Inside the study room of Yushuangyuan。

Lin Ruhai also sighed repeatedly: "That bandit is suspected of being a bandit ship from Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong."。”

“Because Yangzhou is a little far away from the mouth of the Yangtze River, thieves are not seen in ordinary canals. But once in a while, I would rush into Nanzhou and change into a small boat.。”

“Pirates? "Jia Hong said unexpectedly。

Although he ordered Wang Xifeng, he also managed the merchant ship when he went to Jinling this time.。

Looking at it this way, it seems whimsical. The pirates who dare to enter the inland river are too brave!

Furthermore, if Miaoyu is really kidnapped by pirates, where will he be rescued?

Lin Ruhai shook his head and said: "Yes. Previously, there was a group of pirates in Nanzhou who kidnapped two ships of Dutch merchants.。”

“If it's just a ticket for meat, I'm afraid someone is driving these hob meat. Not for money, just for beauty!”

Jia Hong couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and Lin Ruhai had no choice but to comfort him: "If Zheng's pirates kidnapped……”

“This pirate was still a navy from the former Zhou Dynasty, so Zheng Jinlong drove and killed the Dutch. Even in his early years, Emperor Jianlong also defeated the two and recovered Liudao. But now there are still remnants lingering in Fujian and Zhejiang, Liuqiu。”

“Zheng Jinlong died and his wife took charge of the pirate group. During this period, pirates set rules not to humiliate women. Now the third generation of Zheng Sanniang is in charge of the family... If it were them, maybe Miaoyu would still be fine。”

Jia Hong took a long breath and said, "Okay. The more we go about it, the bigger the matter becomes. It even involves the remnants of the previous dynasty."。”

He had also read similar records, which were Jia He's memorials when he was in Jinan Mansion.。

Only a cursory mention of the slogan "anti-military establishment of Zhou"。

After all, Huaibei borders Shandong。

Lin Ruhai nodded solemnly and said: "But it is impossible for me, the navy commander, to go to war for a woman.。”

“The remnants of the former Zhou Dynasty and pirates have always been a major worry for the governors of Jiangsu, Guangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang. Someone has concerns。”

“The prince should put the imperial envoy matters first!”

Jia Hong cupped his hands and said, "I understand. Thank you very much, Mr. Lin, for your advice."。”

“It's getting late, I'll arrange for someone to stay with you. The yard is not big, so I have to clean up a new room.。”

Lin Ruhai heard this and thanked her hurriedly: "Your Majesty, you're welcome!”

After that, Jia Hong left the study first.。

Seeing that Xue Pan hadn't come back yet, Jia Hong sent his soldiers to get it back.。

Now the Yushuang Courtyard was full, so Xue Pan's wing was vacated and he was allowed to sleep in the study.。

Although, it seems that the salt policy incident will not lead to riots。

But despite the prosperity along the coast, the reality is not peaceful either.。

Even more complicated than the northwest。

Later, Jia Hongxian summoned the elite female soldiers he had obtained。

Several personal guards were assigned to each lady and girl.。

Then he sent another message to Jia Changping.。

“Chang Ping, get rid of Lin Ruhai’s matter and investigate Li Ruyang’s family situation!”

“In addition, a hundred people were sent to Guazhou Ferry to trace the whereabouts of Li Miaoyu!”

“Send twenty people to the Panxiang Temple in Gusu!”

Jia Changping held up her hands and said, "Yes! Sir!"”

Seeing his subordinates leaving, Jia Hong couldn't help but sigh, feeling pity for Miaoyu in his heart.。

Monk Laitou went to the Lin family at the age of three, and Miaoyu became a monk at the age of three.。

Daiyu buries flowers with deep love, wonderful jade plum blossoms turn into snow……

“Ah - I really want to hack Duke Cao to death, no, I really want to hack Jia Baoyu to death!”

Jia Hong couldn't help shaking his head and pacing in the courtyard.。

At this time, Xue Pan and Jia Lian came back, each holding a child in their arms.。

Jia Hong's brows jumped and he scolded: "You bastard, are you out of touch now?”

Xue Pan suddenly sobered up and said with a smile: "Brother, this is Brother Qi! His name is Xuanhua, come on, call me Prince!"”

The man was stunned for a long time when he saw Jia Hong, thinking that the Yangzhou scholar would not deceive me! He is truly a peerless and romantic general and prince!

After thinking about it, he felt that it was rude, and he quickly raised his hands and shouted, "Your Majesty."。

The corner of Jia Hong's mouth suddenly twitched, and he threw Xue Pan and Jia Lian into the woodshed, and casually dismissed the man and woman they brought back.。

“elder brother! That's really my brother! "Xue Pan was still awake and busy patting Chai Men said.。

“Give your shit! Brother Qi! Jia Hong was unhappy at first and cursed: "I'm a little too stubborn to be honest. I can't save you!" Stay a night and reflect! Forget it, just take it home and the shit will come out for you。”

Xue Pan was shocked when he heard this and was too honest to say anything.。

Jia Hong bolted the door, then thought something was wrong, and called the soldiers to throw Jia Lian into the study to sleep.……

“But I heard that Brother Qi's statement came from Fujian - it can't be related to this Zheng Sanniang!”

Because the leader is a woman, you can't touch women as a pirate? Have to add more men to men?

The more Jia Hong thought about it, the more absurd he felt, but he also hoped that it would be Zheng Sanniang who kidnapped Miaoyu.。


two days later。

Jia Changping cross-examined the Lin family servants, but there was no actual result.。

He thought it was a servant who had escaped, so Jia Hong had no choice but to order someone to catch him.。

As for the wife and girls at home, Jia Hong is also planning to send them to Suzhou along with Lin Ruhai.。

However, Qin Keqing was not happy, so Xue Baochai wanted to stay. In the end, even Lin Daiyu refused to leave. In the end, only Lin Ruhai was left alone and returned to Suzhou.。

Naturally, we are still pursuing Miaoyu’s matter, but there is no news from Chat Chat。

In this way, Jia Hong had to make arrangements for the imperial envoy first and prepare to take a boat to Nanzhou.。

It only takes a few days to go down the Yangtze River from Guazhou Ferry in Yangzhou.。

As for worrying about encountering pirates, there is really no need to worry about it.。

“Good sister! I told you I would do business! What are you going to do with me in Nanzhou?”

Jia Hong was about to leave, but Lin Daiyu at home refused, "I'm going。”

“My sister-in-law and Sister Bao are both out, so it’s boring for me to be alone at home.。”

“What's more, why can you go and I can't!”

Jia Hong's brows jumped and he said angrily: "Did you know that the daughter of the Li family was kidnapped before?”

“I am a man, what am I afraid of? I am worried about you!”

Lin Daiyu pursed her lips and said: "Take a carriage!”

Jia Hong simply didn't want to take her with him, so he pursed his lips and said, "I'm afraid that the soldiers will be tired and my butt will hurt too."。”

Lin Daiyu was so unhappy that she pursed her lips and said: "The river current is so big, how many cargo ships are there? Where can we encounter it so easily?"。”

“Besides, why bother thinking about me, an ordinary woman?”

“You think everyone is you, your stomach is full of yellow soup, you are drunk and stupid, and you talk nonsense all day long!”

“All he thinks about is coaxing girls, begging girls, and marrying girls!”

You are not ordinary……

Jia Hong looked at her with anger and resentment, and couldn't help but be fascinated.。

But her mouth was slightly open, and she choked for a while and felt guilty.。

He could only wave his hands and said: "Okay, okay! Go, go!”

“I don’t know who is thinking about whom at this moment? He says he hates it, but in his heart he likes it so much that he sticks to him to death。”

“If you are sweet, forget it, I will happily go there all the way, but you are the one who choked me to death. well! worry!”

“you! "Lin Daiyu raised her eyebrows, she would be really angry.。

The two of them bickered all the way and soon arrived at Guazhoudu to board the boat.。


Along the way, he saw three or two painted boats. Seeing the special decoration, Jia Hong took a second look.。

“Is it actually the style of Oriental painting? Are there some Japanese Japanese girls on the ship?”

Lin Daiyu pursed her lips and said: "You just don't know, I think the girl can't move her eyes away after seeing her."。”

“It can be seen that Jianzhen, who was in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, made his eastward journey in Guazhou to spread Buddhism in the east.。”

“Nowadays, Nanyang has been banned, and the exchanges between the East and the East are naturally close.。”

Jia Hong shrugged and said, "I only know that 'to defend the river, you must defend the Huai'. The defense of the Hangou area dug by the two rivers in the Spring and Autumn Period is of great importance."。”

Lin Daiyu raised her eyes and stared slightly, her cheeks flushed, "You deliberately antagonize me! You know the Spring and Autumn Period but don't know the prosperous Tang Dynasty? Bah!”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "Why are you lying to me? Buddha does not save all living beings, I will save all living beings"。”

“I don’t understand Buddhist culture, but I am proficient in sending people to see the Buddha.。”

Lin Daiyu smiled angrily when she heard this, her eyebrows were filled with emotion.。

The two were talking and laughing, and it was rare to be alone. Lin Daiyu was also in a happy mood at this time.。

But at this time, a sail with a black flag sailed into Hanoi at Guazhoudu at high speed.。

The ships that recognized the black flag couldn't get out of the way! Just because this is the ship of the Fujian and Zhejiang pirate groups - Zheng Sanniang!

Why did this crazy woman get into the river again?

On the big ship, a young fit woman wearing shorts and hot pants stepped on the side of the ship.。

There are a lot of crew members on the boat, most of them are men, but only San Niang is following the lead!

At this time, Zheng Sanniang saw a peerless handsome man on a small boat in the distance. He was tall and straight, and he looked charming and handsome while talking and laughing.。

Her eyes suddenly glowed green. Who is this! There is such beauty in the world!

“, you are mine!”

Zheng Sanniang became interested in a man for the first time in her life。

“brothers! Stop the boat! Arrest and rob people!”


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