“Ding! Save Lin Ruhai! Cutting off successfully!”

“Reward Veritaserum*10!”

“Reward detoxifying powder*20!”

“Reward elite female soldiers*50!”

Jia Hong felt happy when he heard the prompt tone.。

But without bothering to check, he confirmed Lin Ruhai's pulse。

After feeling for a weak pulse, Jia Hong also breathed a sigh of relief.。

Seeing Lin Daiyu taking a nap on the recliner, I don’t know if she is too sad or something.。

Jia Hong didn't ignore her for the time being and took out the antidote powder from the system.。

Although the soul-reviving pill can bring the dead back to life, there is no guarantee, so Jia Hong will not save the detoxification powder.。

Just as the system explained that it could detoxify hundreds of poisons, Jia Hong quickly turned it into water and fed it into Lin Ruhai's mouth.。

At this time, Lin Daiyu was sad. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Jia Hong was still feeding her father medicine.。

Although her heart felt warm, she still said: "Brother Hong, I have fed……”

Jia Hong turned around and said, "Don't worry, I'll wake up in a while.。”

Lin Daiyu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stood up and said: "What?!”

Seeing Jia Hong waving, Lin Daiyu hurriedly walked over.。

Jia Hong said: "Although the pulse is shallow, it is still there. After a while, the elixir will take effect and you will slowly get better."。”

“However, it still needs good care. "Jia Hong covered Lin Ruhai with a quilt and said。

After Lin Daiyu confirmed it, tears suddenly shone in her eyes again。

It's unbelievable! But her surprise was beyond words。

She covered her mouth and cried: "Great!”

“Thank you bro! "Lin Daiyu couldn't hold back her emotions and hugged Jia Hong.。

Jia Hong took a breath, pursed his lips and smiled: "Fortunately, we arrived in time.。”

“If it's any later, there's nothing I can do about it.。”

“Thank you, really! "Lin Daiyu was overjoyed.。

Jia Hong stroked her head and said with a smile: "Okay, your father is okay too, why are you still clinging to me?"。”

“Anyway, that was it just now...it doesn't matter. "Lin Daiyu said with a red face.。

Jia Hong joked: "What about your disdain for me just now? Are you telling the truth?”

“Which sentence? Lin Daiyu finally let go of her hand in embarrassment, and said with her lips: "But there are so many things I dislike. I forgot what I disliked just now."。”

Jia Hong shook his head angrily, "Okay, okay. Don't you blame me for not thinking about you?"”

“Originally, I thought it would be okay if you had Qi Yang Pills on you. How could I have imagined that Mr. Lin would be in this situation?。”

Seeing Jia Hong waving, Lin Daiyu followed him out of the room and asked, "Well, what's going on?”

Jia Hong shrugged and said, "It's hard to explain in words, so I won't tell you anymore."。”

After thinking for a moment, he said: "It's not suitable for you to stay in Yangzhou now. Tell your family to clean up. I'll leave the soldiers here with you, um - move them to my place."。”

“That……”Lin Daiyu bit her lip slightly, "Okay. I know you have no good intentions. I originally said thank you, but now it seems there is no need.。”

Jia Hong laughed so hard that his teeth hurt when he heard this, "Little narcissist! Forget about being too careful, just be coy! You know I'm thinking about you, so you're hiding away if you don't like it! Why are you still hugging me?"”

“Say it nicely! Me, I’m just going to be sad for a while! I will leave you alone in the future. Sometimes I think about it, sometimes I don’t think about it, God knows what you are talking about! "Lin Daiyu's peach cheeks are angry, her thin face is full of anger, and her brows are frowned but not frowned.。

Jia Hong was amused for a while, and he just rubbed her. Resisted the urge to use truth serum on her。

After hearing the words (hairy), I asked her to ask the servant to pack her things.。

Later, Jia Hongze arrived outside the hospital。


“Here, sir!”

Jia Hong ordered: "Lin Ruhai is not sick, he should be poisoned."。”

“You will conduct a thorough investigation later to find out who among the Lin family’s servants has recently left.。”

“If there is no problem with leaving, chase them one by one! check! Don't be soft!”

Jia Changping cupped her hands and said, "Yes!”

After Jia Changping left, Jia Hong stood in front of the Lin family yard and paced。

Judging from the situation in Lin's yard, it's unlikely that anyone would come in.。

In addition, Jia Lian said that many servants of the Lin family had run away, so Jia Hong decided to make arrangements like this first.。

If there is a clear goal, Jia Hong has just got Veritaserum。

“Huh-that's a little too much! "Jia Hong said in a deep voice.。

Lin Ruhai's wife Jia Min, her youngest son who died young, Lin Ruhai himself, and his subordinate Li Ruyang……

I'm afraid that Lin Ruhai had expected it, so he contacted Rongguo Mansion and picked up Daiyu early!

Otherwise, while Lin Ruhai is still here, why not send her daughter to her grandma’s house to raise her?

It's even more nonsense to say that there is no one to discipline him. With Lin Ruhai's identity, how could he not accept two wives and concubines?。

Thinking of this, Jia Hong decided to send Daiyu's family to Gusu first, along with the two ladies and Aunt Xue.。

I just received another reward from an elite female soldier. This guard is indeed more convenient and detailed than before.。

There are several female soldiers beside each person to provide more personal protection.。

“If I had known this, I really shouldn’t have brought them here! "Jia Hong inevitably shook his head and thought。


In the evening, Lin Daiyu asked her maid to pack her simple luggage first.。

But except for Lin Daiyu's maid in Rong Mansion, everyone else was detained by Jia Changping without exception.。

Lin Ruhai is an official of the imperial court. There is no problem with the people inside, but Jia Changping still has to take over.。

Since Jia Hong is an imperial envoy now, he naturally ignores the local rules of Yangzhou Prefecture and acts entirely according to his own judgment.。

When Lin Ruhai came out, Jia Hong cupped his hands and said, "I have seen Mr. Lin."。”

“"Your Majesty, you're welcome," Lin Ruhai said forcefully, "I heard what Daiyu said, and I also know her physical condition right now!" Thank you very much. I cannot repay such a favor!”

Jia Hong thought that it would be fine if his daughter got married, and said sternly: "Please come here, and the carriage will be sent back to my yard. After that, I will take you to Gusu."。”

Lin Daiyu's heart trembled slightly when she heard this, but without saying much, she helped Lin Ruhai get into the carriage.。


At this time, in Yushuang Courtyard。

Xue Baochai was in the west wing, half leaning on the bedside, holding his cheek, looking in a daze.。

It’s rare to live in a courtyard, but I haven’t seen my brother much recently.。

If she wasn't going out with Qin Keqing, he was going to the local government office。

Thinking of this, the copy of "The Romance of the West Chamber" in my hand is no longer interesting.。

Before leaving for Yangzhou, one day Xue Baochai heard her mother chatting with Mrs. Wang, saying that if she failed to choose a talented girl, it might be possible to bring the two families into marriage.。

“Alas - it would be better if he were as courageous as Cui Yingying. "Xue Baochai pursed her lips and thought。

Infatuated with love, crazy with love - it doesn't matter etiquette, poetry and books, parents' matchmaking, or status - just like a person and think he is good。

She held the pen in her hand and went back and forth:

“Tenderness and weak water, in the west wing of the dream, the moonlight still rises. The bun is carelessly open, and it still looks like the eyebrows from the old days. The charming servant girl is half-draped, reflecting the jade hairpin and trying out the embroidered curtain for the first time. I can't sleep well. I have a pillow next to my pillow. I don't have much joy.。”

“When you wake up drunk, the fragrance sells Luo Qi. When people leave, lovesickness is the hardest thing to deal with? The shadow of the candle hangs low, and it becomes thinner gradually as the night deepens? The wandering orioles are flying around and whispering around the Pingshan Mountain, making me feel sad. I secretly want to see you, but I can't help but feel sad.……”

After writing some random words, Xue Baochai suddenly turned red and said, "Ah! What am I doing!"”

“……It's all sister Yuanchun's fault! Now that I have come to Jiangnan, I have random thoughts day and night!”

But the more she thought about kissing Jia Hong that day, the more her heart pounded and she became more restless. In the end, she didn't know how many words "Hong" she wrote.。

She is totally not the dignified and elegant little sister she used to be... She is quite crazy.。

Suddenly, Xue Baochai heard the noise at the courtyard door, hurriedly put away the books on hand, walked out quickly and opened the embroidered curtain, "Brother!”

At this time, Jia Hong and his entourage entered Yushuang Courtyard. He turned around and said with a smile: "Oh, Sister Bao。”

Xue Baochai felt happy when she heard the name "Sister"。

But when she saw Lin Daiyu following Jia Hong, her expression froze for some reason.。


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