At this time, a woman wearing an Oriental kimono handed Zheng Sanniang a long sword.。

At the same time, the pirates on the deck also obeyed and all retreated to the side of the ship to watch.。

“Sanniang! Sanniang!”

“It’s been a damn long time since I watched Sanniang fight!”

“I think this prince may not be able to withstand two attacks!”

Suddenly there was a group of spectators on the deck, which made Jia Hong laugh for a while, but he also became wary in his heart.。

Zheng Sanniang took the Qing Geng Sword from Qianye and looked at Jia Hong with interest.。

In the pirate group, the Zheng family has always been famous, especially after her ancestor took charge!

Zheng Sanniang's grandmother was a nun at Panxiang Temple in Xuan Tomb Mountain. By chance, she obtained the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra of the Xuan Tomb Sect.。

But he only reached the third level of training before he was robbed by his grandfather Zheng Jinlong and brought down the mountain. He took him back and became the wife of Yazhai.。

Because practicing the Heart Sutra requires some palace guarding sand, the pirates of the Zheng family have now set a rule of "not bullying women"。

Can't beat Madam? impossible! Zheng Sanniang has cultivated to the fourth level���Got it!

What's more, there are Qianye and Huawu beside her, two Oriental orphans bought by her mother!

They all also practiced the Heart Sutra!

Zheng Sanniang winked at Jia Hong and said with a smile: "Beauty, the sword has no eyes, please be careful!”

“Poof——”Jia Hong couldn't hold back his laughter, so he thought she was just attacking her heart, and shook his head to straighten his mind.。

The more Zheng Sanniang looked at Jia Hong, the more satisfied she became. She had long forgotten about the Heart Sutra!

She said happily: "If you can't beat me, then go back to me and be a stronghold!"”

“watch out!”

At this time, Zheng Sanniang moved her lotus steps slightly, and at an extremely fast speed, she swung her sword towards Jia Hong!

Jia Hong was also surprised when he saw the situation, but he only took half a step back, raised his crescent halberd in his hand, and blocked the sword.。

However, what he didn't expect was that Zheng Sanniang's strength was amazing!

It's not the strength that a woman like her can have at all!

Jia Hong made a sudden move, took another step back and pushed Zheng Sanniang away completely.。

“hey-hey! Shy little devil! "Zheng Sanniang said a lot of flirtatious words... She really embarrassed Jia Hong for half a second!

Suddenly another sword struck!

Two swords!

Three swords!

“Ding! Ding! Ding!”

On the deck, there was a flash of swords and shadows for a moment。

“This prince is actually on par with Sanniang!”

“What's the origin? Also practice the Heart Sutra?”

“fart! Are women disguising themselves as men?”

“wrong! Sanniang’s body skills are not as good as this prince’s!”

At this time, Zheng Sanniang felt even more strange!

Just because Jia Hong's figure is like a ghost, no matter how much internal energy she uses to draw the sword, she can't hurt him with every move!

“Madam, don’t hide! Sister loves you very much!”

However, Jia Hong casually poked, picked, and pushed, which always made Zheng Sanniang feel a sense of crisis!

Especially after dozens of rounds of killing, Jia Hong's expression became more and more calm and content, while Zheng Sanniang became more and more flustered!


Suddenly, Jia Hong shook his hand, and a half-moon was drawn on the crescent halberd.。

Taking advantage of her weakness, he continued to provoke her back and forth! Every halberd is aimed at the vital points to kill!

Zheng Sanniang suddenly broke out in cold sweat on her forehead and retreated continuously, but when she stopped, she saw that the canvas jacket in front of her had been cut open!

Fortunately, the jacket inside was intact, but Zheng Sanniang's face suddenly turned red, "You!”

“I told you to talk too much! "Jia Hong shook his head and smiled.。

Zheng Sanniang threw it directly at the little jacket, "Qianye! Hua Wu! Let's say hello! Except for the face, hit me at will!"”

At this time, Zheng Sanniang can no longer control so much, and she can't be beaten!

With Jia Hong's level of movement, it doesn't matter how many people are on board!

He may not be able to kill them all, but he can definitely escape! Zheng Sanniang disagrees!

“Yes, miss!”


The next moment, Zheng Sanniang struck out with a sword first and attacked quickly.。

Thousand-leaf flowers dance, one to the left and one to the right, with their long sleeves floating in the air, as graceful as fallen leaves and flying flowers.。

The swordsmanship is not as good as Zheng Sanniang's open and close, but her moves are directed towards the gate of life! Just call him a sinister one!

The three women each wielded their swords, but Jia Honglingbo took a slight step and was able to do it with ease!

Within thirty rounds, the three of them saw him return to his original position!

At this time, even Zheng Sanniang was not calm anymore - Madam is too powerful to be taken away!


Due to the direction of the wind and the fact that both sides were fighting fiercely, the ship headed straight for Beigu Bay.。

On Beigu Mountain, tourists at Ganlu Temple were very happy to see it。

“Oops! Look, look, look! That ship, yes!”

“I've heard people say that this Zheng family thief is a woman with great martial arts skills! That is definitely Zheng Sanniang!”

“Well, I’m afraid the man is not Jia Hong! He actually went to the opponent's flagship to fight three against one!”

“What kind of one against three would insult the elegance of Zhenjiang’s talented people! I have already thought of the title of the play: At the foot of Cibeigu Mountain, the three heroes fight against Jia Hong!”

“hiss! Wonderful, wonderful! This is much more fun than going to the theater。”

“Hey, why don’t you still go to the theater?”


Wait until Jia Hong and three women fought for 300 rounds!

For a time, Beigu Mountain was full of people, cheering and cheering, so happy!

At this time, on the black flagship, there were flesh and blood flying from time to time, which were picked up by Yu Lin's elite soldiers.。

“Clang! Clang!”

“Are you tired, sir? "Jia Hong swung it away with one blow and said with a smile.。


After a few more moves, Zheng Sanniang was already extremely weak.。

Jia Hong has added endurance attributes, so why bother with this little fuss!

He took the opportunity to move, and his feet moved slightly。

Turn around, spin the crescent halberd, and swing away!

Qianye and Hua Wu couldn't avoid it and quickly parried, but were thrown to the side of the ship!

“Um——”The two of them snorted softly, then half fainted after bleeding from their mouths.。

Suddenly, Jia Hong rushed towards Zheng Sanniang again!

After another ten rounds, Jia Hong saw that she couldn't resist and suddenly burst out!

“etc! Zheng Sanniang hurriedly shouted: "Madam, what a beauty!" No more fighting, no more fighting!”

Jia Hong was suddenly stunned. He was really convinced by Zheng Sanniang.。

But with the advantage in hand, how could he let go? God knows if it’s a scam!

“Haha, it’s too late!”

“I surrender! real! Zheng Sanniang was running around in a hurry, "I'll give you a boat!" Let's go our separate ways!”

Naturally, Jia Hong was not happy. He glanced at the superiority of Yu Lin's elite and said, "I'm going to arrest you as a gang of thieves, so there's no reason to let you go!"”

Zheng Sanniang was about to cry when she suddenly saw Jia Hong's ghostly figure and instantly put one hand on her neck!



Jia Hong said in a deep voice: "Okay, enough fun! You are Zheng Sanniang, right?”

Zheng Sanniang took Jia Hong's arm and said, "Yeah——”

“you! Don't let me go yet! "Zheng Sanniang said with anger, shame and pain.。

“funny! Jia Hong raised his eyes and said to everyone: "Zheng Sanniang is in my hands. If you don't want her to die, please retreat!"”

“Even if she dies, you won’t be able to resist her.。”

The pirates of the Zheng family had different expressions. Dozens of them dared to surround him, just because Jia Hong was too brave!

On the remaining ships, the pirates stopped。

Zheng Sanniang also felt that Jia Hong was really charming, and she couldn't stop immediately - the problem was, she really couldn't take him away! Heartache!

She was also fooled by lard, and started talking nonsense, "Beauty, why don't you come with me!”

“It’s not fun to be the king of Laoshizi County! I'll give you whatever you want! I will proclaim myself emperor and make you queen!”

Hearing her pleading tone, the corners of Jia Hong's mouth couldn't help but twitch.。


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