Jia Hong could not contain his anger。

However, Jia Yuanchun's eyes were filled with sorrow and pleading.。

Jia Hong calmed down after thinking carefully.。

I'm afraid that when the imperial edict comes down, Rongguo Mansion has already received it.。

It’s easy for Jia Hong to get angry, but he wasted the trust and affection of the previous emperor in vain, and even easily got into trouble.。

Seeing Zhen Yan's smiling face that deserves to be beaten... Jia Hong suddenly lost half of his anger.。

What does it mean to do bad things with good intentions!

This old man Zhen! You really treat Jia Hong and Jia Yuanchun as siblings who share the same love!

Afterwards, Zhen Yan asked Jia Yuanchun to step aside first.。

Jia Hong came to the courtyard with him and talked about the imperial envoy affairs.。

But Jia Hong was simply absent-minded, and his mind was filled with only random thoughts:

It doesn't matter if Emperor Hongchang seals his concubine, as long as he doesn't touch her!

Jia Hong thought about it and had an idea in his mind: Yuhuatian arranged it?

Or get into the position of the eunuch who drew lots, so that Emperor Hong Chang couldn't turn over Jia Yuanchun's brand.。

To be rough, just let Yuhuatian Jie leave the palace. Although Jia Yuanchun will definitely have opinions, there is no other way。

Or stay in the palace. If Emperor Hongchang rises and goes to Jia Yuanchun Palace, let Yuhuatian chop the emperor into pieces with a sword.。

Although it is a pity to sacrifice a Yuhuatian, it is still a solution. As for the trouble of changing the emperor, Jia Hong doesn't care about it.。

After Jia Hong thought about it slightly, he felt relieved。

People are alive and there is always a way。

At this time, Zhen Yan said strangely: "Boy, are you listening? Why are you so distracted?"。”

“Yes, ancestors. "Jia Hong's mouth twitched, and he hurriedly cupped his hands and said。

Zhen Yan grinned and said: "I said, I will build a garden for you! Do you think it is good or bad?”

“What? Jia Hong frowned slightly and said, "It's not necessary. I just got a county prince's palace and it hasn't been repaired yet."……”

He said angrily: "Besides, this time I went to Jiangnan to serve as an imperial envoy, but the emperor had no money to spend! There are only a few million taels left in the household department. If something unexpected happens, it will be very difficult for the court.。”

Zhen Yan waved his hands and said: "If you are not a saint, then you should worry less about the saints! Let's play with ours and he will worry about his. Otherwise, why would I abdicate?”

“I told you to fix it, so just fix it!”

Jia Hong couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth, thinking that he really didn't belong to the family, and he didn't know how to make money! Why did he suddenly become so prodigal as soon as he abdicated?

Moreover, this guy is clearly holding Jia Hong on the fire!

Ah - Jia Hong sighed in his heart. Speaking of which, he really couldn't be angry with Zhen Yan anymore about Jia Yuanchun.。

“Not good, not good! It’s really unnecessary! It’s a waste of money. If I go to Jiangnan, I don’t have to copy several houses to squeeze it out.”

Zhen Yan chewed his peanuts and chirped, "Do you think I'm an old fool? You mentioned the salt policy two years ago. Along with Nanyang and the Free Trade Zone, you gave me a 10% discount."。”

“Whoever commits a crime leaves a hole that cannot be filled, so you just have to deal with it. If you want to reform the tax system and set up commercial ports, just set aside an area south of the Yangtze River for you to test. Your Majesty, why don’t you want to change?”

“Soon there was a Western Expedition, and the imperial palace fought again. As for worrying about the millions of taels of three melons and two dates,。”

After Jia Hong heard what he said, he also had a certain understanding of the power in his hands when he went to Jiangnan.。

Emperor Hongchang: I’m afraid of poverty, so just copy it。

The Supreme Emperor: Just do small things。

“Fine! Jia Hong nodded and said: "As for this trip to Jiangnan, I will just do a thorough investigation and restructuring." However, there is really nothing wrong with the garden.……”

Zhen Yan shook his head, "Okay, okay, I'll give you three mansions to live in! It's all nonsense!"”

“Allocate a piece of land near Wanyuan to the Rong Mansion. Later, I will ask Jia Zheng to finish building your palace and then build the garden. Call it - Grand View Garden。”

Jia Hong's brows jumped when he heard the name, and he gave Zhen Yan a meaningful look, "No money?”

“Hum hum——”Zhen Yan threw away the peanut shells and sighed: "Your family is no better than his family. They have been doing Yanzheng Weaving for a shorter time. His family still has a foundation of several million taels."。”

“My original intention is to let the Rong family pay for it, so you can let them go on this trip. If you don’t want it, ask your sister to go!”

Jia Hong looked confused at this operation of "borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha" and thought that this old man has a dark heart.。

When it comes to having fun and spending money, Old Man Zhen is the real luxury guy - even though he abdicated, he still can't stop spending money.。

Be generous to others and spend money from the Ministry of Accounts, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Rongguo Office without mercy at all.。

It’s no wonder that loyal ministers can be won over, and it’s no wonder that thieves can lose money when ministers become corrupt!

However, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts between the Supreme Emperor and Emperor Hongchang.。

“Fine——”Jia Hong nodded helplessly, after all, no one is perfect. He still made money anyway……

He grinned and said: "Ancestor, how many days are you asking my sister to stay in Changchun Garden today? I will go with her to find the elders tomorrow.。”

“Okay, okay. Sleepy, come back next time. "Zhen Yan stood up and waved her hands.。

After that, Jia Hong got up and left the courtyard, called the palace maid, asked Jia Yuanchun to come with him, and walked back to Changchun Garden.。

“elder sister。”


Two people walking on the small bridge of Biyutan。

At this time, the sky is getting dark, and epiphyllum and hibiscus are blooming beside the bridge.。

Jia Hong turned his head to look at Jia Yuanchun and asked, "If I have a way to take you out of the palace, will you agree?”

Jia Yuanchun couldn't help but hesitated, pursed his lips and said: "If it had been a few days ago, maybe I would have agreed.。”

“But the imperial edict was issued today, and my family must know about it. For the sake of my family, I can only stay in the palace from now on.。”

Jia Yuanchun said that he felt uncomfortable in his heart. He squatted by the bridge and suddenly saw the withered epiphyllum, and for a moment his heart was filled with despair.。

“Brother, do you still remember what you said in the alley that day? You, you'd better forget me. "Jia Yuanchun said, unable to help crying.。

Jia Hong suddenly felt something in his heart。

In the Red Mansion, Jia Yuanchun was concerned about the fate of his family even until his death.。

What she said about life in the palace was "It's ultimately boring."”。

He was worried, locked in the palace, and free in his heart - but died in the palace struggle in the end, which became the beginning of the decline of Rongfu.。

It would be fine if he hadn't met such a woman, but after meeting her and going through so much, how could Jia Hong be willing to forget her?

“Sister, I can’t forget it! Can you forget it?”

Jia Yuanchun couldn't help but sigh in her heart, even if it was short-lived, how could she forget it in her heart?

He rescued her from the palace, took her to fly on the purple sky, hid in the emperor's Zi Palace, coaxed her to kiss her, and liked to lie in her arms.……

Like a hero and like a brother……

But, Jia Yuanchun didn't dare to answer。

If you can save people from the palace, why can't you go to the palace and kill people?

Jia Yuanchun was afraid, really afraid that Jia Hong's impulsiveness would harm him again!

She smiled brightly and said: "Brother, there are thousands of women in the world, and you have married so many, and you may still have a better one! Sister, how can it be worth your kindness to me!"”

“do not do that! In a year or two, you will marry a new wife and forget about me very quickly!”

Jia Hongjue was confused, scratched his neck and said: "Do you really think so?”

“……yes! Jia Yuanchun forced a smile and said, "How can you tolerate your flirting with flowers?" Now - this is fine, okay!”

“All right. "Jia Hong scratched his head for a while. He tapped his feet lightly on the pavilion and jumped into the forest.。

In the night, Jia Yuanchun saw him disappearing and murmured to himself: "He will be sad for a while, and he will probably get better."……”

But the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. She was really gone!

Jia Yuanchun walked on the bridge and cried loudly. His vision was blurry, and he didn't know where he was in the end.。

Suddenly, he tripped over something again. When he looked again, it turned out to be a papaya from the South, but it was broken into pieces. It was just like Jia Yuanchun's heart at that moment.。

Jia Yuanchun was annoyed and regretful, but he did not dare to go to the courtyard where Jia Hong lived again.。

But when she looked up at the moonlight, she saw someone squatting on the tree。

She hurriedly wiped her eyes and nose and said, "Brother? Why are you here?"。”

Jia Hong pursed his lips and said: "I think it's better to kiss goodbye when we break up. Besides, I'm worried when I see you walking around.。”



PS: Thanks to [Ming Yue Qingfeng] for the reward! Thank you also to all the readers for their support!

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