During the Spring Festival of the first year of Hongchang, Tianjing City was bustling with activity。

At the same time, the coronation ceremony of Emperor Hongchang in the imperial city was also filled with singing and dancing.。

Every day, envoys from various countries come to see him, even from as far away as Europe, envoys and missionaries from various countries come to congratulate him.。

At Zhenxi Prince's Mansion, Jia Hong himself only participated in the New Year's Day celebrations, and has not participated since then.。

The guests who had eaten at the royal palace’s New Year’s Eve wedding banquet that day found the palace banquet uninteresting.。


On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, early in the morning。

Jia Hong wakes up in Qing'an Hall。

Seeing no one in the hall, I remembered that today Jia Zhen from Ning Mansion brought the opera troupe to sing an opera.。

This meeting is taking place on the stage in the back garden。

Jia Hong couldn't say he liked her too much. Last night he told Wang Xifeng not to call her。

After washing himself, he left the room。

At this time, he saw Ruyi, the maid in the room, coming out of the small room.。

“Met the prince。”

“Um. Jia Hong nodded, "Where is your empress?"”

“Go back to your lord, your empress is still in Qing'an Hall right now.。”

After hearing this, Jia Hong walked out of the hall and walked to the main hall in the south.。

Entering a hall, he saw Wang Xifeng lying on a recliner. Jia Hong walked over and hugged her.。

“Little Fengniao, why are you not watching the show with those ladies?”

“Oh," Wang Xifeng raised her head and said with a smile, "I'm not going to Jiangnan in a few days. I just want to sort out my list right now so that I don't run out of things.。”

“How about it, Your Majesty, go to Jiangnan without a bride?”

Hearing this, Jia Hong scratched her nose and said, "Why, you still want me to take my sister down?”

Wang Xifeng raised her phoenix eyes and said, "That's not true. My cousin does things properly. If she is at home, we can feel more at ease when we go to Jiangnan.。”

“What, I’m not jealous! Don't always think about me in the past!”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll use the belly of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman."。”

“Of course I want to take my sister with me. But she said it was appropriate to stay at home. It turns out that you and the maids are going to the palace to teach her, so you can just take care of it at home.。”

“She also said that if she went there, no one in the mansion would go to the Supreme Emperor. Not quite appropriate。”

Wang Xifeng pursed her lips and said: "It's my sister who is generous. The rules in the palace are inevitably cumbersome, or I have to keep my sister at home. But this will become Master Hong's renegade.。”

Jia Hong shrugged and said with a smile: "That's right. Anyway, whatever my sister says, she always considers me. I just listen."。”

Wang Xifeng nodded. With Jia Yuanchun at home, many things seemed organized again.。

Jia Yuanchun trained his maids and servants, and even when he scolded them, he was sullen but not angry. Although the maids wanted to complain in their hearts that they were being disciplined, they had no choice but to accept it.。

What's more, Jia Yuanchun not only taught rules and etiquette, but also taught him how to recognize a few words.。

The girls in the family learned something useful, who wouldn’t respect her as a female teacher?。

“By the way, Mr. Hong," Wang Xifeng shouted again: "My aunt's family mentioned it to me yesterday, saying that it is Jinling's business, and her family has to take care of it recently, so why not come with us?。”

“That's certainly no problem. Jia Hong nodded and said, "Where are Brother Pan and Sister Bao?"。”

Wang Xifeng raised her eyes and said: "Follow me too. Now Brother Pan is a little more sensible, but after all, he has to do some things as a man. Sister Bao came back along the way.。”

Jia Hong nodded, thinking of Xue Baochai's appearance on New Year's Eve, he couldn't help but feel secretly happy for a while.。

While the two of them were chatting, maids would come to the hall from time to time.。

Wang Xifeng gave the maids tokens to receive money while chatting with Jia Hong.。

After a while, Jia Hong saw Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong entering the inner hall of the palace.。

“Hello Brother Hong! "The two shouted in unison。

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile and said: "Young boy, how many days have you been here to say hello?”

“haha——”Jia Baoyu grinned and said: "Brother Hong, please tell me, Jing Qing and I often study in the west front yard, day and night!"”

“really? Jia Hong shook his head and said: "Master Zheng can't control it, but you two become serious together?" I don't believe it anymore。”

“Of course it is serious! "Jia Baoyu sat on a chair beside him and called Qin Zhong to sit down together.。

Jia Hong said casually: "Where is Qing Jing? What is your habit of living in the mansion?”

“Very good Brother Hong! Qin Zhong smiled hurriedly and said, "It's just too big. Yesterday we were at the Yaoyue Pavilion in the back garden and couldn't find the way back."。”

Wang Xifeng covered her mouth and laughed, "Okay! I'll come here often from now on. Although your sister will go to Jiangnan in a few days, she doesn't want to be seen outside!”

“Now no one lives in the west front yard permanently. If you two are happy, come and live here! For food and fun, just call me my sister-in-law, and I will take care of you!”

“good! Thank you sister-in-law! "Jia Baoyu said with a bright smile.。

Jia Hong simply chatted with his two brothers-in-law for a while, and they became a little familiar with each other.。

At this time, the maid came again and asked Wang Xifeng to withdraw money.。

After Qin Zhong saw people leaving, he joked: "Sister Feng, I think your token is the only one in the house to get money. What if someone makes a token privately to get money?"”

Wang Xifeng raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "According to you, there is no way for the king to do anything! How can such a maid make trouble in the palace!"”

“Besides, your sister Ping's maids are in charge of the accounts for the daily expenses! If the money spent is not accounted for, you can’t find it anywhere!”

Jia Baoyu also said nonsense: "Hey - what if Sister-in-law Ping's maid took the benefits and hid the accounts from you? What should I do?”

“Could it be that the accounts were correct, but the bank account was in deficit?”

Wang Xifeng smiled angrily and said: "You can't see it, Mr. Bao! I heard from my aunt that you don't like studying anymore. You neither listen to the books of sages nor understand the economics of official career!"”

“Look, you don’t have anyone to talk nonsense with you! It’s boring to learn!”

Jia Baoyu chuckled, looked at Qin Zhong, and hurriedly called Wang Xifeng to tell them.。

Wang Xifeng pursed her lips and smiled and said: "Of course this is called cheating and stealing the maid's dowry! If you can't afford to pay, be careful. She knows there will be white-eyed wolves wherever she goes, so she will naturally have to be ruthless!"”

“Of course, if you want to discover this, there are many ways, but you still need your sister Ping to personally check the accounts.……”

The two bastards sounded interesting to listen to. Wang Xifeng naturally said it was very lively.。

Seeing her beaming with joy, Jia Hong listened with interest, thinking that this wife still had a ruthlessness hidden deep in her heart.。

It's just like Luanfeng wine burning your throat and invigorating!

After a while, Jia Baoyu's servant Mingyan called the maid to send a message. After leaving, the two left Qing'an Hall.。

Jia Hong put his hand casually on Wang Xifeng's waist and joked: "Okay, little Fengniao, what you said is very clear! How about I go to the imperial envoy from Jiangnan and leave it to you?"”

Wang Xifeng suddenly became excited, glared at him and said angrily: "Master Hong is laughing at me again! It's just a matter of bluffing two boys. My own master is a decisive and decisive general, how can I dare to take your position?"。”

She pursed her lips and said: "Seeing that there is no one in the hall, you are thinking of bullying me again! No one is looking for me, you are so partial and heartless, I will ignore you!"”

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile, kissed her and said: "No, it's just that you are so cute and aggressive."。”

“Hate! Wang Xifeng smiled timidly and said, "Go back to your room!" If you let me see it, I will be embarrassed to death!”

Jia Hong laughed loudly and hugged her back to Qing'an Hall.。


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