Jia Hong was speechless and said: "If you keep having sex with me again, your mouth will be torn apart. My little girl's skin is too rough."。”

“Zhenxi Army, tie them up one by one!”

“no! Zheng Sanniang said rudely: "I treat you so well, but you actually want to arrest my brother!"”

“I'll give you a boat and you just go. Otherwise, I will ask my brothers to ignore my life and death and continue to fight!”

Jia Hong raised his eyebrows. He wanted to wait for some navy to come to rescue him, but he had no idea at the moment.。

“Can. "Jia Hong nodded.。

“Did you hear them all? Zheng Sanniang hurriedly shouted: "Free up that boat!" Everyone, return to the flagship! immediately!”

“No action is allowed at all!”

“That's okay. Zheng Sanniang asked。

Jia Hong remained silent, just waiting for Yu Lin's elite soldiers, Lin Daiyu and others to get to another boat.。

After ordering the cabin to be searched, Jia Hong directly stuffed Zheng Sanniang with a dose of veritaserum and asked: "Li Miaoyu, was it you who robbed it? If it wasn't you, do you know who did it?"”

Zheng Sanniang asked strangely: "How do you say calamity! Her master and my grandmother are from the same sect. He just took her away to prevent her from suffering unnecessary suffering!"”

Jia Hong was surprised when he heard this, thinking that Zheng Jinlong kidnapped a nun to be his wife? !

He said again: "Lin Daiyu, do you also want to rob me?"。”

“yes……”Zheng Sanniang looked troubled, but she still said frankly: "Prince Pingjun said: He wants this pair of jade. But Miaoyu has an old relationship with my family, and now I have settled him in Nanzhou."。”

Prince Ping? Can you play in the city?

Jia Hong's brows inevitably wrinkled slightly.。

Normally, given his status as a prince, it would not be difficult to propose marriage to Lin Ruhai.。

But Prince Qin Nasu of Ping County is almost the same age as Lin Ruhai.。

Jia Hong asked again: "What is your connection between the Zheng family and Prince Heping?”

Zheng Sanniang felt that her legs were weak and her knees were tight, and she said, "What did you feed me?"……”

“Prince Ping...because he was once a member of the former crown prince's party and had a close relationship with the Fourteenth Master, he now has some quarrel with Emperor Hongchang.。”

“We are just using each other, Zheng still hopes to 'anti-military and establish Zhou'’。”

Jia Hong raised his eyebrows, always feeling like he was stuck in a quagmire。

He came to check the salt, but before he could get to the bottom of the matter, he met the Zheng family and Prince Ping first?

Next, Jia Hong asked about the situation between the two.。

The Zheng family stayed in the Fujian and Zhejiang areas and bribed many children of the Dan family.。

There are more than 20,000 men and horses, more than 100 ships, and more than 200 artillery pieces.。

King Pingjun’s original squadron had three thousand troops, but the details cannot be verified.。

After Emperor Hongchang ascended the throne, Prince Pingjun was accused of crimes and had his important military posts removed.。

Obviously, his previous experience has destined him to be an idle prince.。

Now he lives in the south of the Yangtze River, and because of his marriage relationship with the Zhen family in the south of the Yangtze River, he is afraid that the Lianghuai salt administration may still interfere.。

Lin Ruhai’s news may not be accurate either.。

The other party not only wanted his life, but also wanted Lin Daiyu's money, and also wanted to commit rebellion.……

“What Emperor Hongchang gave me was a hard job! They were investigating the salt administration and begging for money, but secretly they were actually worrying about Prince Ping.。”

However, Prince Ping was also the iron-hatted king designated at the founding of the Wu Dynasty.。

But at this time, before Jia Hong could ask any more questions, a sharp kunai hidden weapon came through the wind!

“careful! "Zheng Sanniang actually shouted。

Jia Hong took a slight step forward and turned around with Zheng Sanniang in his arms. He glanced at it again and saw that it was Zheng Sanniang's Japanese servant.。

“Chiba! I told you not to do anything! Zheng Sanniang said angrily。

Jia Hong,“……”


Zheng Sanniang tilted her head slightly again, pursed her lips and said softly: "Good Queen, why don't you come back with me?”

“Our Zheng family has strong soldiers and horses. We just want to capture Jianghuai and occupy the southeast of Wu Dynasty. We are much better than your prince!”

“The Wu Dynasty has attached great importance to frontier fortresses for many years, and the navy has been abandoned for more than ten years! There is no reason that Zheng cannot win!”

“Look at Prince Ping! From the dragon's meritorious service, how many generations have passed down, so what now? If you take his life today, someone else will take your life tomorrow!”

Jia Hong was stunned for a moment after hearing this.。

I never expected that this female pirate is a licking dog.……

After a dose of truth serum, you still talk nonsense?

Zheng Sanniang said again: "If you don't come with me, I will rob you again next time!"”

“If you don't agree, I will go against Wu Chao! Anyway, that was Zheng’s original plan!”

The people on the ship began to become uneasy.。

Just talking about it, why did the leader expose Zheng's intentions?

Jia Hong said funnyly: "In that case, I will rectify you on the spot. Lest you endanger the world."。”

“you! Zheng Sanniang's eyes turned red and she said, "I treat you sincerely, why are you doing this!"”

“Do you look down on me and other thieves and pirates? You bastard! I'm not done with you!”

Suddenly, seeing Zheng Sanniang like this, Jia Hong actually felt a little soft-hearted.。

A dignified woman and a man, let alone telling the truth, there are still times when a fierce woman sheds tears……。

At this time, the two Oriental women on the left and right moved again。

They seemed to have noticed something strange about Zheng Sanniang. Not only did they wave their swords in their hands, but they also flew out hidden weapons one after another!

Jia Hong dodged again and again, but it was very troublesome to have Zheng Sanniang in front of him.。

And Zheng Sanniang is not a docile cat, she is struggling。

“Hurry up and leave! So many people gathered around. What if I hurt you!”

Jia Hong really regrets wasting a shot of Veritaserum……

For a moment, I really couldn't bear to be cruel to Zheng Sanniang who spoke the truth.。

He didn't think too much, pushed Zheng Sanniang away, and using the wooden planks, ropes and other objects from Zheng's pirates just now, he jumped repeatedly and landed lightly on the deck of another black flag ship.。

“Don't go! Jia Hong……”

Jia Hong stood on the side of the boat and looked at the drama queen Zheng Sanniang. He was really speechless.。

But at this time, the Zheng family's pirates concentrated on the flagship, no longer paying attention to the "sick" leader, and started to move and set sail to retreat!

“Evacuate into Beigu Bay! "Jia Hong also ordered。

“grown ups! The artillery on the ship has been fully loaded. Do you want to bombard the opponent?”

Jia Hong narrowed his eyes slightly and waved his hand: "Forget it. It's a waste of money. Let's let her go."。”

Although I think Zheng Sanniang is a bit silly, she is not without her cuteness.。

Even if he is an official and she is a thief, this move is quite suspicious of letting the tiger return to the mountain.……

At this time, in the remaining night of Hairisheng, Ganlu Temple is still bustling with people.。

“hiss! Is this over? Not enjoyable!”

“Oops, didn’t you see Jia Hong capture Zheng Sanniang alive? He even captured a boat!”

“What else do you want to see?”

Suddenly, a lion's roar came from the east of the river。

“An Guohong! If you don’t come with me today, I will make you regret it later!”

“Just wait for me and I will marry you next year! Be the Queen of Zhou Dynasty! Who is the rival of the world's heroes? Cao Liu. When marrying, you should be like An Guohong!”

Zheng Sanniang let out the inner strength she had held in her chest, and her face turned red from shouting.。

In Ganlu Temple, onlookers burst into laughter。

“Hahaha - this Zheng Sanniang will probably make me laugh to death!”

“How can we not get to know each other without fighting? There was actually a drama about feelings and Feng Qiuluan! Ganlu Temple, Zheng Dazui is looking for a bride haha。”

“Noisy, the phoenix is a male bird! Even so, with the prince's handsome face and good looks... this story of the love between an official and a thief, a reverse love affair, can still be made up!”

At this time, Jia Hong's face darkened as he stood on the black flag ship, and he inevitably regretted letting her go.。


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