after the new year。

Zhenxi County Prince's Mansion returned to peace。

Jia Hong bid farewell to his elders and his wife who stayed home。

One hundred Yulin dead soldiers were left to guard the home. In addition, there were more than two hundred elite soldiers, plus two hundred ordinary servants.。

This part of the guard work is now handed over to Jia Changwei.。

The daily security patrols, fire squad and other tasks of the Jingwei camp were naturally handed over to the most familiar Jia Changzhu, and Jia Changlu was brought in to take charge of the fire squad.。

After getting the house in order, Jia Hong took his two ladies to go to the south of the Yangtze River.。

On this trip, Wang Xifeng and Qin Keqing will follow him.。

Wang Xifeng is reluctant to leave her eldest sister, but after all, the journey is bumpy and long。

In addition, Jia Yuanchun was at home, and occasionally Li Wan would come over to teach poetry reading.。

Wang Xifeng simply left her daughter in Tianjing。

In addition, Aunt Xue and her family followed them to Jiangnan.。

Xue Pan is going to Jinling to take over the family business, while Xue Baochai is accompanying his family。

The main force of the Zhenxi Army had already been brought to Yangzhou by Jia Changping and Yao Yuan.。

To act expediently, the Ministry of War also reassigned Yao Yuan to Yangzhou garrison.。

It not only facilitates the defense of Yangzhou, but also facilitates Jia Hong to command and dispatch some local troops.。

Early in the morning, Jia Hong set out with his family and soldiers。

When they arrived at the canal ferry in Tongzhou, Wang Xifeng had already booked a boat in advance.。

After the soldiers and servants carried their luggage onto the ship, the group set sail.。

The ladies also had fun in the boat, playing mahjong with Aunt Xue.。

Jia Hong arranged for the soldiers to patrol and rest on the wooden deck, while looking at the scenery along the way.。

There are green mountains and green waters on both sides of the strait, with some fertile fields dotted with farms.。

At this time, Xue Pan was also bored and came out to brag and spank with Jia Hong.。

“Brother Hong! Xue Pan grinned and said, "Can I ask you something?"”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "Speak directly if you have something to say, it's not like you don't know my temper.。”

“Oh haha! "Xue Pan touched his head and laughed, "I just want to ask, when you were still in An Mansion, wasn't there a 'Yu Huatian' following you?”

“Is he your friend? Where are people now? Do you know each other?”

Jia Hong suddenly felt a toothache, "You're such a scumbag, you don't have anything serious to talk about?”

“The old eunuch thought he was clever and went to the palace as a eunuch.。”

“Eunuch! "Xue Pan's eyes widened, and then he let out a long sigh, as if he had experienced a heartbreaking love break.。

Jia Hong shrugged slightly, too lazy to pay attention to this stupid overlord's preferences.。

Yu Huatian, because of Dai Quan’s support, is now also in the palace, in charge of five or six young eunuchs。

This nail is embedded in the palace and can occasionally give Jia Hong some news about Emperor Hongchang.。

After a while, Xue Pan seemed to have regained his composure, "Hey - forget it! No chance, no chance!”

Xue Pan turned over and lay on the side of the boat, "Brother Hong, if we get off today, I'll probably be with you for a while, then I'll have to take my mother and sister to Jinling."。”

“If you go to Suzhou, I probably won't go with you.。”

Jia Hong nodded and said with a smile: "Okay. You are such an adult. If you have nothing to do, you need to report to me."。”

Xue Pan hurriedly smiled and said: "It's always right to report it! I ran into trouble in Jinling and I have to come back to you."。”

Jia Hong shook his head and said: "Don't! If you dare to mess around, be careful of the soldiers following you. All three of your legs will be discounted. It saves me the worry, and your mother also saves the worry.。”

Xue Pan couldn't help laughing.。

After living in Jia Hong's house for several years, he was given beatings and military training at first, but now he no longer cares about it. After all, he himself can feel the changes in himself.。

“But it was my sister-in-law who said that if I go to Jinling first this time, I can also build the semicolon of Qiongjiang Tower there. There are many wealthy businessmen in the Jiangnan area, and it is not short of this little wine money.。”

Jia Hong couldn't help laughing when he heard this, what a little phoenix! Really a little money-lover。

He nodded and said: "Good thing! You should take good care of the Xue family's business and so on. Listen to your aunt more."。”

“Eh! That's natural. "Xue Pan said with a simple and honest smile. "By the way, if you go to Weiyang, Lian Xiaozi will also be there. I have some free time, but I can go and have a look.。”

“Lian boy? Jia Hong asked curiously: "What did he do when he went to Yangzhou? Did he have nothing to do at home?" Recently, Mr. Zheng has been busy with the Grand View Garden. Where is the Rong Mansion not busy?。”

Xue Pan pursed his lips and said: "I heard what Brother Zhen said. He took Miss Lin down and said that my aunt was seriously ill. We will go down today in the twelfth lunar month.。”

When Jia Hong heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.。

No wonder I felt like something was missing during the wedding ceremony on New Year’s Eve this year. It turned out that it was Lin Daiyu who was missing!

But I really don’t blame him for this. In fact, the girls came in droves that day, and there were too many people!

However, after Jia Hong thought for a moment, he frowned again。

Just because a few months ago, when Emperor Hongchang assigned him the imperial envoy affairs in Jiangnan, Lin Ruhai's subordinate Li Ruyang died.。

This inevitably made Jia Hong wary. Lin Ruhai may not be sick, but someone wants to harm him!

“Brother Hong, what are you thinking about? "Xue Pan said strangely。

Jia Hong shook his head and smiled: "That's nothing. It seems that Lian boy can do some serious things occasionally.。”

“How can you say she's also a cousin? Xue Pan turned his head and said, "After all, the old lady in Rong Mansion also loves this granddaughter."。”

Jia Hong nodded lightly, but thought in his heart: Lin Ruhai might have known that someone was going to harm him, so he asked his mother-in-law for help.。

As for not coming to Jia Hong? Of course it's because we don't have enough affection.。

There are some clues about Jia Lian's company this time.。

After all, he was still an official in Tianjing, and no matter how idle he was, he would not say anything about sending his cousin home.。

It must be sent because Jia Mu knows that she has other things to deal with during this trip.。

First of all, Jia Lian is the eldest son of Dafang. He brings out the reputation of Rongfu and is still useful in Jiangnan.。

Secondly, if we want to take Lin Daiyu away in the future, we will inevitably have to fight with the Lin family's relatives.。

Jia Hong thought of Shi Xiangyun on the day of the wedding room。

She is now without a father or mother and is being raised by her uncle's family。

The Shi family's family fortune is not big. She has been used as a maid since she was a child, and she often works as a heroine until midnight.。

Presumably, Jia Mu also knows this lesson. After all, Shi Xiangyun is still Jia Mu's grandniece.。

But he was raised in his uncle's house. Even if Jia Mu loved him, he could only let Shi Xiangyun come as a guest from time to time.。

Now that Jia Lian is asked to accompany Lin Daiyu, he will inevitably have to fight over Lin Daiyu's custody.。

But if we could save Lin Ruhai in a hurry, we might not have so much trouble.。

“These salt-eating rats are really aggressive! "Jia Hong felt a little angry in his heart.。

First it was the adjutant Li Ruyang, and now it was Lin Ruhai. Jia Hong had to deal with him ruthlessly both emotionally and rationally!

Xue Pan saw that Jia Hong was thinking, so he didn't want to disturb him at this time. He just stood aside and looked at the bank of the canal.。


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