At this time, Jia Hong was walking in Changchun Garden。

Because the courtyards of Changchun Garden are far apart, these ladies live in different courtyards.。

After arriving at Changchun Garden, her daughter often coughed again. Jia Hong and Wang Xifeng were intimate for a while, but she had to drive them away soon.。

Ping'er is also pregnant now. Yinshuang and Guiyao follow the arrangements of their mother Chen Yun and guard them every day. Jia Hong just takes a look at them.。

In this way, he had to stay in Qin Keqing and Ruizhu's room for a long time。

Qin Keqing has been raising her for more than a month, but her health has improved a lot.。

When he arrived at Qin Keqing's room, Jia Hong hugged her, kissed her and said with a smile: "See you, empress!"”

Qin Keqing couldn't help but laugh and said: "Master Hong is joking again. He's just calling people."。”

“Come, let’s talk after breakfast. Qin Keqing handed over the chopsticks and said: "You are really busy recently. You don't have time to take care of breakfast every day. You have to go to the study to write notes."。”

Jia Hong simply sat down, shook his head and said: "Alas! The new emperor took office with three things in mind, and he probably also wants to make some achievements.。”

“After all, the Supreme Emperor is still watching. As a minister, I can only accompany you. Write it down first to avoid the trouble of having the press office come in advance.。”

While Jia Hong was eating, he asked again: "Where's Ruizhu? Why didn't you come over to eat together today?"。”

“It’s almost the Dragon Boat Festival! "Qin Keqing said angrily: "Sister Zhu returned to the city this morning and went to the Qiongjiang Tower.。”

Jia Hong nodded and said: "Oh, okay. I have to sell wine before the festival, so it will be a bit busy."。”

Qin Keqing said: "Master Hong, it's just about the wine. Sister Feng told me something last night!”

“She said that it didn’t make sense that Mr. Hong was now the king of the county and that his wife’s portrait was printed on the wine bottle.。”

Jia Hong smiled angrily and said, "It's not you who painted it either.。”

“Yes Yes! Qin Keqing smiled and said: "It looks much better than us!" Okay, let’s just feel ashamed for a few of us!”

Jia Hong shrugged and said: "Okay. I'm trying to make you happy, so of course I listen to your opinions. Draw a back view. You can't be ashamed of it, right?。”

Qin Keqing smiled charmingly, "Okay, that's good!”

“For the wine bottles at this time, Brother Pan contacted the Royal Glaze Factory and said that they would be given to the prince's palace. It was also possible to customize a batch of bottles! Why not, just change the wine bottle this Dragon Boat Festival, okay?”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Pan is really a bit lively? Instead, the one from Liulichang looks more luxurious.。”

Qin Keqing raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Oh, sister still has some ideas about the price.。”

“Why, the little phoenix bird is blinded by money again? Jia Hong joked: "Forty taels a bottle is too little?"”

Qin Keqing blinked and said: "That's not true. Now the emperor's reign has been decided. The coming year will be the first year of Hongchang."’。”

“So, now in Tianjing City, the lowest price for Jianlong Wujiu is one hundred taels.。”

When Jia Hong heard this, he became more attentive and said, "That's true!”

“This year’s grapes are not yet ripe. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, another batch of Jianlong Sixty will be brewed. This is out of print!”

“Not really. "Qin Keqing smiled and said。

Jia Hong then smiled and said: "Let's sell it for forty taels. I'd like to see you cut the leeks with conscience in the future. If you want to raise the price, it won't be too late to raise it in a few years."。”

“That's fine! I will definitely discuss it with my sister. At the Dragon Boat Festival, change last year’s five-nine into a glass vase!”

After that, after Jia Hong finished breakfast, Qin Keqing quietly left the room.。


a few days later。

There are crowds of people outside the wine shop, all waiting to open for business。

“By the way, the past few years have been eventful!”

“Have you heard of it? There was a bottle of Jianlong Wujiu's 'Zhuji' sold for a sky-high price of 800 taels?”

“Haha, I can’t say that I’m stupid, but that was the auction of Qizhenlou! The price is naturally high。”

“But to be honest, next year will be the 'First Year of Hongchang'! In the year of Jianlong, I am afraid that it will be hard to find a fortune in the future!”

Outside the first floor, everyone was chatting lively。

At this time, the wine building opened, and all the wealthy businessmen and tourists on the first floor entered the building.。

For such wine connoisseurs, entering the Winery is like going home, it’s so familiar!

The Wine Shop does not usually sell wine, but you can come and watch the wine!

But when everyone saw the wine in the glass display cabinet, they were immediately confused.。

“Shopkeeper, why did Jianlong Wujiu change the bottle?”

Shopkeeper Jia Ji said with a responsible smile: "Hahaha - this year the building received support from the Royal Glazed Factory, so we replaced it with more expensive glazed bottles! Taking into account the age and cost of glazed glass, this year's Jianlong Wujiu costs 40 taels per bottle.。”

Everyone immediately had an opinion。

“no no! You can change the bottle, but why does this portrait of a beautiful woman need to be changed? Why is there only the back?”

“Yep! We want old porcelain bottles! The previous Jianlong Wujiu porcelain vase!”

“Forty taels, profiteer! It's just an old bottle. Who wants this portrait from the back?”

“right! Unscrupulous wine shop, just change the packaging for thirty taels!”

Jia Jiuzong just smiled and said, "Gentlemen, you really can't force this. If you are interested in buying, please queue up and register on your own."。”

He shouted again as ordered: "Come on, come on! Nobles in the wine, Jianlong Wujiu! Take forty taels home!"”

“Only five hundred bottles of each style are sold, five hundred bottles!”

As soon as these words came out, the people who had been making noises immediately dispersed.。

Everyone queued up at the registration and tax filing office, each one more honest than the other!

“well! I'd say it's okay. Looking at the wine in the glass bottle, it's really pretty.……”

“The back view is fine too, it’s hazy and a bit more reserved.……”

“Hiss - Brother Fang, I remember you still have two porcelain bottles of Jianlong Wujiu. I'll give you two thousand taels and ask you for a bottle of Nami.’。”

“This...forget it, Lao Zhang! No need, this is not a queue! The shopkeeper said that the glass bottle is more valuable!”


less than half an hour。

Jia Jierong was very satisfied with the sales situation in the building!

He called for his son and said: "Changgui! Call the soldiers in the house to escort the silver back to the bank!"”

“Go to Wanyuan outside the city and tell Empress Feng and Empress Rui!”

“good! "Jia Changgui hurriedly turned around and left the fine wine building.。

Wait until the news reaches Wanyuan。

Ruizhu hurriedly went to the wine shop to prepare some food, while Wang Xifeng found Jia Hong's study.。

“I’ve met Mr. Hong! "Wang Xifeng Fushen said。

Jia Hong saw her happy face and joked: "What's the matter with my beloved concubine?”

“Master Hong didn't know that the wine at the Winery Restaurant had run out again! "Wang Xifeng said excitedly。

Jia Hong nodded and smiled, hugged her, "Very good!”

Let Wang Xifeng say this, Jia Hong still misses Ranna.。

Before he went to Jinling, Rana went to Ganzhou with his father. It had been more than two months.。

Jia Hong and Wang Xifeng chatted for a long time。

During the Dragon Boat Festival, another 6,000 bottles of wine were sold this time, so the income was 240,000 taels!

Seeing her, a little money-lover, beaming, Jia Hong was naturally happy.。

Because he and Zhen Xie have often talked about Nanyang affairs recently, and because someone in the Wang family’s ancestors also handled the affairs of the Jinling Navy, Jia Hong asked: “Xiao Feng, if you want to build a bird sail, do you need to spend so much money?”

Jia Hong also had some knowledge about shipbuilding in Jiangnan during the Wu Dynasty. Large warships were still sailing battleships, and most of them were wooden ships.。

“Bird sail? Wang Xifeng chuckled, "Is Master Hong trying to make Xiaofeng happy again?" Which bird sail costs so much money!”

“oh——”Wang Xifeng pursed her lips again and said, "But it's hard to say anything about the affairs of the court!”

“If the imperial court reports for maintenance and asks for permission at all levels, it will cost tens of thousands of taels to repair the broken ship in a few years.。”

“There are also some government-run shipyards that will not hand over the ships after they have been built, but will keep them in their hands and deceive them. Finally, officials from all walks of life will dismantle the ships and sell the parts to maritime merchants.。”

“The emperor wants to build a ship, and it will still cost three to five hundred thousand taels. The navy in the imperial court now has about forty large bird sails. It took so many years to cultivate it.。”

Jia Hong raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and thought that the administrative efficiency of the Wu Dynasty was really worrying. On the surface, it was prosperous, but internal corruption was also extremely serious.。

“Whatever. Jia Hong shrugged and said, "Forget it for now." However, take one hundred thousand taels and form a small maritime merchant ship. Offshore, go for a walk first。”

Wang Xifeng pursed her lips and said: "Master Hong, it's not very easy to make money... Now we can only go to the East, and those traveling to the South are banned. The risk is a bit high. In addition, it is a small boat, so it is not far away.。”

“You little money addict! Jia Hong bit her cheek and said, "Do you want to know the inside information?" The new emperor, Emperor Hongchang, is very interested in what I say about Nanyang.。”

“That's it! good! "Wang Xifeng responded obediently.。

The two talked about the ship and Nanyang for a while, but Wang Xifeng suddenly said: "I have something I forgot to tell you.。”

“The two Huai's worth of salt were sold. But it was very troublesome to get the salt. Officials at every level had to exploit them. I was supposed to earn more than 80,000 yuan, but in the end I only had less than 30,000 yuan left.……”

Jia Hong said in surprise: "Is it so exaggerated?”

Wang Xifeng pursed her lips and said: "I didn't know it before, and my aunt didn't know much about it either. But I took a lot of detours and donated a lot of money in vain. Ping'er has accounts, so I feel free to go and take a look.。”

Jia Hong waved his hand and said: "That's all, the salt and iron stuff of the imperial court is hard to explain in one word!”

“The family now has less food to transport, so let’s take this as a lesson! Now that the winery is doing business, there is no need to regard it as the main business.。”

After the two talked for a long time, Jia Hong hugged Wang Xifeng, feeling very fond of her.。

After a while, she hurriedly resigned and went back to the room, saying she was taking care of her eldest sister.。


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