Inside Zhenli Street。

Since all the Tianwei battalion had been wiped out, there was basically no resistance along the way.。

When Jia Hong led his troops into the Zhenguo Mansion, the whole manor was on alert, and the servants were on guard with weapons.。

Jia Hong was not in a hurry, he just waited patiently.。

After a while, Yuhuatian came carrying Emperor Jianlong on his back.。

“I see your Majesty。”

“Um——”Emperor Jianlong waved his hand and said with a smile: "If you love me, you don't need to be polite."。”

At this time, Niu Jizong, the head of the town, came out timidly.。

Although he inherited the title of his ancestor and is now a first-class uncle, Niu Jizong is not a military attache.。

He shouted again from a distance: "Commander Jia! Why are you charging at my government office!"”

“You, you - who are you! "Niu Jizong pointed at Emperor Jianlong and was horrified.。

“Good on you Jia Hong! How dare you find someone to pretend to be Emperor Daxing?’!”

Seeing that Jia Hong only had a few dozen people, Niu Jizong waved his hand, "Kill these traitors! Dedicate them to the new emperor!"”

However, the people of the Zhenguo Mansion did not move, but the fifty elite soldiers of the Anfu Army rushed into the hundreds of servants like wolves among the sheep.。

Jia Hong cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I think Niu Jizong insults the Holy One and deserves to be killed."。”


Jia Hong got the accurate information and ordered: "Yu Huatian, cut off the head and bring it over."。”


Suddenly, Zhen Yan felt a flash before his eyes, and the next moment, this delicate and handsome man had a head in his hand!

“Guru——”When Zhen Yan saw Yu Huatian's skill, he was frightened and his eyes were filled with tears! This Jia Hong, how could he have so many treasures in his hands!

It's just that the matter is so important at this moment that Zhen Yan doesn't have much time to ask.。

Immediately afterwards, Jia Hong led the troops forward, and Zhen Yan followed Yu Huatian.。

Taking pictures of Niu Jizong’s head and the true face of Emperor Jianlong, the subsequent administration of the country, Qizhi Street, and Repair Street were all smooth and smooth.。

Among them, the current heads of the two Qi Palaces, Chen Ruiwen and Ma Shangde, are both first-class viscounts and third-rank generals. The two of them are also the staff leaders of the Nine Gates Forbidden Army.。

The disciples of the family were horrified when they saw Emperor Jianlong, and immediately sent their horses to the Fuchengmen and Xizhumen in the west of Tianjing.。

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Ruiwen and Ma Shangde, the two counselors, ignored the orders of the nine admirals to stay in place, and each came with two thousand forbidden troops.。

The two city gates on the west side were wide open, leaving only a dozen people to convey news to the Gyeonggi garrison that might arrive.。

After dark, we passed by: Dingcheng Houfu, Xiangyang Houfu, Jingtian Houfu……

Among the several nobles of the Hou Mansion, Xie Xu, the commander of the Tianwei Battalion, Xie Kun, the guerrilla battalion, and Si Qiuliang, the commander of the City Guard Battalion, had already accompanied the soldiers of the two battalions when they attacked Taiping Bridge and Zhanma Bridge, and were all killed by the Anfu army. Got it。


Then they passed through three gates in the south of the city, and finally at Zhengyang Gate, 10,000 forbidden troops gathered。

In this way, most of the soldiers and horses originally commanded by the admiral have been relieved of their military power, and all of them have been put under the control of Emperor Jianlong.。

Seeing this, Jia Hong couldn't help but feel slightly relieved!

“Your Majesty, I believe that General Chen, General Ma and others will lead the troops into the imperial city.。”

“Anfu's army fought for a day, but they were unable to catch up. There are hidden fires and security risks everywhere. Of the three battalions in the city, only the Jingwei battalion is left, and the Jingwei battalion must go to put out the fire and patrol.。”

Hearing this, the generals in charge of both houses thought that this gift was a great contribution!

Especially when they are under the command of the admiral, but they cannot be saved in time, the fact is the fact!

At this time, Jia Hong asked them to lead the troops into the palace. Wouldn't this be a chance to make up for their past mistakes?。

In addition, the five gates of Tianjing are wide open, and the nearby garrisons such as Haiding and Changping can gather their troops at any time. It is only a matter of time before the disputes in the palace are settled!

When Zhen Yan and the generals saw the state of the Anfu Army, they also became aware of it.。

No matter how capable the soldier is, he is not an iron man. Judging from the situation of those who went there first, the Anfu army fought almost all day long!

“Can. Zhen Yan waved his hand and said: "General Chen, General Ma, you two go to the palace to help Luan Yi Wei defeat the rebels!" After pacification, he temporarily obeyed the command of the subsequent emperor.。”

“yes! Yes!”

Subsequently, tens of thousands of forbidden troops stormed in from Zhengyang Gate.。

Zhen Yan followed the Anfu army and retreated to Anguofu first.。

“Dear, I'm tired! Emperor Jianlong took a long breath and said: "You have contributed a lot this time. I will mention it to the next emperor."。”

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile in his heart, he had suffered so much and waited for this to happen!

“Your Majesty is serious! If the Third Division of the Forbidden Army had not obeyed your Majesty's orders, I am afraid this situation would not be the same!”

Emperor Jianlong waved his hand: "Hahaha - no need to be humble! Boy, since when did you become such a person?”

When Jia Hong heard this, he thought that Emperor Jianlong really regarded him as one of his own.。

But thinking about it again, it seems that he was the one who called "ancestor" first?

Emperor Jianlong stroked his beard and said: "If there is no Anfu army, there is no way to kill two battalions of nearly 2,000 people. How can I go to the princes of various countries, and how can I submit to the princes of various countries?”

“The power of the Anfu Army is invincible! I wish I could leave a division in your hands. In this way, within the four seas, is there any place that the Wu Dynasty cannot conquer and conquer?”

At this moment, Zhen Yan seemed to be vomiting out all the words of praise today. Jia Hong could only raise his eyes and said with a smile: "Thanks to your majesty's love, I have an army of one division. I'm afraid I won't be able to train."。”

Are you really going to give Jia Hong 10,000 to 20,000 people? He just thought that Old Man Zhen was farting.。

Zhen Yan shook his head and laughed: "Your sister Jia Yuanchun is also a virtuous and talented person. Today's plan to attack Zhenli Street and Qizhi Street was inspired by her."。”

“Just let her stay in the house for a while, so that you siblings can get together more often.。”

Jia Hong couldn't help but feel happy, you old man can still be a good person!

“Thank you for your grace!”

“OK OK——”Emperor Jianlong waved his hands repeatedly, "Are you tired from beating me? Today is like a stewed melon. It's not as interesting as the last time I saw you."。”

“I will follow you back to Rongfu now. All matters are still being discussed there. I will return to the palace after things are settled.。”

When Jia Hong heard this, he handed over his hand again.。

Then, he ordered Jia Changzhu to lead 300 people back to the Jingwei camp and discharge the fire squad members.。

There are three hundred people left, still guarding Rongning Street to avoid any eventuality.。



After the matter was over, Jia Hong returned to Rongguo Mansion with Emperor Jianlong.。

In the Hall of Rongxi, most of the men with honors and titles from the three houses of the Jia family were present.。

“Your Majesty, I sincerely send you holy greetings!”

“Flat body. "Emperor Jianlong raised his hand and said。

After a while, seeing Zhen Yan and the old man chatting for a long time, Jia Hong excused himself first and took a rest.。

When he returned to Anguo Mansion, he entered the mansion and walked into the outer courtyard.。

“Brother Hong!”

“Master Hong!”

“Uncle Hong!”


Buzzing—hundreds of people shouted in unison, and Jia Hongren was suddenly confused.。

Jia Hong pressed his hand to stop, "Don't be impatient! The servants of Ning Mansion can leave first. If anything happens, we will notify you later. The servants of Rong Mansion will stay here temporarily."。”

“Changlu! Arrange the people here, the people in the kitchen, and start cooking!”

“Changwei! Report back to the Beijing Guard Camp and lead the fire squad to inspect fires everywhere in the city! The local soldiers are not gathered enough, so come to the mansion to find someone to spare.。”

“Yes, my lord!”

After that, Jia Hong walked into the south hall again。

The maids and girls in the first hall were shouting softly, each mouthful becoming sweeter than the last.。

“Brother Hong!”

“Master Hong!”


For a while, they were rustling again, or discussing Jia Hong's handsome face, mighty figure, majestic armor and outfit, and the bloody stains.……

Plus, being in the hall, it’s simply multiple surround sounds, like overwhelming sounds!

“Okay, everyone, be quiet!”

There were so many people that Jia Hong couldn't recognize them all. He pointed at Yuanyang from Rong Mansion and said: "Miss Yuanyang, all the people from Ning Mansion are sent back."。”

Yuanyang's pretty face turned red, and Fu Shen said, "It's Mr. Hong!”

Unexpectedly, the girls in Ning Mansion were not happy。

“Hey - Mr. Hong, we are afraid!”

“Mr. Hong, just leave us alone! Please!”

“We can work and help!”


After being speechless for a while, Jia Hong couldn't bear it anymore and shouted, "Just forget it!"

Maybe they have a mentality that the law should not be blamed, and some girls are not reserved enough to take advantage of the chaos and dare to take advantage of it!

Not only can't he stand it, Jia Hong is also really scared.……

He said aggressively: "Shut up! Anyone who strikes again or acts like a hooligan will be punished by military law!"”

As soon as he shouted, who would have thought, hundreds of girls in the hall would suddenly blush.。

Regardless of what they said, what they touched, or what they thought in their hearts, one or two of them were suddenly ashamed.……

Jia Hong breathed a sigh of relief, "Yuanyang, the people from the Rong Mansion will stay here first. In the east and west courtyards, you can find my mother and Aunt Xue, ask for the stewards, and arrange a room where you can sleep.。”

“Yes, Mr. Hong. "Yuanyang is busy blessing his body and saying。

Having said that, Jia Hong hurriedly left this dangerous place!


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