to february。

Jia Hong and his party went down the Grand Canal。

Passing through Hongze Lake, Gaoyou Lake and other places, there are many canal towns along the way.。

There is an endless stream of merchant ships and water transport at the river mouth outside the city, and there are constant traffic and horses on the river bank, making it very noisy.。

The group arrived in Yangzhou Prefecture in March。

At night, the boat passed by a famous brothel somewhere, with willows hanging on both sides of the river bank.。

Affected by the smell of wine and women's fragrance, customers kept buying money, taking out their money to pay tribute to this exciting romantic scene.。

Next to the river there is a verandah and a boat with a slightly elegant layout, full of singing and dancing, and endless romance.。

The singer waved the silk silk in her hand, as if to attract the attention of Jia Hong on the bow of the boat.。

Jia Hong was of course not very interested. He had lovely wives from all over the world, so the ordinary wind and willow could not arouse his interest.。

On the contrary, Xue Pan on the side looked silly and laughed, "I have never taken a boat through the Yangzhou Canal before, but I didn't expect that there would be such a true paradise on earth!”

“Chic, Chic! Brother Hong, can you take a trip when you have time?”

Jia Hong smiled angrily and said: "Okay, you have to play by yourself. I don't have that free time."。”

“no! Xue Pan raised his eyes and rubbed his hands, "Brother!" If you don't go, let me have fun! Those soldiers of yours?”

Jia Hong shook his head and said: "I've charmed you like this just by being on a boat. I'm not forcing you to become a monk, but you should get down to business first. I won't bother to care about you anymore."。”

“well! "Xue Pan said hurriedly: "Brother Hong, what do you mean?。”

Jia Hong waved his hands and said: "Now that you've settled in, you and Chang Ping will go to Yangzhou to garrison for a while, then contact Lian Xiaozi and let's pay him a visit."。”

Although, Jia Hong will be the imperial envoy, and it is naturally a matter of one sentence to send orders to Lin Ruhai and other salt officials.。

But luckily it's Lin Daiyu's father, and he's ill again, so Jia Hong doesn't need to make a big show of it.。

Xue Pan was overjoyed when he heard this, "Okay! Finding Lian boy is naturally a great thing, hehe!”

Jia Hong laughed out loud for no reason, "Birds of a feather flock together! I'm too lazy to say it!"”

Now that Jia Lian is in Yangzhou, my wife has nothing to do with them. God knows what tricks they are going to play with these two wild horses.。

After Xue Pan hurriedly resigned and went to make arrangements, soon after the ship docked, Jia Hong and a group of people came to the courtyard in Yangzhou - Yushuang Courtyard。

The ancestors of Anguofu and his mother Chen Yun are from Gusu, and they also have many fields and properties in Yangzhou.。

Although it is not as good as Anguo Mansion and the Prince's Mansion, it is more comfortable to live temporarily than to stay in another house.。

Compared to the Western Expedition, going to Jiangnan is hundreds of times more comfortable.。

When the family arrived at the entrance of Yushuang Courtyard, Jia Hong pushed the door open and said with a smile: "You asked people to clean up in advance?”

Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "What do you think? When I come out and live a comfortable life, we can't make arrangements for you behind my back?"”

Jia Hong nodded with a smile and walked into the yard. Qin Keqing raised his hand and said to Aunt Xue: "Aunt, I will stay here for now. Things in Jinling are not urgent at all. Let's get some rest before talking about it."。”

“Hey! Aunt Xue hurriedly raised her hand and said, "You're welcome, girl Qing!" I’ve been harassing her for the past few years, so I can’t help but be shameless!”

Qin Keqing smiled and said: "The maid and servant have arranged to go to the wing room on the east side. It's not as good as Tianjing, the yard is slightly smaller."。”

“well! "Aunt Xue quickly called the maid to help.。

After Xue Baochai walked in slowly, Qin Keqing pulled her over and followed her into the west wing, talking and laughing.。

Seeing that everyone had their own arrangements, Jia Hong simply called Yin Shuang to help him with grooming.。

At this moment, Su'e Chanjuan is helping Ping'er at home.。

Mother Chen Yun is afraid that Wang Xifeng and Wang Xifeng will be too busy when they come to Jiangnan.。

So he lent Yinshuang to them.。

Yinshuang is also a domestic slave of the Chen family, and her parents and brothers are also managing the family business in Gusu, Yangzhou and other places.。

It will naturally be much more convenient if she follows you here.。


In the inner curtain of the main room。

Jia Hong sat comfortably in the barrel, "Oh--it's comfortable!"”

“It's not so refreshing to freshen up on the boat.。”

Yin Shuang only smiled slightly when he heard this, "Your Majesty is a man who enjoys happiness. Traveling all the way will inevitably make you tired.。”

Jia Hong let her stretch out his hands to wipe them, and said with a smile: "What blessing do I enjoy? It's just a casual sigh! Sister Shuang didn't even think about it. When I was in the northwest, I could go without taking a bath for half a year.。”

Yin Shuang blinked and said with a smile: "That was just a small slip of the tongue. It's because the prince's face is so strange and handsome that he forgot that you are a general.。”

Jia Hong smiled softly and asked, "Where are Sister Shuang's family members now?”

Yinshuang pursed her lips when she heard this and said: "Mrs. Ai, my parents are already enjoying a happy life in Gusu, and they take care of several ancestral houses in the house. But they are under the direction of maids and servants.。”

“The eldest brother is busy in Nanzhou and Taizhou in Huainan, mainly working on the family farm. The second brother lives in Yanfu in Huaibei, and occasionally needs to go to Haizhou to pick up some pearl and shellfish crops for the family.。”

Jia Hong raised his eyes and smiled: "It sounds very busy.。”

The two of them chatted word by word, and they seemed to have gotten acquainted with each other.。

Of course, compared to Su'e and Chanjuan, Yinshuang is two or three years older, more prudent, and has a greater sense of proportion.。

At this time, Jia Hong came to Jiangnan. Although he was responsible for the salt administration and weaving, the more important thing was the salt administration.。

Like the Wu Dynasty, the annual fiscal revenue was five to six thousand taels of silver.。

Nearly half of them rely on local salt administration and taxation。

And because Lianghuai is located in the south of the Yangtze River, transportation and river transportation are developed, and there are many salt merchants.。

The salt course here is naturally the top priority。

At this time, Jia Hong arrived in Yangzhou. The Lianghuai Salt Administration Office in the city established the Lianghuai Salt Transport Envoy.。

Next, it is divided into two divisions, the North and the South, which happen to be what Yinshuang just said, Nanzhou and Haizhou.。

Judging from Jia Hong’s memory, one is in Nanzhao and the other is in Lianyungang.。

As for Yanfu, it’s probably around Yancheng.。

The North and South Divisions each manage many salt fields within their jurisdiction, and have several levels of officials under them.。

Although the grade is not high, it is very fat due to the salt content, so everything is beautiful.。

As for Lin Ruhai’s position as censor of salt inspection in Lianghuai, one is “inspection” and the other is “censor”.”。

Inspecting various places in the Huaihe River and Huaihe River, as for the censor, he is not just a supervisory official。

At this time, Li Ruyang and Lin Ruhai had troubles one after another. It is possible that the supervision was too strict, and the salt officials' interests were touched by their direct remonstrances.。

“Your Majesty, it’s ready。”

Jia Hong nodded slightly, not worrying too much for the time being.。

I just want to wait until I see Lin Ruhai and then go down to see these rats from the Salt Administration.。

“Okay, step back。”

“It's the prince. "Yin Shuang Fu Shen Dao。

“Oh yes! Your Majesty, my wife said before leaving: I am going to visit my uncle’s house. Have you remembered it?。”

Jia Hong raised his eyes and smiled: "Okay, thank you Sister Shuang. Remember it."。”

Of course, it was impossible for him not to remember, because Chen Rujiang, his uncle's family, was also Lin Ruhai's subordinate lieutenant.。

He must not bother his uncle next time.。


After a few days of rest。

The ladies went to their own business.。

Since they were accompanying Jia Hong in the name of business, they would not forget the matter.。

Wang Xifeng was also quick and called Aunt Xue and went to Jinling.。

Jia Changgui, who was on this trip, also called over. It was because Wang Xifeng said that he wanted to deal with the semicolon of Qiongjianglou.。

Xue Baochai originally wanted to follow him, but Qin Keqing persuaded him to stay.。

In addition, Xue Pan also stayed to help Jia Hong, and Xue Baochai also lived in Yushuang Courtyard for the first time.。

Occasionally, she would go out with Qin Keqing when she had to travel to entertain guests.。

Jia Hong naturally left them to work first, and each sent fifty dead men to follow him, as well as more than a hundred servants.。

After Jia Hong contacted Jia Lian and Lin Ruhai's home, he was going to meet at Lin's home today.。

“I wonder how Sister Lin cried. "Before leaving, Jia Hong couldn't help shaking his head and thinking。


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