Passing through the hall, Jia Hong walked back to Anqing Hall from the South Hall。

The whole family, after hearing the maid's announcement in advance, all came to the hall。

“Master Hong!”

“Brother Hong!”


“Hong'er, are you okay? "Old lady Wang said tremblingly。

Jia Hong cupped his hands and said: "Return to our ancestors, don't worry!”

Since all the ladies from Rongning Mansion were there, Jia Hong just nodded in agreement.。

Then he said: "Ladies and gentlemen,。”

“At this moment, the imperial city is still in chaos, but the city is safe for the time being.。”

“But there has been fighting in the streets for a day. Please try not to go out. I will stay in Anguo Mansion recently.。”

Sisters such as Sanchun, Lin Daiyu, Jia Baoyu, etc., as well as their respective maids, were naturally happy to hear this.。


“Brother Hong, I'm hungry!”

“I want to play with Brother Hong!”

Maybe because I'm young, I don't realize how chaotic it is outside, but I feel it's lively。

“Be quiet! Jia Mu said in a deep voice: "How can you be so noisy?"。”

She smiled at Jia Hong and said: "Brother Hong, thank you for your hard work! I asked Yuanyang to make all the arrangements outside.。”

“Thank you ancestor for your concern. Jia Hong said politely: "I have asked the girl to go to the kitchen to do her work."。”

Mrs. Wang smiled and wiped her eyes, pulled Jia Yuanchun and said: "Brother Hong, you are so caring. Without him, I don't know what the girl would do!"”

Jia Hong cupped his hands and said, "Madam, you don't have to be like this. I happened to be meeting the queen at that time, so I naturally wanted to save my sister."。”

“But the emperor will be in Rongfu now, and I have something to talk to her about later.。”

“well! Mrs. Wang smiled hurriedly and said, "Just do your business."。”

Jia Hong nodded and saw Li Wan looking worried, so he smiled at Li Wan。

“Sister Shuang," Jia Hong called Yin Shuang and said, "Take our ancestors and all the ladies from Rong Mansion to stay in the West Courtyard first.。”

“Yes, Mr. Hong. "Yin Shuang Fu Shen Dao。

After saying that, Aunt Xue was also anxious and hurriedly came over and asked: "Brother Hong! Where is my Pan'er!”

“Take it easy, aunt! Jia Hong said with a smile: "Brother Pan is in Rong Mansion now. Since he was the one who notified the masters of each mansion before, he naturally stayed there." everything is fine。”

When Aunt Xue heard this, her worries turned to joy, but Baochai bit her lips slightly and stopped talking.。

Jia Hong didn't want to delay, so he just smiled at Xue Baochai and shouted: "Su'e, take your aunt and Mrs. You of Ning Mansion and go back to the east courtyard to stay first."。”

“Yes, Mr. Hong. "Su'e's blessed body。

With this arrangement, all the people in Anqing Hall dispersed, leaving only the family members of Anfu.。

For a moment, Wang Xifeng saw that everyone had dispersed and couldn't hold it back anymore. When she came, she took Jia Hong's hand.。

“Why is there so much blood but it's hurt? "Wang Xifeng said with slightly red eyes.。

Jia Hong rubbed her head, raised his eyes and smiled: "It's not hurt, don't worry.。”

He led Wang Xifeng again and walked to his mother Chen Yun。

After all, Chen Yun is an elder, so it’s hard to be too intimate at this time, but her eyes are still full of worry.。

“Saw my mother. Jia Hong cupped his hands and said, "Mom, we have a new lady from Rongning Mansion. You and Xiaofeng will still need to take care of the family."。”

Chen Yun took a breath, waved her hands and said, "As long as you're fine. Home is nothing, so just go about your business!"”

After all, he is an elder and knows the priorities. Although the sound of gunfire can no longer be heard in Rongning Street, there must still be chaos in the imperial city.。

When Jia Hong heard this, he saluted again, and then returned to the room with Wang Xifeng.。

After appeasing Qin Keqing and Heping'er, Jia Hong said a few words to Wang Xifeng and Ruizhu, and left all the rest to them.。

The dead men of Yulin were also dispersed from Anqing Hall and patrolled inside and outside the house.。

When Jia Hong came out of the room again, he saw Jia Yuanchun who was still waiting.。

“Brother, can I go with you now?”

At this moment, Jia Hong rubbed his forehead and started thinking about it.。

If it comes to taking care of Emperor Jianlong, only Jia Yuanchun is suitable among the three mansions.。

Although she is a female official, since she is in the palace, she naturally knows how to take care of people.。

Emperor Jianlong would not be unhappy because of this trivial matter。

But that's what he said, but Jia Hong was not happy!

Huh? Yuhuatian! Jia Hong had a flash of inspiration。

He smiled and said: "Yes, I will go with you。”

“You will go over in a while and take care of me in the meeting hall. Except for pouring tea and water and other chores, you don't need to take care of anything else.。”

“I arranged for Yuhuatian to take a few maids and take care of the rest.。”

Jia Yuanchun was stunned when he heard this, "Brother, as for other things, Mr. Yu and the maid...can they take care of it?"”

“oh——”Jia Hong smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this, he comes from a family of eunuchs and understands everything!”

Eunuch... aristocratic family?

Jia Yuanchun couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh, knowing that Jia Hong was talking nonsense.。

After that, Jia Hong took Jia Yuanchun out of An Mansion and walked to Rong Mansion.。

At this time, in Rongning Street, there were already Anfu soldiers and servants carrying lanterns and pushing carts, cleaning corpses, horses, weapons, etc.。

Jia Hong was walking on the street, so he put Jia Yuanchun in the street to prevent her from seeing the tragic situation.。

Fortunately, no one lit the lamps at the gates of the houses, but it was okay even if the lamps were dark.。

But Jia Hong has good eyesight, but Jia Yuanchun can't。

After taking two steps, she timidly tugged on Jia Hong's clothes.。

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile, knowing that today had a big impact on her.。

But after all, it was almost the end at this time, so he would be a "gentleman" for the time being, lest Jia Yuanchun return to the palace and feel burdened.。

At this time, the two passed by the alley between Anguo Mansion and Rongguo Mansion.。

Seeing that Jia Yuanchun seemed to have stopped, Jia Hong also stopped out of curiosity.。

“younger brother……”


“Listen to my sister say a few words?”

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile, "Okay, you say it!”

After hearing this, Jia Yuanchun bit his lip, his heart skipped a beat, and he led Jia Hong into the dark alley.。

“……”Jia Hong was speechless for a while, and thought to himself: Jia Yuanchun might not have been so bold with him all day long, but he would be so bold now!

Jia Yuanchun stroked the cold armor with one hand, and couldn't help but feel in his heart that it would be better to be warm at noon.。

She stood on tiptoes, put her hands on Jia Hong's neck, and exerted a little force。

Jia Hong felt a softness in his mouth for a moment, and sincere feelings arose in his heart.。

But after a while, Jia Yuanchun pushed him away and stood still.。

“Brother, thank you very much today. "Jia Yuanchun said behind his back。

Jia Hong touched his head and said with a smile: "It's already like this, what else can my sister thank me for?"。”

“But how about forgetting about it after today? "Jia Yuanchun said softly。

Jia Hong was stunned for a moment, and before he could think about it, he suddenly felt like he was being imprisoned... It didn't make sense!

“Sister, good sister……”

Jia Yuanchun put his finger on Jia Hong's lips, shook his head and said: "Although I am a female official, I am also a member of the palace."……”

“Although it is beautiful in my heart, it is of no benefit to you or me. I am even more afraid of harming you.。”

“I have returned to the palace. I will neither see you nor should I see you again. What will my brother remember me for?”

Jia Hong understood Jia Yuanchun's thoughts。

But he doesn’t care about that much!

Jia Hong laughed out loud, "The old emperor is really kind to me, he will make arrangements if he is sensible! Don't worry!”

“What's more, I can fly to the palace today, but not tomorrow?”

He lowered his head and pressed it against Jia Yuanchun's forehead, "If you ask me to forget, then you are not saying this to yourself? But can you forget it?"”

“No matter whether you can leave the palace or not, I will go to the Heavenly Palace! Do you care whether you can harm me or not?”

Jia Yuanchun's heart door couldn't hold on any longer and was immediately knocked open.。

He wanted to say why he didn't worry about his wife at home, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them in the end.。

She pursed her lips and said: "Brother, don't do this!”

“I won’t say it! But you must not act recklessly! Don’t fly to the palace... What should I do if something happens?”

Jia Hong couldn't help but grin, "Okay, okay - I'll find a way! Don't mess around。”

“Let's go to Rongguo Mansion first。”

When Jia Yuanchun heard this, his heart softened and he followed Jia Hong out of the alley.。


ps: Thanks to [Ye Zishang] for the tip! Thank you readers for your support! Please order the complete order and customize it!

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