an hour later。

Jia Hong saw that it was getting late and Jia He looked exhausted.。

He simply got up from Jia Yuanchun's side。

“Ancestor," Jia Hong cupped his hands and said, "Why don't you go and rest first. Now that the west gate of the imperial city has been breached, it is only a matter of time before the Fourteenth Master and other traitors are captured.。”

Jia He wanted to refuse, but first he was physically tired and secondly Jia Hong knew how to fight.。

Temporary command here, the emperor will give him command。

But as a seventy-year-old man occupying a latrine, does he still need to be promoted to a noble rank and put in a coffin?

“Well, I ordered people to go in and inform the emperor.。”

Not long after, after Yuhuatian came out, Jia He handed over the command to Jia Hong and returned to Anfuzhong to rest.。

After Jia He left, Yuhuatian told Jia Hong about Emperor Jianlong’s recruitment intention just now.。

“oh? This is interesting!”

At the same time, Jia Hong became more and more satisfied with Yuhuatian。

Compared with Yu Lin's dead soldiers, Yu Huatian obviously has a more flexible ability to deal with things. After all, he is the flower governor!

The key is that he is loyal to Jia Hong, and Emperor Jianlong can dig it out!

What Jia Hong has to consider is whether to put an spy in there, so that he can get the news easily and... have better access to the palace?

He couldn't help but clapped his hands and said to Yu Huatian: "I want to tell your majesty: The emperor's safety is in danger, and it is useless to worry about it. Let the emperor go to bed, and the dragon body is the most important thing.。”

“As for His Majesty's solicitation, you don't need to pay attention to it. Wait until he comes to me.。”

“As you command, Master!”

Afterwards, Yuhuatian returned to the guest room, and in the Hall of Rongxi, the battle situation in the imperial city was heard one after another.。

Most of the time, Jia Hong doesn't do any commanding, but does remote micro-management? Order the muzzle to be raised five centimeters? Stop making trouble!

Anyway, Jia Hong doesn't care much about Zhen Xie's life or death.。

Jia Hong did not speculate maliciously. Even for Emperor Jianlong, if Zhen Xie died, it would be nothing more than Emperor Jianlong regaining power and choosing a successor.。

After a while, the imperial messengers came in a hurry。


“The rebellious fourteenth prince has been captured! Generals Chen and Ma asked for instructions: How to deal with it, please ask the temporary command office for instructions.。”

“The rebels have been besieged to the east corner of the imperial city! But they vowed not to surrender, and only a thousand people were left to resist.。”

Jia Hong rubbed his chin and thought to himself that he was really helping the loyal troops. The leader was caught and he was still resisting?

He waved his hand and said: "The fourteenth prince was killed directly, and the rest were completely wiped out.。”

When the messenger saw Jia Hong being so calm, his brows jumped.。

The fourteenth prince was originally the general of the Western Expedition. His status during the expedition was like that of Emperor Jianlong himself, and he was in charge of the affairs of the nine provinces! After the Western Expedition subsided, he was even knighted all the way to the prince!

If this order continues, I am afraid that both Generals Chen and Ma will not dare to carry it out.。

“Lord Commander……”


Upon seeing this, Jia Hong threw the silk scarf over。

The ordering soldier opened it and saw that it was the cicada jade that the emperor had in his mouth when he was buried.。

Due to the sudden incident, Emperor Jianlong gave Jia He the command, and this piece of jade became a temporary commander's seal representing the emperor.。

“Do not talk nonsense. Take it to the two generals. Cleaned up the rebels and immediately sorted out the palace battlefield。”

Jia Hong's idea was simple: Zhen Xie would definitely kill the Fourteenth Master, but Emperor Jianlong might be soft-hearted.。

But for Jia Hong, regardless of their previous friendship, this Fourteenth Master dared to come to An Mansion to steal Jia Hong's family fortune!

Rongning Street was immediately beaten to a crisp!

If it weren't for the Yulin dead soldiers in Anfu and the patrols of more than a hundred Anfu troops from the surrounding Jingwei battalions, Jia Hong's family would be gone!

Having rescued Emperor Jianlong today, and now holding the jade representing the emperor in his hand, Jia Hong was naturally confident and used chicken feathers as arrows - never mind the general and prince! Still keeping it for the New Year? Kill it and finish it!

The Imperial Army messenger handed the Han Chan Jade back, cupped his hands and said: "Listen to the order!”

Seeing this, Jia Hong stood up and took a deep breath, but it was over!


next day。

Jia Hong was sleeping, but someone woke him up。

“Brother, wake up, wash up and eat early。”

Jia Hong sat up from the recliner in Rongxi Hall and saw Jia Yuanchun with squinted eyes.。

He stretched his meridian bones, and the armor on his body swayed. He smiled again and said: "What, sister, you want to serve me? Help me change the armor first?"”

Jia Yuanchun smiled angrily and said: "Okay, don't be like this! The situation is special. At most, I can pour tea and water for you to rinse your mouth and wash your face."。”

“Where did your sister sleep last night? "Jia Hong grinned.。

Jia Yuanchun smiled and said: "When things were not busy in the second half of the night, my father sent Lian and Zhen to take turns recording. I went to sleep with my mother in Anfu.。”

“oh——”Jia Hong nodded repeatedly, "Then they are somewhat useful.。”

Jia Yuanchun shook his head and smiled, turned around and left the hall, bringing Jia Hong a teacup and basin.。

“Sister, wash your face。”

Seeing Jia Hong sticking his face out like a rogue, Jia Yuanchun couldn't help but have a toothache, and laughed and cursed: "You shameless fool! Why do you still act like a child when you have a family? You just bring tea and water, but you still want me to wash you?" !”

Naturally, Jia Hong was just having fun. There were people all over the Hall of Rongxi, and it would not be good for Jia Yuanchun if people saw him.。

After washing up, Jia Yuanchun brought breakfast to Jia Hong。

“Sister, are you trying to raise eyebrows? "Jia Hong joked again.。

Jia Yuanchun smiled helplessly and said: "Xiu is calling me sister, I don't have a brother like you!”

“Sir, please wait a moment. I'm busy.。”

After that, Jia Yuanchun left, and Jia Hong was amused for a while.。

“I wonder how Emperor Jianlong will reward him this time?”

“Make An Guogong? Admiral of the Nine Sects who was promoted to the second rank? Then... get married?”

Jia Hong laughed while eating breakfast, feeling that this was probably the case。

The position of admiral is difficult to determine, no matter how great the credit is and the position is vacant.。

However, Jia Hong, the commander of the Jingwei Battalion, took office less than a year ago.。

Moreover, the admiral of Shou Tianjing is a close confidant of the Supreme Emperor, so the subsequent emperor will inevitably have objections.。

“Forget it, just follow the old man’s arrangement.。”

At this time, there was a burst of gongs and drums outside Rongning Street, and all the men who were still in the three houses of the Jia family went out.。

After Jia Hong finished eating, he followed him out.。

From a distance, one can see a very conspicuous Zichenxuan carriage, accompanied by dozens of carriages and horses.。

After a while, a small sedan arrived at Rongguo Mansion first.。

Seeing Dai Quan coming down, Jia Hong came over and cupped his hands and said, "Long time no see, old minister."。”

“where? Dai Quan hurriedly smiled and said: "The commander is joking. Didn't I just meet you yesterday?"。”

“The emperor has ordered us to come and take the emperor back to the palace today!”

Jia Hong nodded and said, "Please come inside!"”

After saying that, the group of people gave way and the eunuchs and maids from the palace entered.。

Not long after, Emperor Jianlong came out of the Hall of Rongxi。

Everyone saluted and said: "I respectfully send you to your Majesty!”

“Dear friends, no gifts! Emperor Jianlong waved his hand and said with a smile: "I hope you will take good care of everything and arrange everything in the city well!" Soon, I will be rewarded heavily!”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

The large team that picked up the driver came and went in a hurry, and everyone in the three houses of the Jia family breathed a sigh of relief.。

“Thank you, Commander!”

As the head of the Rong Mansion, Jia Zheng hurriedly bowed to Jia Hong and handed over his hand.。

In any case, Emperor Jianlong's stay in Rong Mansion this time at least made a contribution.。

Jia Hong hurriedly lifted him up and said, "Master Zheng, you're welcome! If you do this, the friendship between our ancestors will be broken."。”

“I haven't changed my armor yet. Everyone, please have a good rest. If there is any news from the palace in a few days, we will have tea and a banquet together!”


“Okay, Brother Hong, go get busy!”

Jia Hong paid his respects one by one and then left Rongguo Mansion.。


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