Arriving at the foot of Beigu Bay, it was already getting late.。

Seeing that the soldiers were tired, Jia Hong arranged for them to rest。

It’s just that this is an unplanned itinerary。

In addition, the newly acquired ships are larger, and some more sailors are needed.。

Just rest in Zhenjiang for a few days。

At this time, Jia Hong got off the boat and ordered a team of thirty people to。

Go to Zhenjiang Mansion to recruit people and purchase supplies。

After seeing Jia Hong finish his instructions, Xue Pan came over and said, "Brother Hong is still brave!”

“He actually fought hundreds of times with that thief lady!”

Jia Hong shook his head angrily, "Then you are not even as good as a woman?”

“Tell me, what's the matter?”

Jia Lian hurriedly said: "Brother Hong, let's think about it...if I don't get in my way by following you, I can follow you into Zhenjiang. Just take the ferry back to Yangzhou tomorrow!"”

After hearing this, Jia Hong felt it was appropriate and simply said: "Take Sister Lin back with you."。”

Then he raised his eyes and said to Xue Pan: "If you feel that the firewood shed at home is small, ask your sister-in-law to lend money to go out."。”

“I don't! "Lin Daiyu refused to obey after hearing this.。

“I just stand in the way. If I die, I will be a piece of the river's heart, or two stones in the sink!”

When Jia Hong heard this, he was slightly shocked. He could only wave his hands and told Xue Pan and the others: "You two just go ahead. She will live or die as she pleases."……”

“Even at a young age, I don’t know taboos。”

After seeing the two people leave, Lin Daiyu frowned slightly and said, "He is indeed a great master who saves all sentient beings. He is much more powerful than Buddha! The living ones will scare you half to death."。”

“I just don’t understand the art of war and martial arts, but how can I jump into other people’s boats to fight?”

Seeing that her face was still worried, Jia Hong had to half-bend, patted her head and said, "Okay, okay! I blame you for making you worry."。”

“Who worries about you! Lin Daiyu's cheeks were rosy and she said: "There is no virtue in being frivolous and dissolute. God knows what you are doing there, but you are trying to please the bandit lady." Pooh!”

“You are the only one who is shameless and will arrest anyone you meet!”

“Yes Yes——”

Jia Hong shrugged slightly and saw that the soldiers on the boat were busy and there was a temple at the foot of the mountain in the distance. He simply said: "We will stay here for a few days to see. To save ourselves from the bumpy journey into the city, go and see if the temple can be accommodated."。”

“Don’t go! Lin Daiyu pursed her lips and said: "I just survived after a battle, and I have no good intentions!" The weasel wishes the rooster New Year's greetings。”

Seeing her sharp tongue, Jia Hong said with a smile: "Okay, okay - you are great, you can use your mouth carefully to trick others. If you can't hold back your love, go back to the boat by yourself."。”

Lin Daiyu frowned even more when she heard this, but turned around and saw how busy the boat was.。

Then he remembered that he would always be uncomfortable riding a boat... so he had to follow Jia Hong's footsteps and said, "Slow down!”

The two of them walked slowly to the temple。

Jia Hong met a monk, clasped his hands and said, "Master, I wonder if there is another place to stay in the temple? We want to rest here for a few days."。”

After the monk glanced at Daiyu, he closed his eyes and clasped his hands and said, "Although this place is not as good as the mountain, there are many people coming in for an outing, and there is only one room left."……”

Jia Hong grinned, "It doesn't matter.。”

Then he walked to the place where he was donating incense and threw ten taels of silver in.。

The monk's eyes widened, so he could only show his respect and hurriedly led the two of them to the back of the temple.。

There are more than 20 rooms in the two courtyards, and only the smallest room in the east is left.。

“Donor, please come here. If you need fast food, just ask!”

“That's the best! Give me two copies first。”

After seeing the monk retreat, Jia Hong pushed the door open and entered the room. Although the furniture was simple, it was tidied up.。

Behind her, Lin Daiyu said: "I, I can't stop!”

Lin Daiyu saw that there was only one bed, how could she bear it?。

Jia Hong turned around and joked: "Aren't you going to say it? You can't live in love. If you want to live in it, just sleep on the floor. I'm tired from playing, so the bed is mine."。”

Lin Daiyu stomped her feet in anger and annoyance, but seeing that the sky was getting darker, she had no choice but to stay in the room.。

After a while, the monk brought eight-treasure porridge to the two of them.。

It is said that pilgrims donated too much during the Laba period, so it is cooked to this day.。

Jia Hong ate the taro, which tasted good, and he also knew that the monk was telling a joke.。

If the donation is small, it will probably be enough to eat porridge and wild vegetables.。

While the two were eating, they chatted wordlessly. Lin Daiyu naturally cared about it.。

Jia Hong didn't care about that much anymore. He lay down on the bed and was about to fall asleep.。

Lin Daiyu became more and more angry after seeing Jia Hong. After a while, she saw that Jia Hong's breathing had calmed down, but she couldn't help sneaking in and taking a look.。

Thinking of her father's death and resurrection that day, her heart was moved by Jia Hong.。

While thinking about it, Lin Daiyu sat beside the bed, her eyes seemed to be happy but not happy, and she was not sleepy at all.。

“Which little mouse is peeking? "Jia Hong said slowly。

Lin Daiyu was startled when she heard this, and stood up in a hurry, "Brother is not sleeping? Did I disturb you?"”

Jia Hong sniffed his nose and said amusedly: "No. I just smell the scent of your sachet."。”

“nonsense. Lin Daiyu said angrily: "When have I ever worn that thing on my body?" He must be secretly thinking about the thief woman on the boat, just having random thoughts.。”

Jia Hong was speechless after hearing this, so he had to take out a light blue sachet from his sleeve, "Do you think this is called a sachet?"”

“I used to smell it with a strange fragrance, a cold and refreshing smell. At this time, there is still some sweat odor left, and occasionally I feel disgusted and have just washed it twice.。”

Lin Daiyu looked slightly stunned when she saw it. This was not the thing she gave Jia Hong a few years ago - it took two or three years of embroidery to get one.。

But Jia's mother also loves her and doesn't let her become a female celebrity. She hasn't made one in the past few years.。

Lin Daiyu suddenly panicked, "Bah! You just talk nonsense, everyone in the world knows that you love to make things up! Where does the smell come from? I have never let go of scented flowers.。”

Thinking of Xue Baochai, she sat by the bed with her mouth open and said: "Where is the strange fragrance? It's just to coax me! I don't have any brothers, so I got flowers, flowers, flowers, snow and snow to make it - People call it Lengxiang。”

When Jia Hong heard this, he remembered that Xue Pan went out to find flowers last year to make cold scented pills for Xue Baochai.。

Thinking back to the day when Lin Ruhai died, it seemed that Lin Daiyu was inevitably frightened, or she had chatted with Xue Baochai once or twice, and felt that Xue Baochai, who was accompanied by her family, was inevitably happy.。

Jia Hong put the sachet on his face and said angrily: "Sharp teeth and sharp mouth! I praise you for carrying your sachet every day, but then you pulled out Sister Bao to choke me."。”

“In my previous life, I ate snakes, scorpions, toads, lizards, and turtle soup. Not to mention being petty, I would even scold someone in the wrong place when I got jealous.。”

“you! " Seeing Jia Hong treating her sachet like this, Lin Daiyu was so ashamed and angry that she stretched out her hand to scratch Jia Hong, "I told you to talk nonsense! Who is jealous。”

Jia Hong was beaten for a day today and was already sore. Lin Daiyu was scratched so much that he was out of breath, "Okay, okay! Sister Lin, don't make trouble! Spare your life... Okay, sister Zhuer!"”

“fart! "Lin Daiyu stopped immediately, feeling shy and unbearable, "What a shabby frown, a rotten frown. Then I'll tear your mouth apart。”

Jia Hong saw that she seemed angry or resentful, but his expression was stunned. A goddess with flaws is still a goddess, and a perfect maggot is still a makes people laugh when she talks vulgarly.。

Jia Hong said with a smile: "Yes, it's a bottle and a jealousy. Even your eldest sister-in-law and third sister-in-law have scolded you, and they can't stop playing. What a pretty girl, go to sleep now。”

Lin Daiyu's cheeks were rosy. She tilted her head and lay down on the edge of the bed. She covered her face with a silk handkerchief and said, "Huh! If my brother is sensible, he will sleep on the floor!"”

Jia Hong laughed, stretched out his hand and said: "Fart! Words are stronger than knives. You are allowed to scratch me, but I am not allowed to scratch you?"”

The two of them laughed and laughed together, Lin Daiyu couldn't stop laughing at her brother's meal。

The monk knocked on the door to remind her, so Jia Hong gave up and spared her.。


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