in the palace。

Emperor Jianlong returned to his palace。

Since the battle mainly took place near the East Palace, this place was intact.。

Only two of the palaces had their roofs penetrated by cannonballs。

After a while, the successor emperor Zhenti walked into the study。

“Son, join your father。”

“waived. sit. "Emperor Jianlong waved his hand and said。

“Thank you, Father!”

Emperor Jianlong took a long breath and said, "I declare to the world that the third and fourteenth princes faked Emperor Jianlong's death, attacked the palace, conspired to usurp the throne, and threw them into the dungeon. All the relatives in the palace were demoted to slave status and exiled to Mobei."……”

Thinking of the prince's intention to rebel a few years ago, Emperor Jianlong became increasingly tired and said: "Today, I will retire as the Supreme Emperor. You ask the Ministry of Rites to set a date and hold the enthronement ceremony."。”

Zhen Xie hurriedly knelt on the ground and said sadly: "Father, the Empress Dowager passed away yesterday. I thought that the enthronement should be postponed.。”

“Even though the sons and ministers are not the heirs of the Empress Dowager, they should still observe filial piety.。”

Emperor Jianlong's face suddenly turned red, he slapped the table and stood up, shouting: "Drag the fourteenth son out! Behead him! Ah - this traitor!”

“Father, please calm down! "Zhen Xie hurriedly said: "Yesterday, the imperial army killed him according to the command of Jia.。”

When Emperor Jianlong learned this, his heart became even more complicated.。

He sighed: "Oh - that's fine!”

“My son, you are sensible and filial. The matter of keeping filial piety - after passing the memorial to you, pass it to me again, and I will take care of it for you.。”

“Admiral and the two battalions, send your people to take charge. All North Korea-China affairs will be handed over to you.。”

Zhen Xie raised his brows, but still said: "Thank you, Father, for your grace!”

“My son, I still need to ask my father for advice: How should I reward Jia Hong of Anguo Mansion?”

After all, Emperor Jianlong died yesterday! This also saved and escaped from the palace!

Even though Zhen Xie knew that this must be a heavy reward, he still had to listen to Emperor Jianlong's opinion。

Emperor Jianlong thought for a moment, waved his hand and said: "Fengjun Wang"。”

Prince! Zhen Xie took a breath! How to make a county king like this!

“Father! Since the Wu Dynasty, heroes with foreign surnames have only been granted the title of Duke. This is against etiquette and etiquette!”

Emperor Jianlong snorted and said: "He saved me. Without him, you probably wouldn't have the support of the imperial army. Even if you did, it might take several days to enter the imperial city!"”

“If I say seal it, seal it! If the Ministry of Rites has any objections, change the minister until there are no objections!”

“Even if I recognize Jia Jinzhong as my adopted son, I will force him to make him a county king and give his son the title of county king! Up and down the Wu Dynasty, no one can do anything to me!”

Zhen Xie could only give in after hearing this! The first three divisions were still in Emperor Jianlong's hands, what could he do?

If Zhen Xie had taken over the command of the three divisions, how could there be such a thing as the rebellion of the nine admirals? !

“My dear, I understand!”

At this time, Zhen Yan said sincerely: "His family is loyal. If you treat others well, they will treat you well. Don't say that I can't trust you."……”

“When you were young, you could draw a bow with less than four strokes. How old are you, Jue'er? This will make you twelve powerful! You are not good at riding and shooting, and you have never led troops in war. Leave these things to people you trust!”

“I will hand over the first three divisions to you slowly. I will select the participating collars and assistant collars for you one by one.。”

“I understand, Father. "Although Zhen Xie was unhappy, she had no choice but to say that what her father said was the truth.。

Zhen Yan suddenly sighed: "Oh - come to think of it, blame me for the fourteenth incident, blame me!”

“I have recently moved to Wanyuan in Haiding. Please let Jueer come and accompany me more often!”

“Yes, Father!”


a few days later。

News of the Fourteenth Master's rebellion, Emperor Jianlong's fake death and abdication spread throughout the capital.。

Due to the death of the Empress Dowager, the enthronement ceremony of the successor Emperor Zhenxie is scheduled to be held next year。

In Tianjing City, except for the Jingweiying area and the Imperial City, most places were not damaged and soon returned to their former prosperity.。

“Hey, did you hear that?”

“The mighty general of An Guofu broke into the imperial city alone that day and rescued the Supreme Emperor alone!”

“I’ve heard it, I’ve heard it, do you believe it?”

“Why don't you believe this? That day the general flew over the eaves and walked over the wall, and how many people saw him along the way!”

“His mother rides alone as the savior? Isn’t it Changshan Zhao Zilong?”

At this time, a group of large cars and horses were traveling. Along the way, gongs and suonas were blaring, and they headed towards Rongning Street.。

At the archway in the west of the city, the surrounding princes and ministers have long been numb.。

The several mansions that encountered the intrusion of the Anfu army shrank even more.。

Niu Jizong is a first-class male! Let Jia Hong carry it for a few streets! The princes and uncles in the meantime had a huge psychological shadow!

Not to mention the widespread rumor among the Forbidden Army that Jia Hong ordered the death of the guilty minister, the Fourteenth Master.……

Only the ladies waiting to be married in each mansion still looked forward to it as usual!

Although it is impossible for a girl from a house in the west of the city to marry Jia Hong as a concubine. Even if they are willing, the parents and patriarchs will never agree。

At this time, a group of eunuchs entered the east archway of Rongning Street and walked along the street. Several more eunuchs came to the mansion to send messages.。

After a while, all the people in the government went out and came to the foot of the archway.。

The two patriarchs, Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen, naturally brought their relatives from the Rongning and Ning mansions, and stood on both sides of them, one on the left and the other on the right.。

The two mansions vaguely regard Anguo mansion as the leader, and the reason is simple - this credit is purely unearned!

What's more, if there was a fight on the street, wouldn't everyone from the two mansions hide in Anguo Mansion? ! The most important thing in being a human being is self-awareness!

As for everyone in Anguo Mansion, Jia He no longer stood in front of people this time.。

In the beginning, it was called escorting!

But seeing that Sun Ziguan is getting bigger and bigger, and he is too important to the emperor, what is he trying to gain the limelight?

Seeing Jia Hong standing at the front of the crowd, Jia He felt quite emotional for a moment: Originally, he had retired a long time ago, and it was his son who should have been standing there. Now his grandson is trying his best, but it only took three or two years to reach where he is today.。

Feeling that he was too old to be useful, with tears in his eyes again, Jia He happily followed the team.。

At this time, Dai Quan took out the imperial edict and read:

“According to the imperial edict, the emperor was ordered to carry his fortune to heaven.——”

“Ningguo Mansion!”

“A third-grade mighty general, Jia Zhen. Participate in the discussion, meritorious service!”

“Give five thousand silver!”

“My wife, the You family, was granted the title of Madam of the third rank!”

“The eldest son, Jia Rong, was granted the title of fifth-grade dragon forbidden captain!”

“Former Bingchenke Jinshi, Jia Jing。”

“Give me a branch of century-old Korean ginseng!”

Jia Zhen and his son looked at each other and wanted to celebrate! This wave of bargains is really huge!

As for Jia Jing? He just laughed。

A few days ago, if Xue Pan hadn't said it was Jia Hong who shouted, Jia Jing would have been reluctant to go!

Seeing that Emperor Jianlong was weak in the middle of the night, Jia Jing cut half a rice of Qi-nourishing pills and gave it to him.。

How does century-old ginseng compare with that Qi-nourishing pill? What a fart!

The more the second old man thought about it, the more he felt that he had lost a lot. He would have to cry to Jia Hong for a while.。


“Rongguo Mansion!”

“Jia Zheng, a doctor in the Ministry of Industry. Participate in the discussion, meritorious service!”

“Give five thousand silver!”

“My wife, the Wang family, is granted the title of Madam of the Fourth Grade!”

“The eldest daughter, Mrs. Jia, was granted the title of Minister of the Fifth Rank Fengzao Palace!”

“General Shenwei, Jia She!”

“Give one thousand silver!”

“His wife, Mrs. Xing, was given the title of first-grade wife!”

Everyone in Rong Mansion is happy, especially Mrs. Wang! Absolutely overjoyed!

Not to mention that he was granted the imperial title, his daughter Jia Yuanchun was granted the title of female minister! Wouldn't there be a greater chance of contacting the new emperor? If you are lucky enough to be granted the title of concubine or concubine, it is no problem!

However, because Dafang inherited the title from his ancestors, Mrs. Xing was granted a first-class title, which inevitably made Mrs. Wang unhappy!

But at this time, Jia Yuanchun, who was lucky enough to stay at home for a few days, couldn't feel happy?

When he learned that Mulan was hunting, Emperor Jianlong once rewarded Jia Hong with a palace maid. She had also thought about it, what if Emperor Jianlong saw the close relationship between her and Jia Hong that day?

If he were to be Jia Hong's concubine like Ruizhu, why wouldn't Jia Yuanchun be happy?

Perhaps the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment! Jia Yuanchun thought with a blush. It's a pity that I have to return to the palace tomorrow and have to fight for some benefits for the family. I want to forget it, but I have to become a spring boudoir.。

“hiss……”Dai Quan took a slight breath and held it in his lungs.。

“An Guofu!”

“General Shenwei, commander of the Jingwei camp, Jia Hong. It is a meritorious service to protect the troops and a meritorious service to suppress the rebellion!”

“Father Jia is loyal and brave in martial arts! The Supreme Emperor adopted him as his adopted son and granted him the title of King of Zhenxi County!”

“Today Jia Hong attacks the first prince of Zhenxi County!”

“Give it to the Prince of Zhenxi County! Thousands of acres of fertile land outside the capital!”

“His wife is the Wang family, and she is named the king’s concubine! Keep the original title level。”

“His wife, the Qin family, was granted the title of sixth-rank noble concubine!”

“My wife, Ermin, is a sixth-rank noble concubine!”

“The side wife is the Wang family, and the concubine of the seventh-grade virtuous king is named!”

“Concubine, Rui family, is granted the title of concubine of the eighth-rank Shu king!”

“……”At this time, everyone in An Rongning's three mansions was stunned. But Dai Quan is not done yet!

“The eldest sons of every generation inherit the title of Zhenxi County Prince!”

“Jia Hong’s second son, hereditary Viscount!”

“The third son of Jia Hong is the heir apparent to Sun Jue!”

“The fourth son of Jia Hong attacked the Duke of Anguo!”


At this time, Jia Hong was also stunned.。

This wave of rewards is really big!

But the question is, where is my son? Where is my son? Where is my son? Where is my son?

Dog Emperor, don’t arrange a son for me privately!

Jia Hong couldn't help but laugh out loud. Old man Zhen is quite good at urging people to do all kinds of tricks!


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