Wait until Dai Quan finishes reading the edict。

There was silence on Rongning Street。


In both Rong and Ning's houses, everyone had different expressions.。

But I can't believe it at all, Jia Hong actually made the county king!

You know, since the founding of the Wu Dynasty, there has never been a king with a different surname!

The only special circumstances are tribes, vassals and former officials of the previous dynasty!

However, the level of the princes of tribes and vassals is relatively low.。

And the old ministers of the former dynasty?

As early as the early days of Emperor Jianlong's reign, most of them had been purged。

Nowadays, according to the etiquette system, the highest title for a hero with a foreign surname does not exceed that of the Duke!

But the Supreme Emperor accepted Jia Jinzhong as his adopted son?

Give the title to Jia Hong again?

This is simply to get the excuse to block the Ministry of Rites in order to make the county king.。

And after the news spread like wildfire from Ronning Street,。

Zhenguo Gongfu, Liguo Gongfu, Qiguo Gongfu, Zhiguo Gongfu, Xiuguo Gongfu, Jianguo Gongfu……

Dingcheng Houfu, Xiangyang Houfu, Jingtian Houfu……

All the princes and ministers around were shocked!

This is really called red and purple。

Jia Hong has such a letter from the county king, which is equivalent to being half a royal!

The title, wife and children's treatment are all at the level of royal family members!

Apart from tribes and vassals, he was the only prince in the Wu Dynasty!

Everyone had only one reaction, choose a time to interact with Prince Zhenxi!

The only thing is that the girls from each family have slightly different ideas.。

Such a heroic boy!

Such a handsome general!

Such a Zhenxi County King!

If the wife and concubine’s family does not agree, then... what about the seventh-grade virtuous king’s concubine and the eighth-grade concubine Shu Wang?

Spring is in the air, and girls have different thoughts, and they can't help but fantasize about the life of a concubine who marries into the royal palace.……

At this time, behind the crowd in Anguo Mansion。

Jia He and Mrs. Wang burst into tears and didn't know what to say.。

Originally, Jia He only thought that it would be good for Jia Hong to be the Duke of An Guo. Who knew he would be the king of the county?

Jia He could not help but sigh in his heart, regretting that he could not take good care of his son when he was alive.。

Think again about Emperor Jianlong’s move to adopt Jia Jinzhong as his adopted son。

How could it be that the prince, the third prince, the fourteenth prince and other sons were so angry that they felt depressed?

Feeling the true feelings revealed by Emperor Jianlong in the imperial edict, Jia He felt sad for the emperor, but he was also moved in his heart.。

However, the position of the county prince was too high, and Jia He was worried that the subsequent emperor would have objections.。

“Thank you, Your Majesty! "Everyone shouted in unison。

In front of Anguo Mansion, Jia Hong's expression was also wonderful.。

When it comes to being granted the title of king of a county, Jia Hong will naturally not reject anyone who comes.。

But where is Zhenxi County?

There is only Zhenxi Mansion in the northwest, a military city decided by Jia Hong after his survey!

There are thousands of soldiers stationed here!

Just give him a false title in Zhenxi, what the hell is Wang Concubine!

The wives and concubines of the princes of the Wu Dynasty naturally had corresponding levels. Is the imperial edict going to emphasize it again?

Emphasize that if the wife has class, the court will give her a salary?

The court will help you raise your wife, so don't be afraid that you won't have enough money to continue marrying? ? ?

Jia Hong couldn't help but laugh in his heart, Old Man Zhen is really a wonderful person。

“Congratulations, Your Majesty!”

“Congratulations, Your Majesty!”

“Greetings ladies!”

That's all for the eunuchs of Dai Quan and his gang.。

Jia Hong hurriedly picked up Jia Mu, Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen, and said with a smile: "Ancestor, Master Zheng, Brother Zhen! You are the younger generation like me!"”

“We have been friends for many years, so we call them how we used to call them now!”

“My ancestors don’t call me Hongge or Hongxiaozi, but I’m still not used to it!”

Jia's mother and the others couldn't help but smile. Naturally, it was helpful to have such high regard and nostalgia for Jia Hong!

Jia Jing, however, waved his Taoist robe and said with a smile: "Congratulations, brother Yingyu! But the worldly achievements and official titles are nothing!”

“When will we, two brothers, go to school to discuss Taoism again?”

Jia Hong couldn't help but burst out laughing, thinking that there was no way he could save the old boy!

Otherwise, how could the Ning Mansion need Jia Zhenlai to be the patriarch? !

He explained in a few words, Xiaoxiao, and then deceived Jia Jing first.。

At the same time, the female relatives of each house are naturally very happy and lively.。

After Jia Hong spoke, the newly appointed wives, Wang Xifeng and others still called each other cordially.。

But the maids and servants didn't dare to support them, and they all shouted "Feng Niang Niang"”、“"My dear concubine", she also said a few flattering words.。

Among the maids of Rong Mansion, there is something special。

“Rui Zhu Rui Zhu, little hoof has such a good life!”

“Her name is Ruizhu! The prince has already given it to me. Call me, attack me!”

“Good sister, sister Yuanyang! Please spare me!”

“If you were given the title of Empress Rui, wouldn't you become Empress Hua or Empress Shu in the future?”

“Wow! I am so jealous that my intestines are green!”

A small group of familiar maids teased, and Xiren's face suddenly turned pink.。

From time to time, she glanced at Jia Hong's position, feeling secretly happy, but also afraid - afraid that Jia Hong would forget her when she got married!

Suddenly Jia Hong looked up and smiled at her.。

For a moment, Hua Xiren's face turned extremely red, like peach blossoms in full bloom in April, intense and brilliant.。

Jia Hong was inevitably a little stunned, but naturally he couldn't forget this matter in his heart.。

At this time, the people from the three mansions chatted for a long time, but Dai Quan naturally left him in the cold.。

However, he can also understand the mood of each government. In addition, Jia Hong will be very popular now. How can he dare to trust the big government?。

Seeing that Dai Quan hadn't left, Jia Hong said to him: "Okay, why don't you all go to An Mansion to get together first?"。”

Then he turned to Wang Xifeng and said: "Take the ancestors back to rest and have a good chat with the ladies.。”

Only Jia Hong was left in Wang Xifeng's eyes, full of admiration。

After letting Ping'er push her, she responded softly, "Yes, Mr. Hong."。”

After saying that, he and Qin Keqing and others took three steps and turned back slowly, and returned to An Mansion.。

Jia Hong only left Jia Changwei, Yu Huatian and a few followers beside him, and he politely shook hands with Dai Quan.。

“Thank you for your hard work, old Minister!”

“The prince is too polite, he doesn’t dare to work hard, he doesn’t dare to work hard!”

Dai Quan hurriedly bowed, there was no prince here, so it was natural for him to call him "Prince".。

He raised his hand and said: "Your Majesty, please come with me to Zhenxi Prince's Mansion. I still have a few words to tell you."。”

“good! "Jia Hong followed Dai Quan and walked out of the Rongning Street archway together.。

Dai Quan smiled again and said: "Your Majesty, these empresses will receive salaries every year from now on, so people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will come over."。”

“There is actually no limit to the number of concubines of the eighth-grade concubine of Queen Rui. But after all, the financial pressure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not small, and it is agreed that it is only thirty, so generally it is not a problem.。”

“Since the concubines below Prince Shu have no salary, the prince will naturally arrange them on his own!”

Jia Hong chuckled, "Then I will thank the emperor on behalf of my wife and concubines."。”

It's true that Zhen Yan is in his true colors, every move is selling the same medicine in the gourd!

After a while, the two came to the archway on Zhenli Street, and Jia Hong saw that someone was demolishing it?

Dai Quan cupped his hands and said: "The Supreme Emperor chose the name of 'Zhenxi Mansion' because this place is in the west city of Tianjing. The archway here will be changed to 'Zhenxi Street'."’。”

“If the Zhenguogong is reduced to a criminal citizen due to his crime, the Guogong government will naturally ban it!”

“The Duke of Qi and the Duke of Zhi followed the prince and made great contributions to the rescue. The Supreme Emperor rewarded the mansion in the east of the city again, eliminating the need for repairs.。”

“Duke Li, Duke Xiu, and Duke Repair were demoted due to their heirs and moved to the Hou Bo's Mansion in the east of the city.。”

“The three streets, plus the surrounding areas of several princes' mansions, will be repaired and rebuilt into the Zhenxi Prince's Mansion!”

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile when he heard this, "These are the Duke and the Duke of Hou who were killed by the Anfu Army that day.……”

Dai Quan chuckled and said: "What the Supreme Emperor means: reward based on merit!”

“The Supreme Emperor's original intention was to give the Fourteenth Master a palace, but he gave it up after thinking about it again! He simply told the emperor that the Ministry of Internal Affairs should allocate three hundred thousand taels to build a palace for the prince!”

Dai Quan's words naturally made it clear how important the Emperor was.。

After hearing this, Jia Hong couldn't help but feel comfortable and refreshed!

In the feudal system of the Wu Dynasty, Jia Hong had no worries about accommodation. He did not know how many standard courtyards he received during his career as an official. Outside Chongwen Gate in the south of the city, there were courtyards with third- and sixth-grade collars.。

If Jia Hong had paid to build the palace, he really wouldn't be able to afford such a large amount of liquidity for luxury, but he would get a luxurious palace for nothing! It almost tickled Jia Hong.。

Dai Quan laughed and said: "During the renovation period, it is inevitable that troops and crowds will be mobilized in the nearby streets. The Supreme Emperor also said: An Rongning and the other three houses will accompany him to stay in Wanyuan!"”

“Wanyuan is located in Haiding. It is a palace garden built by the Supreme Emperor 20 years ago. It is comfortable and pleasant, just in time for the arrival of summer, and we can go there to escape the summer heat.。”

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile when he heard this, "The Emperor is such a sensible person!" It’s all about the details! No wonder the old man is so loyal!

“Thank you, Your Majesty, for your great kindness! "Jia Hong bowed to the imperial city in the east and showed off to Dai Quan.。


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