Jia Hong walks on Rongning Street。

But I was thinking about how to mention Jia Yuanchun to Emperor Jianlong.。

Although, Zhen Yan must have noticed that the relationship between the two was unusual.。

But the emperor gave it to him, and Jia Hong asked for it. These are completely different things.。

After all, as Jia Yuanchun said, she is from the palace。

After thinking about it, Jia Hong decided to give Emperor Jianlong a little more innuendo.。

I was praying silently in my heart, hoping that Ping'er was pregnant with a daughter.……

In this case, regardless of Jia He or Emperor Jianlong, these old men should be even more anxious!

After a while, Jia Hong and Jia Yuanchun came to Rong Mansion。

People came and went inside, and after the area under the jurisdiction of the Jingwei camp was settled, all the princes and ministers came to。

Some just paid their respects and expressed their loyalty, while others stayed and entered the temporary meeting hall of Rongxi Hall.。

From time to time, messengers from the imperial army and local soldiers came to follow up on the combat situation in the palace.。

Walking outside the Hall of Rongxi, Jia Hong saw Yuhuatian。

“The slave has seen his master。”

“No need. Jia Hong waved his hand and said, "Go back to An Mansion and order some maids and servants." Preside over the emperor's daily life in Rongfu。”

“Yes, Master!”

After receiving the order, Yuhuatian immediately went to An Mansion。

Jia Hong took Jia Yuanchun into the Hall of Rongxi, and there were many heads inside.。


“The four gates of the palace have been occupied by rebels!”

“In addition to the besiegers, generals Chen and Ma, each leading a team of 2,000 men, are fighting on the city with ladders on the sky and the earth!”


“Looking from the high platform of Shuangta Temple and Great Buddha Temple: A fire broke out in the Qinglong Hall outside the East Palace, and the sound of cannons continued! It was dark at night and it was impossible to recognize the situation inside the palace!”


“The hundred-man team that entered the White Tiger Palace from the secret passage outside the city encountered the enemy! After the enemy retreated through the exit, they were showered with oil, fire, and water, and refused to be blocked by shields and boards. Currently, they are unable to enter the palace to communicate!”


“His Majesty! I thought that at this time the rebels were already in danger! Just wait for the four gates of Tianjing to remove the military power of the nine admirals! Once the two generals land in the imperial city, it is only a matter of time before the rebels are killed!”

“The problem is the cannon fire in the East Palace! It may be that the rebels are trying to break the boat, and they are gathering their strength to break into it!”

Emperor Jianlong looked solemn after hearing this.。

After coming back to life this time, since the edict has been issued, he naturally becomes Jun Wuxiyan。

In addition, he was satisfied with the successor emperor Zhen Xie, and Zhen Yan also made plans to become the supreme emperor.。

He was still quite nervous about the war in the East Palace.。

At this time, Jia He cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I think that the west gate of the palace is the weakest, so hit it with artillery and fight quickly!”

A courtier said: "Old Minister Jia, the firearms camp has been emptied by the rebels a long time ago, and there is not much left!”

Jia He said again: "Tianjing Five Gates, unload the city gate artillery. Although it is troublesome, it is still a way. The city gate has logistical backup, and it is impossible not to have gunpowder projectiles.。”


“Fire in Tianjing City……”

Emperor Jianlong was thinking, but after hearing countless reports, his heart was in a mess.。

He looked up and saw Jia Hong and Jia Yuanchun arriving, and he was overjoyed。

“Jia Yuanchun!”

“The slave is here。”

“Based on what you just did, all reports should be recorded and summarized in a unified manner! outline the key points。”


Jia Hong couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, but saw Jia Yuanchun slyly leaving, walked to an Eight Immortals table and sat down。

Then the order was sent to report, and all were stopped except for Jia Yuanchun.。

The brush in Jia Yuanchun's hand was flying, and he wrote again and again on the paper without stopping.。

Although there was an endless stream of people coming, Jia Yuanchun was still very orderly, recording documents of major and minor matters, and everything was covered with ease.。

Jia Hong couldn't help laughing when he saw this. Just now, he ordered Jia Yuanchun to pour tea and water?

Thinking about it again, it turns out that when Emperor Jianlong praised Jia Yuanchun for being virtuous and virtuous, his words were really not polite words!

At this time, Rongxi Hall was suddenly divided into several areas.。

Jia Zheng saw that his daughter was busy with work, so he took care of her and distributed news about different soldiers.。

Although Jia Jing, Jia Zhen, Jia Lian, etc. usually ignore business, they are also busy around Jia Zheng, sorting items into categories, making lists of items, and correcting errors and omissions.。

Emperor Jianlong had no other chores to worry about, so he made a decisive decision, "Send in the imperial army! Divide 500 city gate cannons and bombard the west gate of the imperial city!"”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The whole room was so busy that Jia Hong became idle and simply handed Jia Yuanchun ink and paper.。

Seeing her being so serious, Jia Hong's thoughts began to wander, and he couldn't help but admire and like her even more.。

“Xu Guang, a guerrilla from the city guard camp, has met the commander!”

“Qian, Commander-in-Chief of the Tianwei Camp, met the Commander-in-Chief this past morning!”

Jia Hong studied ink in his hand and said, "Is something wrong?”

“Your Majesty orders the two of us to temporarily obey the orders of the Commander-in-Chief! Assist the Jingwei Battalion to ensure public security and fire control missions throughout the city!”

Jia Hong thought about it, not to mention the soldiers of the other two battalions, even the officers were killed by the Anfu army.。

He ordered: "Reorganize the remaining troops, take the equipment from the camp, and go to the Jingwei camp to report to Jia Changzhu.。”

“All matters must be obeyed by Jia Changzhu’s arrangements.。”

“……”The two of them looked at Jia Hong, who was studying ink, and were speechless for a while.。

Jia Changzhu, the seventh-rank commander! Let them be ranked as military attachés of the third and sixth grades and listen to the general command?


But due to the special situation, the two had no choice but to hold hands and say: "Yes, sir!”

Jia Hong threw away the task and sat down again.。

However, Jia Yuanchun felt shy when he let him stare like this.。

Seeing the gap between the soldiers but not coming, Jia Yuanchun whispered: "If you're not busy, go get down to business and see what I'm doing!"”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "Penning ink, look at my sister, this is not a serious matter!”

“My subordinates are reliable, and the Jingwei camp has purchased a new water dragon cart from Jinling. What do I have to worry about?”

“Good brother! Jia Yuanchun glanced at Jia Zheng beside him, "You are not afraid of my father watching, I am!"”

Jia Hong laughed and said, "I'm afraid you still talk to me. Just get used to it! I went back to sleep after seeing it in the middle of the night。”

“My sister is a woman, so how can I not look at her? Before you go back to the palace, I'll take a few more glances.。”

“you! "Jia Yuanchun yelled and kicked Jia Hong's calf under the table.。

Seeing her blushing, Jia Hong couldn't help but feel happy. He originally wanted to find the old lady, but now he just sat there for a while longer.。


until late at night。

Emperor Jianlong was exhausted. He touched his pocket and took out the cicada jade he had in his mouth when he was buried.。

After ordering the imperial army and various people to use jade as a commander's seal, and seeing that the seal looked like a saint, Emperor Jianlong asked Jia He to take charge of the overall situation.。

“Your Majesty, your servant will take your Majesty to dinner and bed.。”

Emperor Jianlong looked at Yuhuatian and couldn't help but be startled.。

He was deeply impressed by this charming-looking man。

He has great martial arts skills and great body skills. Today, under Jia Hong's order, he killed a waiting person with one sword.。

“Your Majesty, there is no need to be paranoid. This slave is a natural eunuch. He lost his life due to an accident when he was young.。”

“Originally, he was going to the palace to select eunuchs, but he was later bought by his master, who still knew the rules of serving in the palace.。”

Because of Jia Hong's order to take care of Emperor Jianlong, Yuhuatian immediately made up a story。

“good. "Emperor Jianlong stroked his beard and nodded, but he had the idea of poaching in his heart.。

Emperor Jianlong walked into the guest room of Rongxi Hall. All the surrounding screen partitions were removed, which made him feel that it was spacious enough.。

Not long after, a group of maids came in to serve dinner. Two copies of each dish were made.。

Yuhuatian took out the silver needle utensils, and after all the probes, he took out a small bowl and tested the poison one by one.。

“Your Majesty, please have dinner。”


Although Emperor Jianlong didn't think too much about it at this time, Yuhuatian's behavior made him feel comfortable.。

He took two bites and it tasted quite refreshing.。


“The slave is here, Your Majesty just gives orders!”

“I just said that I wanted to enter the palace, do you have any ideas now?”

When Yuhuatian heard this, he knelt on the ground in a hurry。

“Your Majesty’s great grace! The slave has nothing to repay!”

“But as a slave, he must serve his master loyally... The slave dare not agree!”

Emperor Jianlong raised his eyebrows when he heard this. This bitch is so professional! With all the appreciation in my heart, I thought I could only ask Jia Hong for it?

But can Jia Hong provide such useful talents?

“Get up and arrange your grooming. I have something important to tell you.。”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


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