Anfu Army to take action directly!

This is difficult to handle!


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