Later, Jia Hong followed Dai Quan and walked in Zhenli Street.。

“Your Majesty!”

Dai Quan pointed at the middle between Zhenguo Mansion and Liguo Mansion.。

“This place will be reserved as a five-entry gate, with five rooms in the gate tower for soldiers and guards to live in.。”

“After leaving a large open space in the inner street of Fumen, the outer street in the west of the town will be widened. After all, after demolishing three streets, there still needs to be room for traffic around them!”

Jia Hong nodded and followed Dai Quan into the deserted Zhenguo Mansion.。

Dai Quan said: "The original town palace is larger, and this is the central axis. After the main hall is demolished, the outer hall will be left. The prince's main hall will be renovated here, with five entrances and five rooms for the prince to receive visitors.。”

“Behind the main hall is the inner hall of Fuchi. Behind the hall is a main hall and six rooms.。”

“The courtyards on both sides of Zhenguo Mansion and Liguo Mansion will be changed into two east and west front courtyards with six rooms. Behind the front yard, build a rockery garden and pavilion courtyard。”

Later, Jia Hong followed and went out from the side door to Qizhi Street.。

Dai Quan pointed and said: "After demolishing the entire street, we will build two buildings with seven rooms each.。”

“In front of the mansion, there are one hall, two courtyards and two floors, with a total of thirty-seven rooms.。”

Jia Hong was very satisfied after hearing this and said with a smile: "The east and west front yards are already much larger than the two courtyards of An Mansion."。”

“The identity of the prince is natural! Dai Quan hurriedly smiled and said, "My lord, please come here."。”

The two of them walked into Qi Guofu again。

“After coming out of the hood, build the back gate here. Demolish the buildings in the front half of the two Qizhi mansions and build three landscape gardens。”

“Then demolish the remaining parts and repair the two streets. In the middle, build the apse and the bedroom, with six rooms each.。”

“Two more auxiliary palaces were built on the left and right, east and west. There is a auxiliary palace in front to receive guests, with six rooms each. In this way, there are three palaces and three palaces, a total of thirty-six rooms in the harem.。”

Jia Hong laughed angrily and said: "Can the palace be called a palace? What's more, with such repairs, the room would be too big.。”

Dai Quan laughed happily and said: "Whether it is called a palace or a hall, the prince can do whatever he wants! If the room is too big, the prince can renovate it or create a small room!"”

“If you feel that the east and west palaces are too small, the prince can also widen them appropriately and build a gallery at the back. This is in line with the rules. But it is not appropriate to make the bedroom wider!”

“I got it. "Jia Hong nodded, this is not enough to live in, how about a day and a night?!

Including the front yard and the harem, this palace already has seventy-one rooms.。

Take a room in Anguo Mansion as an example。

For example, in Wang Xifeng's room, there is a small room for the eldest sister and two maids. Even this is not too small.。

Of course, Jia Hong also knows that it is similar to a tower for servants and maids. The rooms are slightly smaller and many people need to live in one room.。

Otherwise, Anguo Mansion wouldn’t be able to accommodate so many servants and maids.。

But judging from Dai Quan's introduction, there is no problem in housing thousands of people the size of the entire palace.。

For a while, Jia Hong let Dai Quan's "harem" scratch the right spot again.。

He is a county prince, and Wang Xifeng is the only concubine.。

After all, Xiaofengniao also got married. She was born in the Wang family, and now the patriarch is a high-ranking official like Wang Ziteng.。

There are now two of your concubines, and it seems that they also value birth and status.。

For example, Qin Keqing is from the Zhen family, and Rana is the daughter of the Duke of China.。

The Xianwang concubine of Ping'erfeng and the Shuwang concubine of Ruizhu, these two Jia Hong can make their own decisions。

Even Prince Shu can seal thirty concubines.……

The main bedroom plus the east and west palaces, with one person in each room, can accommodate eighteen people.。

Well - there is a long way to go! Jia Hong couldn't help but think wildly。

He followed Dai Quan and walked out. After leaving Qi Guo Mansion, he entered Xiu Guo Mansion.。

Dai Quan added: "Renovation of the back of the two mansions is left to the prince. Generally speaking, a large library can be built, a theater pavilion can be built in the northwest, and a Buddhist temple and garden can be built in the northeast.。”

Hearing this, Jia Hong became more and more satisfied.。

Originally, the Duke's Mansion was already large and luxurious, but this County Prince's Mansion was simply a super luxurious villa!

He smiled and said: "Okay, okay! This is also called comfortable and pleasant!”

Dai Quan naturally smiled cateringly. After all, the six princely palaces are connected, which is not comfortable and pleasant, and there is no place to live in the capital!

The repair cost of 300,000 taels, even if it takes 100,000 taels to hire workers, can hire 2,000 craftsmen to repair it for a year!

What's more, the six government palaces are already in good condition, and individual courtyards are preserved, so it doesn't take a year to repair them!

Dai Quan hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "As long as the prince is satisfied! I will naturally make arrangements. The Supreme Emperor also ordered that this matter should be handled by Jia Langzhong of Rongfu!”

“If you, the prince and your empress, have any other questions other than the standard establishment, please just ask the doctor to。”

Jia Hong couldn't help but raise his brows when he heard this. Jia Zheng will build a house for him...can that be done?。

Although he is the future father-in-law?

But it inevitably makes Jia Hong feel that it is a bit unreliable.……

Dai Quan is an old loser after all, and he has a profound ability to detect facial expressions.。

As soon as Jia Hong raised his eyebrows slightly, Dai Quan realized something was wrong.。

He hurriedly bowed and said: "My lord, please rest assured! Sir Langzhong is also well-known in the Ministry of Industry."。”

“Although he is only a fourth-rank official, he has built many mansions and royal factories.。”

Jia Hong couldn't help but was stunned and said with a smile: "Oh - no, the old Prime Minister misunderstood! I am at ease with Mr. Zheng. Repair, just repair!"”

“Yes, I will make arrangements immediately! "Dai Quan stood up and said。

At this time, Jia Hong said again: "Old Prime Minister, I said that I have a little girl in my house. Why don't you get a title?"”

“oh——”Dai Quan hurriedly smiled and said: "Yes, yes! The prince's daughter is naturally the princess! This is naturally the etiquette term!”

Jia Hong couldn't help but chuckle, thinking that Emperor Jianlong's intention was too obvious.。

Okay, very feudal... very showy……

It’s not like Jia Hong doesn’t have a son... he’s just in the next door house.。

He said politely: "Thank you, old minister, for explaining, it's just a small question!”

“It's still early, why don't you go to the house and sit down?”

“That's fine!”

Listening to Dai Quan's tone, Jia Hong wondered if he still had something to explain, or if he wanted to donate some benefits to him?

He raised his hand and said: "Old Interior Minister, please come here.。”

“The prince is too polite, too polite. "Dai Quan hurriedly apologized with a smile.。

After that, the two of them returned to Anguo Mansion. Seeing that there were many people inside, Jia Hong took him to the old man's west courtyard.。

Jia Hong walked into the west courtyard hall, raised his hand and said: "I'll forgive you, my Majesty, and the Emperor's gift. The three palaces are really happy. Sit down, sit down。”

Dai Quan followed him and sat down, "I understand. Your Majesty is in the limelight right now, and I'm just an old loser. I'm lucky enough to be able to come and drink tea!"”

Naturally, Jia Hong did not regard Dai Quan as an ordinary eunuch.。

Although the Wu Dynasty had no actual prime minister, it is interesting that the old man Dai Quan had been with Emperor Jianlong for decades, and others respectfully called him "internal prime minister".。

Although Mr. Dai Quan is a little greedy for money, he has a good relationship with the old man Jia He and is a fairly easy to deal with.。

After a while, the maid came and served tea。

Dai Quan drank tea slowly and said: "Your Majesty, your adjutants in the Jingwei camp, the brothers in the palace... the Supreme Emperor thinks they are also worthy talents. Soon, the Ministry of War will also promote them accordingly.。”

Jia Hong nodded when he heard this. It is difficult to mention the official title of his commander, but his subordinates can。

“That’s fine! " Jia Hong said with a smile.。

At this time, the old man Jia He came from Anqing Hall. When Jia Hong saw this, he let the two of them chat.。

After doing housework for a while, Jia He just returned to the room.。

At this time, Dai Quan seemed to have something in his heart and said with a long sigh: "Oh - you are all old!”

“After so many years in the palace, these few years have seen the crown prince deposed and the fourteenth son plotting rebellion... My heart really aches for the Supreme Emperor!”

Jia Hong only thought that he wanted to make things happen, but Dai Quan said again: "But now I see that I have no children, which makes me, an old man, even more miserable!”

“It turns out that I have adopted an adopted son, but it’s a pity that a person with white hair gives a gift to a person with black hair.——”

As soon as he said this, Jia Hong immediately thought of Yuhuatian!

I dare you to go back to Anfu in a roundabout way, and then go back to the heir in a roundabout way. The Supreme Emperor still wants someone!


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