After thanking him, Jia Zheng hurriedly followed Xia Shouzhong out of the yard.。

“Lord Interior Minister! Jia Zheng hurriedly bowed his hands and saluted, and asked, "I wonder why the two decrees for marriage are given this time?"”

Xia Shouzhong shook his head and laughed: "Master Jia, since it was the old minister who came to give the order yesterday, then the order is naturally the will of the Supreme Emperor.。”

“The emperor naturally has no objection to the Rong Mansion, but now that the coronation ceremony has not been held and the queen has not been conferred, how can there be any talk about bestowing a concubine? You think so, sir?”

Jia Zheng was horrified and didn't understand why his daughter would be caught in the struggle between the emperor and the emperor.。

“Yes Yes! What the Lord Internal Minister said is absolutely true! Since it is the emperor's will, the Rong Mansion will naturally obey it. However, I still hope that the Prime Minister will inform you that your Majesty has also given the youngest daughter of the family to the prince.……”

Xia Shouzhong said: "The emperor's original intention in granting the marriage was to see the prince and Jia Shangshu get along well. Who would have expected that something went wrong. The emperor arranged this, but it can be regarded as a good marriage!”

Jia Zheng felt his head buzzing, Jia Hong and Jia Yuanchun?

He thought about it carefully, and suddenly he remembered that it was Jia Hong who rescued Jia Yuanchun on the day of the escort!

But at this time, Xia Shouzhong said: "But Mr. Jia, I still have something to tell you."。”

“The Emperor's original intention is that after you build the Prince's Mansion in Zhenxi County, you can then build a Grand View Garden for it!”

“What? "Jia Zheng thought it was too exaggerated. How much does the Emperor favor Jia Hong?

The palace hasn't been completed yet, why should we help him liven it up?

Xia Shouzhong said again: "But to build this garden, you, the Rongguo Mansion, need to pay for it yourself. It's because the ancestors of the Rongguo Mansion spent too much money on the salt administration and weaving."。”

“So what does the emperor mean? "Jia Zheng said quickly。

Xia Shouzhong chuckled twice, "Since there is a deficit, it is natural to investigate! Besides, the prince will go to Jiangnan next year to thoroughly investigate the salt administration and weaving of the Huaihe River. Mr. Jia, do you want to repair it or not?"”

Jia Zheng's scalp suddenly became numb. He checked Lianghuai Yanzheng Weaving Co., Ltd. This was not a hornet's nest!

How many of them are related to the old ministers of Emperor Jianlong? Emperor Hongchang really dared to do it!

Could it be that if this investigation continues, there will be endless storms in the Huaihe River!

Jia Zheng hurriedly raised his hands and said: "Thank you for your advice!!”

“The Supreme Emperor and His Majesty’s will, I understand! I will naturally make arrangements for the house to take care of it and build a garden for the prince!”

Afterwards, Jia Zheng sent Xia Shouzhong away, feeling a mixture of joy and sorrow in his heart.。

Fortunately, although the emperor broke off the engagement, he still married a prince。

What's worrying is that this prince wants to thoroughly investigate the Lianghuai salt administration and the Rongguo government will spend money to build the Grand View Garden!

“Alas - this son-in-law is also extremely popular. Could the Emperor have mistaken his intentions this time, but the Emperor has granted him a marriage?”

Jia Zheng couldn't help shaking his head and walked into the courtyard.。

After learning the news that Jia Yuanchun married Jia Hong, the family had different expressions。

But Jia Yuanchun was like a young girl in Huaichun at this time, her heart was beating so hard that before she knew it, she had drifted to another place in Changchun Garden, looking for her younger brother.。


Blink to the twelfth lunar month。

Light snow falls in Tianjing City。

In the middle of last month, the government knew about Emperor Hongchang's marriage to Jia Yuanchun.。

Although Wang Xifeng inevitably has some opinions, in the end, her arms cannot hold her thighs.……

The elders were naturally happy, so they left their mother in charge and called the matchmaker Xiniang to the Rong Mansion, and gave them betrothal gifts and other gifts.。

A few days ago, the wedding date was not yet decided, but a servant came from the Rong Mansion, saying that the county prince's palace had repaired it.。

After Jia Hong gave Wang Xifeng instructions, she chose the day of housewarming.。

This morning, Jia Hong went to say goodbye to the Emperor, had a drink, and did not return to Changchun Garden until noon.。

Leave from Changchun Garden and wait for the people from Sanfu to return to Zhenxi Street。

Jia Hong held a daughter in one hand and felt quite happy。

Ping'er was pregnant before and later gave birth to a daughter. The elders in the family were happy and regretful, but they also loved him.。

Because the old lady and the wife in the house were superstitious after all, the girl didn’t give her a name in the end, so she just called her Second Sister.。

It is said that he called the child by his nickname when he was young. If the ghost doesn't know the name, he won't be able to catch the child and send him to the underworld.。

At this time, the eldest sister shouted: "Dad, is this your new home?”

Jia Hong wrapped his two daughters tightly in his brocade coat and said with a smile, "Yes. We will live here from now on."。”

“Okay, Mr. Hong. Sister, give it to me!”

“Give me the second sister, how old is she!”

Wang Xifeng and Heping'er reached out for their precious daughter, and Jia Hong had no choice but to give it back.。

“Why are you making such a fuss and not letting me get intimate? "Jia Hong laughed angrily.。

Wang Xifeng glanced at her and said, "It's cold outside. I'll carry her into the house first."。”

“Fortunately, I had acne two months ago and took Qi Yang Pills. This meeting is clever!”

“No, I want daddy to hold me! "The eldest sister stretched out her hand and said Nuonuo。

Qin Keqing's heart melted when she saw how cute her eldest sister was, and she turned purple with envy.。

“Be good, big sister, be obedient! Wang Xifeng said angrily: "I'll go back to the house later and call daddy to hug you."。”

After that, Wang Xifeng and several ladies took the maids into the palace first.。

I went to stay in Changchun Garden before, and most of the servants of An Mansion were also in the house. In recent days, the palace has been tidied up.。

“Your Majesty! Jia Zheng, who was standing aside, cupped his hands and said, "Since we have already moved, I won't bother you much."。”

After all, the palace was renovated by Jia Zheng, not to mention it was just across the street from Rongning Street, so he had to come over and say hello.。

Jia Hong replied: "You're welcome, sir. Now you call me prince again, I really can't bear it!"”

Frankly speaking, Jia Zheng is still worthy of this call.。

It turns out that he is not like Jia Mu who can call "Hong boy", and unlike Jia Baoyu who can call "Hong brother"”……It’s really hard to be friendly to people who are neither above nor below, so I only dare to call you “Prince”。

“well! Jia Zheng smiled hurriedly and said: "Since I am going to marry Yuan Chun in a while, I am shameless and call you a good son-in-law first."。”

“It should, it should! "Jia Hong grinned, thinking of Jia Yuanchun in his heart.。

“By the way, sir, it’s about the wedding date!”

After all, according to customs, the two of them can't meet each other now, and they have to wait until they get married.。

“Oh - haha, the virtuous son-in-law is anxious? "Jia Zheng said with a smile.。

“From your wife's point of view, she thinks New Year's Day is a good time. Firstly, it’s Yuanchun’s birthday, and secondly, it’s also a good day!”

“It's just that the coming year is the first year of Hongchang, and the first day of the new year is the emperor's enthronement ceremony, so we have to wait and see again!”

Jia Zheng can't help but be anxious about this matter... Judging from Xia Shouzhong's previous words, Emperor Hongchang had a lot of dissatisfaction with Rongguo Mansion's previous deficit.。

Although those shortfalls have nothing to do with Jia Zheng, the Rong Mansion is now rich. How much clean money does it have? Jia Zheng is afraid that he can’t count them!

Jia Hong nodded repeatedly and said: "This is true. When the new emperor ascends the throne, both houses should be present.。”

Jia Zheng said cheerfully: "Don't worry, dear son-in-law, time is just a choice between twenty-nine and thirty!”

“In the next two days, it’s time for my family to return the gift. Just wait.。”

Jia Hong was overjoyed when he heard this and nodded repeatedly.。

After chatting with Jia Zheng for a while, he sent him off.。

After Jia Zheng left, Jia Hong looked up for a while and saw the gilded plaque "Zhenxi County Prince's Mansion" made by imperial decree. He couldn't help but feel happy: "Moving to a new mansion, my sister will also come in after a while, and it will be a double happiness!"”


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