
In the afternoon, Jia Hong took Xue Pan with him, left Yushuangyuan, and went to Lin Ruhai's residence together.。

At this time, Yao Yuan was transferred to Yangzhou Qianzong, so he also took over part of the local soldiers for city defense.。

Yangzhou is no better than Jinling and Hangcheng. The former is the ancient capital of six dynasties and the latter is the food distribution center in the south.。

Although the salt industry and weaving were equally developed, they did not become an important garrison town.。

There are only eight hundred guards in the mansion, and there are two battalions in the city.。

But unlike Tianjing, the two camps of Yangzhou Prefecture were under the jurisdiction of the transfer envoy。

Firstly, it is convenient to protect the transportation of salt cargo, and secondly, it is convenient to drive the salt farm cooks.。

After all, boiling salt is hard work, and most people are slaves to sinners.。

There have been many incidents in the past where Zao Ding was dissatisfied with slavery and resisted the salt officials.。

In terms of the power and organizational structure of local officials, it is actually different from other local governments in the Wu Dynasty.。

However, during this trip, Jia Hong brought a thousand and fifty troops to suppress the west, and they were stationed in the suburbs of Yangzhou at this time.。

Although the news must have spread to various officials。

But you can’t rebel after checking the salt?

If trouble really breaks out, Jia Hong will be confident and has nothing to fear.。

At this time, Jia Hong rode a horse, led Xue Pan and more than 20 soldiers, and walked through Qingshan Street in the city.。

Entering from the street archway, the street is really lively。

The inner city is naturally not as popular as the outer city. Most of the city is filled with wealthy businessmen and dignitaries.。

Occasionally, there are pretty figures, and most of them are traveling troupes sponsored by salt merchants, coming out of various houses.。

The Yangzhou Fengyuechang of the Wu Dynasty was inseparable from the promotion of salt merchants and economic prosperity. It had a strong literary and artistic atmosphere, with not only many opera troupes but also many scholars who wrote plays.。

Of course, this is also inseparable from Emperor Jianlong’s several trips to the south of the Yangtze River.。


However, the formation of the Zhenxi Army stationed outside the city is really not small.。

Not to mention that the news spread throughout Yangzhou, but the wealthy businessmen and nobles on Qingshan Street must know about it.。

Just because during the Jianlong period, Jia Hong was granted the title of King of Zhenxi County. Naturally, the entire Wu Dynasty heard about this reputation.。

And because unknown businessmen often spread the word "An Guohong"”、“Stories about heroes and beauties such as "Five Princes and Concubines"。

At this time, the boudoir girls in Yangzhou City will inevitably hide by the windows and doors to take a peek.。

Perhaps there are scholars who have caught a glimpse of Jia Hong's equal emphasis on power and beauty, and immediately sketched it in his mind: Under the Tianshan Mountains, the opera scene of King Zhenxi and Hu Meiren.。

“Look! That, that! The one riding the horse is King Zhenxi。”

“No way! How can he be so handsome! Is he really a general?”

“I don’t think so. She is wearing a blue shirt and regular clothes. It would be appropriate to say that she is a scholar or even a beauty.。”

“What words! Will a beauty bring soldiers with her when traveling?”

How did Jia Hong know this? He just rode his horse along the street openly. On the other hand, Xue Pan kept laughing all the way and made the scholars shudder.。

Not long after, Jia Hong came to the Lin family courtyard.。

After dismounting, Jia Hong looked up and saw that the yard was not big, as if it was the size of a court-issued yard.。

Lin Ruhai's ancestors were ranked as marquises, and his family should be rich. I guess Gusu is where his family's residence is.。

Then, Xue Pan called his servant to pass the message, and soon someone took them into the yard.。

Jia Hong took a quick look and found that the decoration looked relatively plain.。

He had already made arrangements for Lin Ruhai。

The situation is not serious and can be rescued with Qi Yang Pills. If it's serious, it's not a bad idea to take a soul-reviving pill.。

Jia Hong still has the sachet that Lin Daiyu gave him a few years ago.。

He knew the skill of this little enemy - the female embroidery was not that good, and she could not embroider half a piece in a year.。

Not to mention Lin Daiyu's relationship, he was on an imperial mission to the south of the Yangtze River, and Lin Ruhai was the salt censor of Huaihe and Huaihe Rivers, which was of great importance.。

After a while, the two walked to the outer hall and saw Jia Lian。

“Brother Hong! Brother Pan! Jia Lian hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your hard work! Thank you for your hard work!"”

Jia Hong waved his hands and said: "That's right. I came to Jiangnan as an imperial envoy this time to check for salt. Due to both emotions and reasons, I have to come and see your aunt.。”

Jia Lian nodded solemnly, thought for a moment and then said: "Brother Hong, let's go outside to talk first. Brother Pan, please sit down for a while."。”

“oh oh——”Xue Pan sat down by himself and called the maid to pour tea.。

Jia Hong gave Jia Lian and walked to the rocks outside the courtyard. He said, "Since Brother Hong is checking the salt, I won't hide it from Brother Hong. This time the old lady called me, but I was unwilling to do so."。”

“But then she looked at me carefully twice, and I knew what was wrong with me! Someone is clearly trying to harm him!”

Jia Hong nodded and said: "Yeah - I have a little guess about this.。”

Jia Lian added: "Originally, since Brother Hong didn't come, I probably listened to my uncle's instructions: take her back to Gusu. First, I dismissed the servants and maids, and second, I also counted the family property for her.。”

“Although the relatives of the Lin family are definitely not happy to give money to the girl, the size of the Rong Mansion is still the Duke's Mansion, and the old lady's intention during this trip is simple: it's okay to offend others, but she can't hurt her granddaughter.。”

After Jia Hong heard this, he changed his view on the dissolute Second Master Lian.。

After all, in The Red Mansions, Jia Lian and Lin Daiyu don’t even have a single conversation.。

Jia Hong rubbed his chin and said, "Mr. Lin's situation is so serious? Can he still speak?”

“well! Jia Lian shook his head and said, "You'll know just by looking at it." He was not far away from dying, and he was fainting when he came. They ran away and stole, but fortunately there were loyal ones who reported the letter and fed me two mouthfuls of food.。”

“The doctor looked at it several times and said it was poisoning, but in the end the medicine had no effect!”

Jia Hong took a long breath, patted his shoulder and said, "Okay, I understand.。”

“I'll go in first and see if I want to go back to Suzhou before making any plans. If you are busy, you can go back and tell the old lady first. If you're not busy, go shopping with Brother Pan, don't worry。”

After hearing this, Jia Lian hurriedly said: "Okay, okay! Brother Hong's words are just to make people feel at ease."。”

He also knew some things about Anfu Academy and Yangqi Pills, so he felt a little relieved.。

He only called the maid to show Jia Hong the way, but Jia Lian hurriedly called Xue Pan to go out for a horse ride.。

Jia Hong shook his head when he saw it. Xue Pan was always surrounded by three or two soldiers, but he was not afraid of getting lost.。

He laughed and cursed before walking towards Lin Ruhai's room.。

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lin Daiyu sleeping beside the bed.。

There are still tears in the corners of the eyes, and the face is haggard。

When he looked up at Lin Ruhai again, it was just that the hall was black, but his hands and feet were badly eroded, which was very scary.。

From both Li Ruyang and Jia Lian's perspective, Lin Ruhai was 80% likely to have been killed. He seemed to have been poisoned, and his appearance was inevitably tragic.。

Jia Hong was inevitably a little angry.。

He Hong waved his hand and called the maid away. He only took a step closer, but Lin Daiyu woke up in despair.。

Lin Daiyu looked stunned for a while, then suddenly she frowned, her eyes filled with tears, like a sculpture.。

Jia Hong couldn't help but feel touched when he saw this, but what he felt even more deeply was: he actually thought that Daiyu looked so beautiful that everyone who saw her would sigh and pity her.。

“A good sister doesn't cry, she has me. "Jia Hong hurriedly knelt down to comfort her.。

Lin Daiyu shed tears, and opened her teeth slightly and said: "If you didn't come earlier, you wouldn't come later, why come now?"。”

“With me as my sister in my heart, I have no reason to get married since a long time ago. You are so happy, but I cried all the way through the Chinese New Year。”

Seeing that she was crying, Jia Hong quickly wiped away the tears from her eyes and said, "Okay, okay, it's my fault."。”

Lin Daiyu suddenly became short of breath, crying and panting heavily. She raised her hand and hammered Jia Hong and said: "The smelly pills are of no use at all. Fang died, I fainted from crying, and you came to comfort me! It's not just bad, I don't want to see you!"”

Jia Hong was inevitably shocked when he heard this, so he had no choice but to let her hit him while gently hugging his sister.。

“OK, OK—no crying. "Jia Hong patted her back and saw that she was crying and coughing. He also knew that the girl was very sad and anxious, and her body was exhausted.。

He took out Qi-nourishing pills and fed them to Lin Daiyu, and then said, "When did your father leave?”

“He breathed his last an hour ago. "The more Lin Daiyu talked, the harder she cried.。

Jia Hong breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, "Okay, let's not make a fuss for now. I want to call you later and give you a hug."。”

However, Lin Daiyu started to lose her temper at this time, feeling like a wild ghost with no father or mother. If Jia Hong ignores her troubles, who can listen to her cry now?。

Seeing her sobbing so hard, Jia Hong still refused to let go. He wanted to knock her out but was reluctant to do so. Jia Hong was really helpless.——

Jia Hong simply carried her to the recliner and put her down. He rubbed her face and said, "Okay, if you cry any more, your dad is really going to die... Be obedient!"”

Daiyu was agitated after hearing this. She wanted to cry but couldn't. She became more and more pitiful. She was really afraid that Jia Hong would not care about her.。

But Jia Hong didn't care about Daiyu's temper. He got up and went to the bedside and fed Lin Ruhai the soul-reviving pill.。


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