Spring passes and autumn comes。

Ranna stayed in Ganzhou until early summer, when the first batch of grapes had matured.。

She was reluctant to let go of her father, but after comparing herself with her husband, she returned to Tianjing.。

During this period, some wine occasionally flowed out from Tianjing and Chang'an, and was resold and speculated by merchants to the tune of thousands taels.。

Later, Mobei nobles purchased it and even spread it to the Moxi Khanate through the Hexi Corridor.。

In fact, some banned merchant ships in Southeast Asia were transported all the way out of the sea.。

And the most hyped one is the porcelain vase Jianlong Wujiu。

Just because of the imprint of 'Zhu Ji'’、‘Nami’、‘peace’、‘Pleasant’、‘The words "鸾风" and so on are also combined with the portraits of the five beauties. Their appearance makes people forget the vulgarity and make them unforgettable.。

And because "Lone Star Jia Hong" is famous in the Moxi Khanate - decades ago, Zhen Yan, who was wearing the "Dai Yue Armor", went on several personal expeditions and defeated the Moxi Khanate.。

Such as: "Lone Star Jia”、“Dai Yuezhen”、“Prince of Zhenxi County”、“An Guohong”、“"Five kings' concubines", such words are constantly circulated among the speculators。

Due to reselling along the road and the legendary brand story, the price was so high that it reached the Moxi Khanate and became a sky-high price of five to six thousand taels.。

At this price, even the Khanate, which is rich in horses, can buy three to five hundred horses.。

In Yili City at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, a camel caravan entered the city carrying goods.。

Not long after, a noble minister brought the wine and was very happy.。

He wandered to the palace in the city and met with the Great Khan of Moxi.。

“Sir, please see the Great Khan!”

“This is the Junwang wine bought from Ganzhou and popular in Huozhou and Dihua! aka 'Nami’!”

The Great Khan of Moxi took the wine, and when he saw the beautiful woman on it, his heart skipped a beat.。


The great Khan of Moxi couldn't wait to take the oak cork。


The bubbles were rising, and he took a sip, feeling completely happy。

“Good wine, good wine!”

“Yes, the Khan likes it, so I will continue to sneak across to buy it!”

“snort——”The Great Khan of Moxi suddenly became furious and wanted to smash the bottle!

But I couldn't bear to part with it, so I just waved my hand and swept the things on the table clean!

The Great Khan of Moxi said angrily: "Like it? Of course I like it very much! But the Moxi Khanate, why do you need to sneak across to buy it! What you said is a disgrace to us, Moxi!"”

“The Wu Dynasty people took away our Huozhou and our beauties from the Western Regions! Stealing our grapes to make wine, but you turn around and buy them at a high price?”

“I just wanted to see what kind of gourd these Wu Dynasty people had made. It turned out to be just such a trick! If they want to provoke me, okay, Mo Xi will continue to fight! Huozhou, just take it back!”

The noble ministers were horrified, "Great Khan, you must not suddenly tear up the peace treaty! Although Emperor Jianlong's abdication caused turmoil, it has now stabilized!”

Because on the day of the death of Emperor Jianlong, when the posthumous edict was promulgated, news of the death of the Emperor of the Wu Dynasty was also sent to the Guge, Mobei, and Northwest vassals and tribes. And the fast horse was sent out early, which cannot be recovered。

This news once made the Moxi Khan want to take advantage of the chaos to send troops. Is Emperor Jianlong who killed his father dead?

But recently, news came that everything turned out to be a farce of civil strife!

The Great Khan of Moxi waved his hand and said: "How presumptuous! What's wrong with making peace? The hatred of killing my father is irreconcilable! It doesn't matter if he is Zhen Yan, Zhen Xie, Jia He or Jia Hong, no matter if he is Emperor Hongchang or King of Zhenxi! Send the order! Go down and prepare your troops for war!”

“If Huozhou and Zhenyuan cannot be captured and looted, go to Mobei! Prepare for war!”

“Yes... sweating profusely……”The noble minister retreated and said。

When Moxi Khan saw this, he held a wine bottle in his hand。

I can’t put it down even more, I can’t keep this “Nami” goddess in my pocket。

As everyone knows, what Jia Hong painted was neither the appearance of Ranna nor the appearance of any lady.。

Everything is just a figment and fantasy of Moxi Khan, the most beautiful Hu beauty in the Wu Dynasty。

“Hahahaha——King of Zhenxi, okay, okay! How dare you name it, how dare you name it Zhenxi!”

The fighting spirit in the heart of the great Khan of Moxi became more and more fierce。

I heard that Anfu's army only had two or three thousand men. What if he were to meet him? I must snatch this beauty from the King of Zhenxi!


Tianjing Wanyuan。

Ranna and her party came to the garden。

When Jia Hong heard the news, he missed him a lot. He left the yard and went out to greet him.。

And when Ranna saw Jia Hong, her heart beat wildly.。

Just because of the letters back and forth from home, she also learned that a lot of things had happened in the house recently.。

She ran over in small steps and bumped into Jia Hong's arms.。

Jia Hong even staggered and said with a smile: "You little lamb! You almost knocked someone down!"”

In fact, Ranna is taller than other ladies and quite strong.。

Ranna stood on tiptoes, kissed Jia Hong passionately and said, "My king, I'm back!”

“What a weird name! It's better not to speak Chinese. "Jia Hong shook his head and laughed, but it was also interesting to hear。

On the side, Ruizhu came out of the room, her face inevitably blushing. He thought to himself: This Hu Ji who can sneak into the tent... is as shameless as ever!

Or in Jia Hong’s words: The smell is as bad as a lamb……

Ruizhu pursed her lips and felt a little envious!

It’s not a very special emotion! I simply think that the little lamb is kinder than the little maid……

Just when Ruizhu thought they were leaving, Ranna came back dragging Jia Hong, "Ruizhu! I want to drink! Together?"”

Looking at Ranna's innocent and natural eyes, as pure as amber, Ruizhu's eyes widened.……

“No, you don't!”

“Hey hey hey——”

“Ouch - don't touch me Nana!”

“I'll give you money!”

“don't want! Even if you kill me, I won’t drink with you two!”

Jia Hong couldn't help but find it funny when he saw the two of them messing around.。

Perhaps because they lived together in Ganzhou, Ranna and Ruizhu's relationship is better.。

Ruizhu, everything is good, but she is too obedient and well-behaved.。

After all - she's just a maid?

It's actually a good thing to get together with Ranna, a wife who doesn't follow the rules very well.。

“OK OK. Jia Hong hugged the two of them into the house and said to Ruizhu: "Rana is going home!" Drink one to calm her down! Let someone make some more side dishes!”

“That——”Ruizhu bit her lip slightly and hesitated: "Okay. Just drink it today."。”

“No more tomorrow, Nana will never stop drinking it! Mr. Hong, don’t spoil her。”

Jia Hong couldn't help but grin and entered the room with the two of them.。

When the maid came and poured the wine and served the food, the three of them pushed the glasses and drank, and before they knew it, it was getting dark.。

With Jia Hong's drinking capacity, it's easy to drink two people down.。


a few days later。

Jia Hong wakes up from Ruizhu's room。

Looking aside, Rana was sleeping soundly and couldn't help but shake her head.。

I've been messing around a bit too much in the past few days. It's already noon by the time.。

“Eh-this girl is so naughty!”

Jia Hong pushed her long legs aside, got up, washed himself, had breakfast and lunch, then left the yard and walked to Qin Keqing's room.。

However, before I got there, I saw officials from the memorial office coming over.。

Jia Hong exchanged pleasantries and took the coupon, thinking that this Emperor Hongchang is really killing people!

After entering autumn, the frequency of folds has dropped, but one fold is longer than three folds.……

When Jia Hong opened the book and took a look, he was immediately confused.。

“Imperial envoy? ? ?”

Jia Hong took a quick look at it and folded it down. Emperor Hongchang made several powerful points:

Jia Changzhu and other subordinates are very helpful; the Jingwei camp does not need you to be busy; you have many ideas and are very capable; your vacation is over, but you have been a little idle recently.……

Finally, I came to a conclusion: Go to Jiangnan and become an imperial minister, and conquer the key and difficult issues of salt administration and weaving in the Huaihe River.。

Jia Hong shook his head and laughed, but he thought it wouldn't hurt to take a trip.。

It just so happens that my future father-in-law, Lin Ruhai, will be the salt censor of the Huaihe River Basin.

Fortunately, Emperor Hongchang did not rush him and gave him two months.。

Let Jia Hong collect information in Tianjing first so that he can go to Lianghuai for a thorough investigation.。



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