Zheng's black flag ship。

“Sanniang! This flag looks like...the King of Zhenxi County!”

“oh? "After Zheng Sanniang was puzzled, her eyes shone with light, and her heart felt hot for a moment.。

Just because not long ago, the tribe happened to rob a Dutch merchant ship!

Whether it’s fine wine “An Guohong”、“"Five Princes" or the King of Zhenxi in "Dream of Red Mansions" all made Zheng Sanniang excited!

“He is indeed the King of Zhenxi! Zheng Sanniang licked her lips and said, "I wonder why you are so upset and want to go out today!" It turns out there is a beauty waiting for me!”

The subordinates were all excited when they heard this - after all, the leader Zheng Sanniang is a very beautiful woman, so it is extremely strange for a woman to say this!

But the subordinate turned around and said: "Sanniang! I recognize King Zhenxi's warships."。”

“It's a troop transport ship of the Jinling Navy! It's quite thick. If you fire it from the ship, it will definitely not sink the ship!”

“What a joke! Zheng Sanniang said unhappily: "If it hits my wife, who will pay for it?"”

“Approach at full speed! Board the ship!”

The subordinates’ brows jumped when they heard this, but obviously, their leader was really possessed by a demon!

“Sanniang is not allowed! This ship, after all, has one or two hundred soldiers. No need to compromise here!”

Zheng Sanniang said angrily: "You are really stupid, you are pretending to be stupid, kidnapping a county prince, isn't this a fun job!”

“You think the Wu Dynasty is not a shame, let alone not giving it back, just extorting it!”

When the subordinates heard this, they suddenly realized that the King of Zhenxi was well-known and had a strong family background, so there was nothing wrong with his vote!

“Everyone listens to the order. After boarding the ship, except for the King of Zhenxi County, the rest do not need to hold back!”

“Yes, chief!”

After everyone got the order, the flagman on the mast waved the order again。

The sailors shouted in unison, changed their sails and paddled, and the three ships in the fleet flew away quickly!

At this time, Jia Hong naturally noticed the situation on his boat and knew that the person coming was evil!

But this ship was seconded by Yao Yuan from Yangzhou Camp。

It is not a well-equipped artillery battleship. There is not a single cannon on the ship.。

And leaving, the water is no better than the land. At this time, the ship is in the middle of the river.。

If it is sunk by the opponent, the losses will be extremely heavy.。

Can you swim faster than your opponent's boat? Once the ship sinks, it can only be divided and killed by the opponent!

“Retreat at full speed!”

“Prepare bows and arrows, divide into two teams, and prepare all rockets!”

After giving the order, all the soldiers and sailors started to move.。

Jia Hong waved his hand again to gather the female soldiers, "Female soldiers! Protect Daiyu!"”

“Yes, my lord!”

Lin Daiyu was shocked and hurriedly retreated to the female soldiers, who protected her inside the ship.。

Xue Pan and Jia Lian also came out of the boat. They followed because they were bored, but they never expected that this would be the case.。

Xue Pan even secretly brought his brother on board the ship……

“Brother Hong!”

Jia Hong had no time to pay attention to the two of them, and narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the black flag ship.。

The strange thing is that the opponent's ship is equipped with artillery, like a red cannon, but it doesn't fire.。

“Captured alive?”

Jia Hong was puzzled. He thought it could only be Lin Daiyu.。

But where did the news come from? It was really a coincidence that made him feel weird.。

He was surrounded by loyal Yulin elites, but when Lin Daiyu set off, it was an impromptu decision.。

Jia Hong thought hard and couldn't figure it out, so he had to take out the system's armor-piercing bow.。

Suddenly, the river wind blew fiercely, and the ships on both sides accelerated on the river. After the wind deflected, the ships raced towards Beigu Mountain in the southeast.。

Taking advantage of the notoriety of Zheng's black flag ship, water transport merchant ships rushed to return to the ferry.。

It’s another beautiful day in March. In the Ganlu Temple on Beigu Mountain, countless Zhenjiang people are coming and going to get a glimpse of the majesty of “the best country in the world”.。

“Look, look!”

“There are bandits on the river! Hiss - it's Zheng Sanniang! He was actually chasing a boat!”

“The fight started, the fight started!”

Because the mountain is high and across the river, many people gathered around to watch.。

At this time, the two ships were about to connect. Jia Hong raised the long bow in his hand and triggered an explosive arrow.。

“Boom! !”

Jia Hong shot out an arrow from his hand, followed by wild shots!

During this period, more than a hundred elite Yulin soldiers were also dipped in kerosene and lard, and they lit fires and drew bows one after another.。

“Boom! !”

The center of the river is like a silver arrow in the water, with the sound of crackling thunder, and then it is like fireworks blooming all over the sky, and shooting stars in the daytime.。

The people in Beigu Mountain were so frightened that they felt as if they were facing a turbulent Qiantang River tide!

“What a scary formation! The navy of Wu Dynasty was so brave!”

“One against three! It's easy to turn around with the help of a small boat!”

“hiss! I vaguely saw it was the flag of the King of Zhenxi County!”

“What! It turns out to be the divine general! The Yangzhou opera troupe really likes to play him these days!”

“That is! The savior riding alone in the palace! Zhao Zilong in this world!”

“The best marksman of the Wu Dynasty! I think this statement is true! That explosion must be him!”

At this time, one of Zheng's ships burst into flames。

The tribesmen were noisy, Zheng Sanniang had many people, but the crossbow could not hit the opponent!

“Sanniang! His boat is so nimble! Moreover, these people may have too much stock of kerosene and bows and arrows, and the gunpowder will explode!”

“Yes, ordinary rockets don’t matter, it’s all the explosive rockets that caused the accident!”

Zheng Sanniang bit her lips tightly and was so angry that she hit the side of the boat!

If Jia Hong can't be caught, wouldn't he lose his wife and lose his troops?

She shouted: "Fuck me! Give me a hard time!"”

“Release the boat and save the people in Ah Mao's boat!”


Zheng Sanniang gave an order, and the gunner of the flagship under her began to adjust the cannon.。


After one missed shot, he made adjustments. After three shots, he hit the target directly!

“pretty! "Zheng Sanniang was overjoyed.。

“The sailor rows at full speed, board the ship for me, and capture the prince alive!”


At this time, Jia Hong's ship was hit hard by a shell on the side, and a big hole exploded in the inner cabin!

Fortunately, the warship has been divided into cabins, so it won't sink for a while, but it's only a matter of time.。

What's more, if the speed is hindered after entering the water, the opponent's ship will catch up sooner or later!

Jia Hong couldn't help but tremble in his heart。

It was good luck to delay by relying on bows and arrows, but it was already a loss of face for the other party to open fire at this time.。

He took a crescent halberd from the soldiers' weapons。

“Everyone is ready to fight!”

“Female soldiers, get off the boat at any time to protect Daiyu from leaving!”


“elder brother! I do not go!”

Jia Hong just smiled and didn't care what Lin Daiyu said.。

The other side has two boats left, each with at least three to four hundred people.。

But there is no way for the other side to join the ship at the same time.。

With the strength of Yulin's elite, tenacious resistance is not a problem。

But if it becomes a protracted war, Jia Hong's side will suffer even more! The boat cannot hold up!

This place is not far from Beigu Bay in Zhenjiang. It will not be a problem to send Daiyu away.。

Jia Hong can naturally find a way to withdraw, but he feels sorry for these elite soldiers!

If you can, protect it as much as possible!

After a while, the two parties got closer and closer. Two black flag ships, one on the left and one on the right, came with planks, ropes, and iron hooks to greet them!


One of the strong men among the pirates started to drink loudly.。


The pirates were so enthusiastic that they all rushed onto the ship and fought with Yulin's elite.。

Jia Hong waved the crescent halberd in his hand。

Each move is very ordinary, but after the attributes are improved, the power is amazing!

After repeatedly killing off the approaching pirates, Jia Hong squinted his eyes and noticed Zheng Sanniang on the black flagship.。

Wearing shorts and shorts is very "non-mainstream", with a small canvas jacket on top, which is enchanting and hot.。

As the saying goes, to catch the thief first, catch the king, Jia Hong didn't waste any words!

He stepped lightly on the side of the ship, and with the help of the rope hooked by the opponent, he landed directly on the opponent's deck.。

“Wow——”Zheng Sanniang's face turned pink when she saw it, and she was so happy that she clapped her hands repeatedly.。

“How great! An Guohong! I'm going to settle on you!”

Jia Hong raised his eyebrows when he heard this, but he was not allowed to think too much. There were three or fifty pirates on the deck!

At least we have to kill these people and capture Zheng Sanniang first!

“Chiba, here comes the sword! Zheng Sanniang shouted: "You all stand down, my wife and I have fought twice!"”

At this moment, Jia Hong had 10,000 questions in his mind, Madam?


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