“Old Minister, please take care of yourself, but fate is hard to say.。”

Dai Quan turned around and smiled flatteringly: "Your Majesty, what you said is extremely true! I heard the Supreme Emperor chatting yesterday and heard that you have a child who is born in heaven!”

“I was overwhelmed with emotion right away! To be honest with you, the prince, I also broke my life in a naughty way back then. Later, when there was a war, his family was sent to the palace.。”

“How about—your lord, just let me meet him? After all, I don’t want to dirty the prince’s ears with the matter of a eunuch like me.。”

Jia Hong raised his hand and said with a smile: "What are you talking about, old minister? It's interesting to hear your old man telling old stories."。”

After that, he waved to the maid again and brought Yuhuatian to the west courtyard hall.。

“Servant, I have met my master! I’ve met the Prime Minister!”

When Dai Quan looked at Yuhuatian, his dirty eyes suddenly shone with light.。

Originally, the Supreme Emperor only ordered him to ask Jia Hong for the person he wanted.。

But what he said just now was half true and half false. Why, as an old eunuch, wouldn't he want a son to take care of him in his old age?

Yu Huatian's appearance and temperament really made Dai Quan fall in love with him. He simply stood up and bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I have an unkind request. I wonder if you can listen to me?”

Jia Hong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Please tell me。”

Dai Quan said hurriedly: "I see his handsome features and clever and well-behaved appearance, and I feel nervous because I like him! If the prince promotes him, I wonder if I can let the old slave adopt him as his adopted son?"”

“The affection cultivated by the prince is naturally important! Just don't worry, I will arrange for him to live in the palace. If his nature is appreciated, the prince will also have someone to take care of everything in the palace in the future.。”

“You, say yes? The Supreme Emperor is getting old after all!”

When Jia Hong heard this, he couldn't help but feel moved.。

If Yuhuatian enters the palace, he will definitely be able to climb up with his ability.。

But Dai Quan, this old man, is quite the godfather? Wouldn’t this nail sink in faster?

Even if Jia Hong does not intend to overthrow the Wu Dynasty, he still needs news from the palace!

Otherwise, why would Qin Keqing be required to move around frequently before?

Jia Hong said with a smile: "My wife's words are harsh! You have already mentioned this, so how can I refuse? This is Yuhuatian's blessing."。”

“Hahaha - Yuhuatian, what a good name! Dai Quan laughed.。

Jia Hong said again: "The rain transforms the fields!”

“The slave is here!”

Jia Hong wiped the tea lid and said, "The old minister said this. If you follow him into the palace, you should also take good care of his old man! From now on, listen to him."。”

Yuhuatian raised his head and said, "Yes, Your Majesty.。”

Seeing Dai Quan becoming more and more happy, Jia Hong waved his hand and said: "Old Prime Minister, just take him back. You old man, please pay more attention to your health."。”

Dai Quan heard Jia Hong agree, not only could he serve as an official for the Supreme Emperor, he would also get a son for nothing!

He hurriedly knelt down and said, "Thank you so much, Your Majesty!”

Seeing the two people leaving, Jia Hong turned back to Anqing Hall.。


In the blink of an eye, it’s before the Dragon Boat Festival。

Due to the invitation of the Supreme Emperor, An Rongning and his family had previously moved into Wanyuan.。

This is the palace garden built by Zhen Yan in his early years. It is very large in terms of land area and building scale.。

It is divided into Changchun Garden and Lixia Garden.。

The Twelve Palaces of Lixia were built in the Lixia Garden, and are now the residences of the Emperor and his concubines.。

The Changchun Garden is located outside Lixia Palace. It is mainly a landscape garden and has the twenty-four scenes of Changchun.。

Even though it’s only spring, there are also out-of-season flowers blooming everywhere.。

It must have taken a lot of effort from the selection of seeds to the care of the gardeners.。

There are many courtyards in Changchun Garden, which will be used by the relatives of the three mansions to live here.。

Because the succeeding emperor paid filial piety to the empress dowager, he did not have to attend court in the morning for the rest of the year.。

But memorials still have to be submitted on a daily basis. Haiding is only located on the outskirts of Tianjing, and the officials from the memorial office come and go very quickly.。

However, perhaps it was the Fourteenth Master's rebellion that stimulated the successor emperor Zhen Xie, whose diligence was several times that of Zhen Yan。

Jia Hong would sometimes sleep until midnight, and would be woken up by his maid, saying that it was an official from the office who was telling him something.。

At the end of a day, it can take several rounds.……

However, Zhen Xie's answers often have something to say and are not just asking nonsense questions.。

When it came to running the country and the court, the subsequent emperor was really full of enthusiasm.。

Jia Hong also had a headache about the new emperor.。

After all, Jia Changzhu and the others were promoted and managed the Jingwei camp on a daily basis.。

He was so approved by the Emperor that he got more than half a year's leave。

As a result, Zhen Xie came to work remotely?

“Ah - this!”

Jia Hong saw the fold on the desk early in the morning and had a headache, a headache, a headache!

Opening the fold at random, Zhen Xie's blue batch is full of writing!

Perhaps he was an important minister of the Supreme Emperor, and Zhen Xie also took great care of Jia Hong.”。

Jia Hong didn't even know that when this workaholic emperor ascended the throne, wouldn't all his ministers die?

“I am a Buddha! The virtuous gentleman is really a virtuous gentleman. Old man Zhen got it right.……”

This Zhen Xie seems to have gone over the previous excerpts of the Supreme Emperor.。

Are you also extremely interested in a series of issues such as opening up Nanyang, free trade, and naval affairs?

If you don’t like ambiguous opinions, you should implement the plan when you open your mouth!

Jia Hong has also come up with a phrase recently: The emperor is awesome! I'm just a warrior! I'm just a commander! I don’t know much about Nanyang!

He shook his head, watering down for the time being, and prepared to ask someone to take him there at night.。

“I’ve met the prince!”

“Madam Qing said that you didn’t have breakfast, so let your servant call you.。”

“Oh, I see. "Jia Hong waved his hand and said。

However, when he casually raised his eyes, he saw that this maid looked familiar.。

A slim waist and slim shoulders make you look petite for your age.。

Jia Hong asked curiously: "What is your name?”

When the maid heard this, she said timidly: "Go back to your lord, my name is Qingwen."。”

“Um? Jia Hong looked confused and asked again: "Qingwen?"”

He looked at it carefully, and his features looked a bit like Lin Daiyu's. She was wearing an Anfu's red silk jacket, and her temperament was quite elegant and smart.。

“When did you come to the house?”

Qingwen timidly responded: "Go back to your lord. What happened two months ago?"。”

“The slave girl was originally a maid from Aunt Lai's family. You donated her family's future, and your servant came over that day to thank you. Concubine Ping thought it was good and asked the slave to stay.。”

“When Empress Qing saw that the little girl was good at needlework, she came over.。”

When Jia Hong heard this, he remembered something。

It turned out that it was Lai Da who came to deliver New Year's gifts. Jia Hong casually helped and told Jia Zheng。

Perhaps it was because Ping'er got the Guanyin from the Lai family, and he seemed to have frequent contacts with her, and he even picked Qingwen back for him.……

This Qingwen has a beautiful and protruding face, and she is one of the top-notch girls in the Three Houses.。

It's not surprising that Ping'er would notice it.。

“Fine. Jia Hong smiled angrily and said, "Go down." I'll be there in a moment, your mother-in-law's place.。”

After saying that, Qingwen left the study room uneasily, thinking deeply in her heart, but not daring to think about it.。

Jia Hong sat in the study for a while before leaving and returning to Qin Keqing's room.。


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