Jia Hong shook his head, regained his composure, and took out some elite soldier cards.。

“Chang Zhu, take these Yulin elite soldier cards and give them to ordinary soldiers. No one in the Anfu Army is allowed to disclose this matter to the outside world.。”

“Yes, my lord!”

Jia Changzhu was a member of his family who had used cards, so Jia Hong let him do it.。

But under the current situation, it is no problem for six hundred Anfu troops to guard a block, but attacking the palace? No more family? !

At this time, the original number of Luan Yi guards in the palace is estimated to be four to five thousand, because the number of "small coffins" for Emperor Jianlong may increase, but not too many.。

Fourteenth Master's Blue Lion Army of five thousand is entering the palace one after another to kill the emperor.。

The Nine Gates Forbidden Army has ten thousand to fifteen thousand. It is supposed that they will not move but guard the city gate to prevent the tens of thousands of the Nine Division Army stationed around the capital from attacking.。

As for the other princes, Jia Hong ignored them for the time being and was completely unaware of the situation.。

“There is no way to sit on the fence now. The Fourteenth Master is thinking about it. How can he succeed in usurping power? !”

What's more, if the Fourteenth Master can succeed in such a usurpation of power, I'm afraid that the people of the Wu Dynasty will be unstable and the world will be in chaos.。

After all, Emperor Jianlong's death was sudden, otherwise the Fourteenth Master's plan shouldn't have been so reckless.。

Jia Hong kept thinking about it and quickly returned to An's house.。

“Master Hong!”

As soon as they entered Anqing Hall, everyone in the household stood up.。

Jia Hong raised his hand to stop and said: "Your Majesty is in Rongfu now. Our ancestors went over to preside over the discussion and give temporary command."。”

“His Majesty?”

Jia Hong nodded and said, "Well, the old one。”

“this……”Jia He was horrified when he heard this。

But Jia He was also an old general after all. He calmed down after only a moment and still nodded in agreement.。

After Jia Hong swept over them one by one, following the advice of the three stooges, he pointed at Xue Pan and said: "Brother Pan, call for the soldiers who follow you. Call all the men with official titles in Rong Ning's house." The old man。”

“no! There's so much chaos in the streets! "Aunt Xue shouted。

“Mom, of course I want to go! Xue Pan said in a deep voice: "Brother Hong said so, am I not the only one who can impress all the masters?"”

Aunt Xue was not happy to hear this and suddenly started crying and yelling hard.。

“Shut up! Whatever the mess, let him go! "Jia Hongfan said。

With this tremor, Aunt Xue immediately calmed down and did not dare to speak anymore.。

Xue Baochai opened her teeth slightly, and finally just pursed her lips and said: "Brother... two brothers, be careful.。”

“well! Xue Pan said hurriedly: "Mom and sister, don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I go!"”

After Jia Hong nodded, he called Wang Xifeng back to the main room.。

After the two returned to the room, he smiled and said: "You arrange for everyone in the house to come to Anqing Hall to gather together. Several members of the family gather in the same room and invite the maids to play cards and mahjong.。”

“Mr. Hong——Not good! No! "Wang Xifeng cried anxiously.。

Jia Hong kissed her and said seriously: "Okay, no nonsense."。”

After saying that, Jia Hong had no time to think about it. He turned around and went into the house to change his armor and come out.。

Then, he ordered the dead soldiers to shrink into the Anqing Hall to prevent anyone from slipping in when the Anfu army advanced outwards.。

Even though the twenty dead soldiers are powerful, they are scattered around the huge Anguo Mansion, and the defense is weak after all.。

Even if the Tianwei Camp and the City Guard Camp were nothing more than this, Jia Hong did not dare to neglect them at this time.。

“Jia Changlu! Jia Changwei!”

“You two go to Rong Ning's house separately, and all your relatives will come over and arrange them in the south hall.。”

“The servants of the two houses, holding weapons from each house, gathered in the outer courtyard.。”

The two held hands and said: "Yes! Sir!”

Then, Jia Hong rode a horse outside the mansion and ran towards the archway where Jia Changzhu was.。

“Send two cavalry to go back and forth between Rongfu and this place! Report back the discussion status at any time, and the statement of the old man Jia He shall prevail.。”


After Jia Changzhu went to make arrangements, Jia Hong started thinking again.。

Across the street is the Duck Temple. In front of the temple is an inner city river flowing from the west of the city.。

Although the river is not wide, it is quite troublesome to get through it. There are Taiping Bridge and Zhanma Bridge in the north and south.。

After Jia Changzhu returned, Jia Hong did not wait for the temporary command of Rongfu and made a prompt decision to divide the 600 Anfu army into three teams.。

One hundred people were left on each archway on both sides of Rongning Street, relying on defensive lines to hold on. Since the camp did not allocate enough shields, some of the missing shields had to be made up with tables, quilts and other sundries to make do.。

The remaining two teams, Jia Hong and Jia Changzhu, each led one team and advanced the defense line in the north and south directions.。

“A team obeys the order! Array! "Jia Hong mounted his horse and gave orders.。

In the blink of an eye, the team of two hundred people divided into several rows。

“Push forward! "Jia Hong drew out his long knife.。

“Woo! "A soldier on the side blew a trumpet. After the rapid sound, two rows of soldiers advanced sideways along the street!


Two rows of Yulin elites, armed with iron guns, stabbed in an orderly manner!

At this time, there were scattered five or six hundred people from the Tianwei camp, rushing in from South Street!



For a moment, the sound of killing was loud in the spacious street.。

But the formation of the Tianwei battalion was loose, and under the rhythmic thrusts and advances of Yulin's elite soldiers, they couldn't kill him at all!

Half a moment later, the Tianwei battalion retreated one after another due to the morale of the Anfu army!

For no other reason than rushing ahead will lead to death! Who wants to be hard-wired?

Occasionally, dozens of cavalry from the Tianwei battalion attacked, but they were only injured and killed by individual Anfu troops in the front row, but the back row followed closely and filled in.。

In the blink of an eye, the disorganized cavalry rushed in and were instantly swallowed up by more than a hundred elite soldiers in the back row.。


At this time the horn sounded again. “Woo! Woo hoo!”

The Anfu Army's two rear rows of soldiers immediately moved forward, while the front row retreated to the end of the array to rest, either to replenish their wounds or to pick up two wounded soldiers.。

After several rounds of advancement, Jia Hong reined in his horse and the soldiers blowing the trumpet understood.。

Under the setting sun, a trumpet sounded, and the infantry stopped to rest and lined up on both sides of the street, leaving space on the street.。

“cavalry! rush ahead!”

At the end of the spring tide, twenty cavalrymen came out hunting, and the east wind that brought in the night cut through them!

As he was heading toward the Taiping Bridge, Jia Hong saw the commander of the Tianwei camp fleeing. He pinched the horse's belly, and the horse neighed and chased away.。

Jia Hong gave an order and cut off his head with a knife. Then he flicked the blood on the knife and once again led twenty cavalry to chase him!

In an instant, the Heavenly Guard camp faintly collapsed!

The infantry marched slowly, then went to Taiping Bridge to set up shields and brief fortifications, and then sent out each squad of twenty people to surround and kill the defeated Tianwei camp.。

The setting sun was like blood, and all six hundred people were hacked to death.。


“Biography of the Old Master: Attack Zhenli Street and Qizhi Street! Your Majesty will go to meet you!”

Jia Hong was stunned when he heard this. He was no stranger to these two places. In the period, there were four palaces including Zhen Guogong and Li Guogong.。

After thinking about it for a long time, Jia Hong suddenly understood: Emperor Jianlong wanted to personally brush his face, starting with the princes and ministers of nearby prefectures.。

After all, many of the descendants of these princes are also in the military.。

“OK! Send a message back: I understand, attack the nearest Zhenli Street first。”

“Yes, my lord!”

Jia Hong also ordered the cavalry to inform Jia Changzhu and divide his troops to guard Taiping Bridge and Zhanma Bridge.。

Then he only led fifty people and went to Zhenli Street to kill。


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