At noon, inside Tianjing Imperial City。

At this time, Emperor Hongchang was reviewing the memorial。

Because of my filial piety, I only have this little thing left to do now.。

When he felt tired, Zhen Xie took a long breath and drank tea.。

“well! Father, it’s true, it’s just a matter of messing around with the mandarin ducks! How to give back a garden? !”

Zhen Xie shook his head and sighed.。

He hasn’t become emperor yet, but there is still harmony between father and son.。

But after he became emperor, many opinions and views existed.。

Zhen Xie was dissatisfied with Zhen Yan's offer of marriage.。

His original princess had not yet been granted the title of empress or imperial concubine, but now she had arranged for someone else to come in!

What's more, the Supreme Emperor issued an imperial edict? Also used "Fengtian to carry the emperor"”?

The virtuous concubine who was arranged to come in was not only a female official of the Empress Dowager, but also a member of the Jia family!

Regardless, Zhen Xie feels dissatisfied。

Dissatisfied with his father's instructions, dissatisfied with the concubine arranged to come in more like a monitor, dissatisfied with the extravagance even though the treasury is empty……


I really don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are when I’m not a family member!

The Supreme Emperor is like this, and no one in future generations will blame him too much。

After all, Emperor Jianlong's literary and martial arts skills were enough for him to live on his merits.。

But Zhen Xie, a son, can't do it.。

He is the new emperor, he wants to make achievements and bring peace to the world!

What's more important is that a son must not be unfilial!

Huabei Huabei! Zhen Xie shook his head, his heart bleeding.。

He looked through the accounts of the household department and made calculations on the abacus, muttering in his mouth: Prince's palace, coronation ceremony, conferring the title of empress, conferring the title of virtuous concubine.……

Everything costs a lot of money, easily tens to millions of taels.。

Zhen Xie made a lot of calculations and typed back all the memorials that cost money.。

Then I opened the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and saw Zhen Yan’s running accounts at Lixia Palace.……

Zhen Xie couldn't help but hold up his forehead to save some money!

But it happened to be the account of the Supreme Emperor. Thinking of this, Zhen Xie had to write another discount to the Ministry of Household Affairs: allocate another five hundred thousand taels to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.。

If Jia Hong cannot find out the reason next year, Zhen Xie has also decided: Jia Shi Wang Xue Na and his family will have surgery first.。

Obviously, Emperor Hongchang was so poor that he went crazy.。

But at this time, Internal Affairs Minister Xia Shouzhong came to deliver a message, "Your Majesty, this is a letter from the Supreme Emperor.。”

“When I arrived, the messenger specifically asked me to let the Queen read it first.。”

Zhen Xie quickly took the letter and said goodbye to him as long as it was a costly job!

However, after looking at Zhen Xie for a moment, his brows furrowed. Should he withdraw the offer of marriage to Jia Yuanchun?

This—Zhen Xie actually doesn’t dislike it very much.。

After all, he has never even met Jia Yuanchun.。

What's more, he didn't want to see these veterans.。

Not to mention that this was the person his father arranged for him to come in!

This is obvious. When we talk about building the Grand View Garden, we are not just trying to protect the people of Rongguo Mansion.。

But the people in Rongguo Mansion, except for Jia Zheng, are of some use, aren't the rest of them just a bunch of losers? Does it work!

This family used to be greedy for the Mo family's property in the salt administration, and Zhen Xie didn't like him at all.。

“Well - what do you think of the queen?。”

“The empress said: The emperor only has to follow his own ideas. He can marry if he wants to, and if he doesn't want to, he can't. Now that you are the emperor, although the emperor's opinion is important, the emperor must also have his own opinions.。”

Zhen Xie couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, "Yeah--it makes sense to be jealous.。”

“Send it back, just say that I know it and do it according to the emperor's opinion。”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

But just as Xia Shouzhong was about to leave, Zhen Xie stopped him again: "Wait!”

“Let me consider this matter again。”

Zhen Xie thought about it for a moment. The emperor gave him an imperial edict for no reason. He was obviously greedy for power.。

It’s just a matter of messing around with the Yuanyang chart. If you make a mistake, you come back and ask him to pretend he didn’t see it?

Zhen Xie simply said: "Send an edict to Rongguo Mansion to grant marriage to Jia Hong! As for the previous edict, you can just say that it was passed down by the Supreme Emperor and was not authorized by me.。”

Xia Shouzhong was slightly startled, but Zhen Xie had already hastily written an imperial edict in his hand.。

“Take it and send a message to Rongguo Mansion and Zhenxi Prince Mansion.。”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Afterwards, Xia Shouzhong hurriedly took the imperial edict and rushed to the outskirts of Tianjing.。


At this time, everyone in Rong Mansion was very happy.。

Yesterday morning, I got a decree from the Supreme Emperor and actually made Jia Yuanchun a concubine.。

The whole family was naturally happy, but Jia Yuanchun among them was not happy.。

Moreover, she also learned from Jia Hong that the emperor had objections to the Rong Mansion and was undecided about what life would be like if he entered the palace in the future.。

Although the Supreme Emperor intends to raise a hand to Rongguo Mansion, he still needs Rongguo Mansion to use his previous family assets to build the Grand View Garden.。

Thinking of his younger brother Jia Hong again, Jia Yuanchun also knew: What the Emperor cares about is not the Rong Mansion, but the King of Zhenxi!

“Let me tell you, the eldest girl is very talented and virtuous. She was promoted to female minister a few months ago, and now she has been granted the title of virtuous concubine! "Mrs. Xing said flatteringly.。

Mrs. Wang raised her eyes and smiled: "Madam, please don't praise her. Don't think that she will become proud in the palace and will not be able to serve a saint in the future."。”

But having said that, Mrs. Wang felt very proud and slightly elated!

In the case of escorting him before, because Jia Zheng's official rank was too low, she was only granted a fourth-grade imperial title! It happened that the big house was worthless, but because of the blessings of its ancestors, Mrs. Xing was granted a first-class imperial title!

Among them, Jia Mu was a little worried because it was Dai Quan who came yesterday.。

This was not consistent with what she had learned before.。

Just because Dai Quan has been serving Emperor Jianlong for decades。

Even if he comes to Lixia Palace, he must be here to serve the Supreme Emperor.。

Although Emperor Hongchang has not yet ascended the throne, he must have re-selected his closest confidants.。

There is absolutely no reason to use the Supreme Emperor’s internal minister。

“Girl, what are you thinking about? Still looking unhappy! "Jia Mu asked hurriedly。

“I see that you have been absent-minded this morning. Is there something you are hiding from your ancestors?”

Jia Yuanchun was in a panic and felt guilty, he raised his head and said: "Ah? No ancestor!”

But at this time, Xia Shouzhong came to the courtyard of Rongguo Mansion。

And Jia Zheng, who came today to ask for opinions on the construction of the palace, was very surprised when he saw Xia Shouzhong.。

Naturally, he recognized the new interior minister and hurriedly got up and went outside to greet him.。

“Lord Interior Minister! Jia Zheng hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Why are you here today?"”

Xia Shouzhong chuckled and said, "Mr. Jia, this is a good thing! It's also a great joy!”

Jia Zheng was completely confused when he heard this. He quickly returned to the house and called his family members out of the yard.。

When Jia Yuanchun saw Xia Shouzhong, her face was suddenly stunned, and her heart was beating hard!

Could it be! At this time, Jia Yuanchun did not dare to fantasize anymore. She was afraid that it would be like the previous two times: the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

Afterwards, Xia Shouzhong took out the imperial decree just drawn up by Emperor Hongchang and said in a deep voice:

“The emperor was sent to heaven to carry the order, and the edict said:”

“Jia Hong, the king of Zhenxi County, is a hero and an unparalleled warrior! Although he had wives and concubines, he still had no children!”

“The Jia family of Rongguo Mansion, the maid of Fengzao Palace, was the granddaughter of Duke Rongguo. Virtuous, talented, dignified and graceful。”

“Now I have given you a good match, and we will get married on a certain day! I hope that the two of you will be of the same mind and do not disappoint me!”

“Qin - this——”

At this time, everyone in the Rongguo Mansion was confused.。

What, another marriage?

What's going on!

Mrs. Wang's face turned green and she hurriedly asked: "Master Internal Affairs Minister, what's going on? No.……”

“Ahem! Mr. Jia, did you know that the old Prime Minister came here yesterday? Xia Shouzhong glanced at him and said, "Do you still want to accept this decree?"”

Jia Zheng suddenly sweated profusely on his forehead!

Yesterday's imperial edict was passed down by the Supreme Emperor, and it was not approved by the Emperor!

As a court official, no matter how pedantic he was, Jia Zheng figured out the issues of the two imperial edicts in an instant!

“Yes Yes! Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Seeing Jia Zheng behave like this, everyone in the Jia family understood that this decree must be accepted!

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

In the whole house, only Jia Yuanchun's eyes were full of tenderness and he felt endlessly happy.。


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