“you! "Jia Yuanchun sighed with anger and annoyance.。

This situation made Li Wan so embarrassed that he wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.。

“Explain explain! "Jia Yuanchun looked straight at Jia Hong。

Jia Yuanchun, who is usually quite restrained, is really angry now!

At this time, Li Wan said: "Girl, if you don't blame him, blame me! It's me who doesn't follow the rules of women."。”

After Jia Yuanchun heard this, his heart suddenly withered.。

I really don’t know what to say!

Li Wan is about the same age as her. If you think about it carefully, why doesn't she understand Li Wan?

But after all, if it’s wrong, it’s wrong!

Thinking of this, Jia Yuanchun also felt ashamed in his heart.。

Didn't she herself have a crush on Jia Hong?

It would be fine if the emperor or the emperor rewarded her to Jia Hong.。

But there is absolutely no reason for her to go beyond the palace rules and join Jia Hong!

Jia Yuanchun felt pity and shame, and his eyes turned red for a moment.。

“That's all, I didn't see anything and I won't tell anyone else.。”

After saying that, Jia Yuanchun knelt down and said, "I have met the prince, and the emperor has something to tell you."。”

Jia Hong suddenly got a headache when he saw Jia Yuanchun like this.。

He quickly pulled Jia Yuanchun up and took her to his seat.。

“Good sister, if you have something to say, don’t do this。”

The two of them were sitting one on the left and the other on the right. Jia Hong simply stood.。

Seeing that Li Wan was about to speak but hesitated, Jia Hong waved his hand and said, "Let me tell you."。”

“Sister," Jia Hong looked at Jia Yuanchun, "My sister-in-law and I made a mistake, and it was also an accident.。”

“Brother Zhu and I got married on the same day。”

“When we went to the wedding that day, your sister-in-law regarded me as Brother Zhu.。”

“The two of us were confused.。”

“You also know that Brother Zhu passed away the day after he got married.。”

“Lan'er——is my son。”

Jia Yuanchun was stunned and looked at Jia Hong blankly, unable to speak for a long time.。

She clenched her fingers and blamed her: "Then, since you two have feelings and righteousness, why can't you be more upright?。”

At this time, Li Wan stretched out his hand to comfort him: "He is willing."。”

“It's my fault. I don't want to remarry because I'm afraid it won't be good for Lan'er in the future.……”

Jia Yuanchun was jealous。

Is it like this now? If others saw it, wouldn't Lan'er be even more shameless? It’s better to just remarry!

But thinking about it this way, Jia Yuanchun understood that Jia's mother in Rong Mansion would definitely not want to。

Suddenly, Jia Yuanchun felt that it was a ridiculous thing that Jia Hong could do.……

Sleeping in Emperor Daxing's Zi Palace, teasing the female officials in the palace... He was even more ridiculous than before。

Jia Yuanchun breathed slightly and said to Jia Hong: "Forget it, don't do this again! I know that you two are in love, but when we meet in the future, please pay more attention. Don't say it, I will pretend that I didn't see it.。”

“well! Got it, my good sister! "Jia Hong grinned and said。

Li Wan was relieved after hearing this and looked at Jia Yuanchun who was very grateful.。

But when he heard that it was the Emperor's business, Li Wan knew it was not in his way, so he got up and left in a hurry。

Jia Hong thought it was a pity and sent her away from the yard.。

When he came back and saw that the maid was still there, Jia Hong asked, "Were you not here just now?"”

The maid said timidly: "Go back to your lord, your servant has indeed left for a while."……”

“Something's wrong? "Jia Hong said slightly displeased.。

“The empress came back to pick up things, and the younger ones helped to tidy them up for a while.。”


Jia Hong was speechless for a while, thinking that the storm came so suddenly... Although, it might not be a big deal for Ke Qing to bump into it?

He stopped arguing with the maid for the time being and told her to keep it safe before returning to the study.。

“Good sister! "Jia Hong entered the study and got directly into Jia Yuanchun's arms.。

Jia Yuanchun was furious for a while, his teeth itched with anger, "I just sent the palace judge away with my front foot, but I am embarrassed by my back foot. Are you a monkey spirit? You are jumping up and down and can't stop!"”

“It's okay, just ask the Supreme Emperor to wait. "Jia Hong said indulgently。

In fact, Jia Yuanchun has not been here for a long time, which makes him miss him very much.。

Unlike Li Wan, Jia Yuanchun is more mature and tolerant, making Jia Hong always feel like he is being taken care of.。

Jia Yuanchun was shocked and frightened at this time, so he had to kiss Jia Hong twice, quickly picked him up and said: "Good brother, don't do this!”

“well! Jia Hong said with a smile: "I think the Supreme Emperor should know that our relationship is good."。”

“I'm going to see him now, and I'd like to mention something about us! Do you think it’s okay?”

Jia Yuanchun suddenly felt like flying clouds on his face. He felt that he was too lucky, so he nodded timidly and said yes.。

As for what happened to Li Wan just now? With Jia Hong coaxing him like this, Jia Yuanchun had already forgotten about it.。

Jia Hong suddenly became overjoyed, and then left the yard with Jia Yuanchun。


The two of them walked in the Evergreen Garden, bypassing the twenty-four scenes.。

The beauty of the early spring is so shameful that the southern papaya tree planted in the scene suddenly ripens and falls off its stem. The fruits fell to the ground and exploded, attracting bees and butterflies to taste them.。

At this time, there were no Concubine Yang and An Lushan, but only the female minister and Duke An Guo, chatting and laughing, and flirting with each other.。

Not long after, the two of them walked to Lixia Palace. Jia Hong naturally restrained himself a lot and did not tease Jia Yuanchun too much.。

Walking into the palace wall, Jia Yuanchun also became serious and did not dare to say anything or smile.。

After wandering around the three palaces and six courtyards, the two finally arrived at the Emperor's study room.。

Jia Yuanchun raised his hand slightly and let Jia Hong walk in front.。

“Sir, please see the Supreme Emperor. "Jia Hong bowed and said。

But Jia Yuanchun knelt on the ground without saying a word.。

Zhen Yan raised his head and said with a busy smile: "Excuse me, Yuan Chun, get up too."。”

“Thank you, Your Majesty! "Jia Yuanchun stood up and stood half a step behind Jia Hong.。

At this time, Zhen Yan looked at the two of them and felt increasingly satisfied.。

One is a loyal minister who is very popular with Zhen Yan。

Even when the two of them were alone, Zhen Yan asked Jia Hong to call him "ancestor".”。

One is a very talented and virtuous female official。

Jia Yuanchun used to follow the empress dowager, but now she follows the empress dowager. All the empresses who have served her are full of praise.。

The two of them are siblings, so Zhen Yan naturally has to take good care of her.。

“Hahaha——”Zhen Yan stroked his beard and said: "Good boy, I am going to Jiangnan in a while! I will give you a big gift in advance!”

“Come here to declare the decree, I’ll wait for you two to come over。”

At this time, a eunuch came and took out the imperial edict。

Jia Hong looked at Zhen Yan's eyes and his heart skipped a beat. Ouch - this emperor is so sensible!

Call him and Jia Yuanchun over, what else can you do!

Jia Hong felt it was appropriate as soon as he thought about it! You are still stable, old man! The ability to encourage children is top-notch!

Although it is said that the Supreme Emperor’s decree granting marriage will inevitably be neither fish nor fowl.……

“The emperor was sent to heaven to carry the order, and the edict said:”

“The Jia family of Rongguo Mansion, the maid of Fengzao Palace, was the granddaughter of Duke Rongguo. Virtuous, talented, dignified and graceful。”

“Today - she is named a virtuous concubine! Get married after the coronation ceremony!”

“Qin - this——”

Jia Hong was confused when he heard this.。

What? Concubine?

At this time, Jia Yuanchun was also stunned, but still respectfully thanked him and accepted the imperial edict.。

Zhen Yan was happy to take credit and said: "Hehehe - good boy, how about it? Are you surprised?”

“Hum! Your sister is talented and beautiful, and I think it will be an advantage for her to marry as a royal concubine!”

Jia Hong trembled all over and took a breath。

More than a surprise! It was so unexpected that I wanted to kill someone!

Damn old man, is your name Zhen Dexiu? What an old fool!

At this moment, Jia Hong wanted to push the dog emperor back into the Zi Palace coffin made of golden nanmu wood!


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