Jia Hong walked through the main gate and came to the front house。

When looking towards the east front yard, the servants of the Xue family were also busy outside the yard.。

Originally, Aunt Xue was determined not to live there, preferring to stay in the east courtyard of Anguo Mansion.。

However, my niece Wang Xifeng’s warm invitation。

In addition, Xue Baochai plans to choose a talented woman. What kind of bicycle do you need to live in the palace?

Aunt Xue shamelessly moved into the east front yard of the palace。

Jia Hong walked slowly, passing through the main hall and the south hall.。

Compared with the original south hall, there are four more halls on the left and right sides, which is really a waste of space!

Because An Mansion was originally short of manpower, Ping'er has now hired more maids, so he will take care of the main hall for the time being.。

Looking around along the way, I saw that many items that I had received as gifts from home were all placed there.。

No better than before, many things can only be piled up in warehouses。

The entire South Hall is bright and decorated with antiques, which is both high-profile and luxurious.。

Five entrances, five living rooms, each with different styles。

Or the pen and ink of the Tang and Song Dynasties, celadon and glaze;

Or Western oil paintings, French wines, Persian carpets;

Or Oriental Ukiyo-e, Luzon’s Golden Guanyin……

In a word, a prodigal! He also lost his international perspective!

Among them, most of them are naturally the work of Wang Xifeng and Qin Keqing.。

A Jinling master, involved in the navy, sea and business; a royal family, extravagant and extravagant, quite like Grandpa Zhenyan。

In addition to Anfu's original collection, this move also cost more than 100,000 taels to purchase furniture, appliances and interior decoration.。

Naturally, the most money is spent on the facade of the South Hall. After all, the visitors must be princes and ministers。

If Ping'er hadn't stopped him, he would have spent at least another one or two hundred thousand taels to get in!

Of course, other ladies can also spend it, but it’s just for the things in the room. Any room will cost three to four thousand taels.。

Several sets of pear wood furniture from southern Yunnan, each worth more than a thousand taels.。

Even high-income people like the maids in the mansion have to work for a hundred years to earn a living.。

But since Jia Hong is now the king of the county, he naturally lets them take care of it.。

If the county king is still poor, why should he be the county king?

At the end of the year, the first batch of Jianlong 60 was sold, and including the Jianlong 59, the house’s income was 400,000 taels.。

If your income is stable, then of course you just have to spend it!


Afterwards, Jia Hong walked through the guard building into the back garden, walked on Yingyue Lake, then passed through the lake center building, and soon arrived at the back mansion.。

Jia Hong didn't name the palace as Dai Quan said.。

The old man and his wife arranged to live in Qinghe Hall in the east.。

Wang Xifeng originally intended for them to live in Qinghe Hall on the east side, but the old man thought the place was too big, so he simply lived in a room in the hall.。

As for her mother, Chen Yun, she arranged to live in Qingzhong Hall in the west.。

It's just that when building the Buddhist temple, Chen Yun specifically reserved a living room. I guess the west side is also empty.……

Jia Hong looked around, passed through Qing'an Hall, and returned to his residence, Qing'an Hall.。

One room in Qing'an Hall is larger than the original six rooms. You can live in any size.。

Jia Hong simply divided his rooms into six sets with six bedrooms and two living rooms, all equipped with study rooms and single rooms for the maids.。

Several people also drew lots and chose according to their preferences.。

In the end, Qin Keqing and Wang Xifeng were still the same as before.。

Ping'er lived next to Wang Xifeng, Ruizhu and Ranna lived in one room, and Su'e Chanjuan lived in another room.。

The last remaining room was naturally reserved for Jia Yuanchun to move in later.。

In fact, there is a place to live in the palace, but Jia Hong still likes to be more lively.。

After arriving at the recliner in Qing'an Hall to sleep, Jia Hong sighed: "It's comfortable!”


a few days later。

Jia Hong woke up early in the morning and left Qingantang Hall。

There was a warning sound in my ear。

“Ding! Jia Yuanchun changed the title of royal concubine!”

“Reward Nourishing Qi Pills*50!”

“Rewards can upgrade the weaving factory! Current machinery: Hand-cranked spinning jenny!”

“Reward Yulin Dead Soldiers*200!”

Jia Hong was overjoyed when he heard this, knowing that this was a return gift from Rongguo Mansion!

Presumably Jia Yuanchun's matter has been settled!

The more Jia Hong thought about it, the happier he became。

Although he and Jia Yuanchun have known each other and had feelings for each other for a short time, they have experienced many twists and turns, which makes them particularly special.。

With Jia Hong's temperament, if the Supreme Emperor really agreed to the marriage, he might not do anything to the old man. But Emperor Hongchang? That's not necessarily the case。

Fortunately, after many twists and turns, everything finally ended happily.。

Afterwards, Jia Hong put things aside for the time being and checked his system rewards.。

This time there are more Qi-nourishing pills than before!

Although Jia Hong still has the pills in his hand, the more the better.。

“It would be better if you can refresh the Soul Pill, but the refresh rate of this thing is a bit low! There are only three left in my hand。”

Knowing the importance of Soul Resurrection Pills, Jia Hong cannot use the remaining three pills casually.。

Unless it's a family member, or someone like Zhen Yan who can reap benefits, it's better to keep it as a trump card.。

Undecided when, I need to save myself and my family。

As for upgrading the weaving factory, this was beyond Jia Hong's expectation.。

He had previously built an arsenal, with two weapon production lines: front-loading muskets and red cannons.。

However, due to the special nature of the arsenal, Jia Hong did not become a local official and could not be released for a while.。

But the weaving workshop is different!

It is not an industry controlled by the court such as salt, iron, weapons, etc., and we are not afraid of being caught.。

“If we go to Jiangnan during this trip, we can open up a factory! The hand-cranked spinning jenny is better than the weaving machinery of the Wu Dynasty!”

Once the factory is opened for production, the government will have another way to make money.。

Like this time when he moved into the palace, Jia Hong also discovered that it was so luxurious that hundreds of thousands of taels of silver simply couldn't withstand the hassle.。

Thinking again about what she told Wang Xifeng before, one hundred thousand taels to build a merchant ship, no wonder she thought it was too little.……

The last two hundred Yulin dead soldiers, this is a bit comfortable!

Originally, the county prince's palace was big, so Jia Hong really felt that the servants he could find were unreliable!

If you leave a hundred dead men in the palace, take a hundred dead men with you, and occasionally accompany your wife as a guard, I think the safety of your family can be fully guaranteed.。

Habayashi Death Soldiers, they turned out to be the elite among Habayashi's elites, and they were all trained by orphans. Naturally, they couldn't be used on real people. They could just be summoned directly.。

After confirming all the rewards, Jia Hong put away the cards of the dead soldiers and prepared to summon them at the school field outside the city later.。

Afterwards, Jia Hong left the back garden。

When I came to the blessing pond in front of the South Hall, I saw the large open space full of things.。

One of the rows of wooden boxes hanging with red satin is the most eye-catching. The top cover is inlaid with gold foil, and there are some bright red words of happiness on it.。

Jia Hong knew at a glance that it was a return gift from Rong Mansion!


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