After the two had a fight。

After chatting for a while, Jia Hong suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Lin Daiyu directly in his arms.。

Because the monk knocked on the door just now, Lin Daiyu suddenly felt her face warm and knew that she was a little too playful.。

But now she relies on Jia Hong in her heart, and she misses this brother even more.。

“Anyway, we hugged each other……”Lin Daiyu was troubled by the thought。

He simply didn't care too much and just fell asleep beside him.。

Jia Hong saw her turning her back and said with a smile: "Originally, I felt tired and wanted to go to bed early, so you little mouse came to peek. Why didn't you watch it again now?。”

“Who is looking at you! Lin Daiyu said angrily: "You clearly didn't open your eyes just now, I was just sitting by the bed!"”

“Besides, a little mouse is a little mouse! Better than you, a weasel with dirty hands!”

Jia Hong was amused for a moment and said: "I just said something casually and you talked nonsense. Why don't you tell sister Bian'er a story?"。”

“Put you to sleep so that I can rest。”

Lin Daiyu spat: "Sleep if you like, you don't care what I do"。”

Jia Hong had no problem, and said nonsense: "It is said that there was a mountain in Yangzhou, named Daishan. There was a forest cave in the mountain, and a group of rat spirits lived in the cave.。”

“Pooh! Lin Daiyu said angrily: "Brother is talking nonsense again. I have never heard of this mountain."。”

Jia Hong pinched her face and smiled: "There are many mountains you don't know about. Have you ever heard of the Alps? If you haven't, just be honest with me."。”


Jia Hong added: "In Laba five or six years ago, the old mouse said: 'In Laba tomorrow, there is a shortage of fruits and food in the cave, so we need to take advantage of this opportunity to rob some and bring them back.' So he drew a command arrow and sent a little mouse Go and inquire。”

“The little mouse went to the foot of the mountain and saw that in the various prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River, there were good harvests year after year, and the people had enough food and clothing! The folk customs of rich people are luxurious!”

Lin Daiyu suddenly became interested when she heard this. She turned around and looked up at Jia Hong.。

Jia Hong said: "When the little mouse saw this, he hurriedly returned to the mountain to report: 'Report! Su, Song, Chang, Zhen, Hang, Jia, and Hu prefectures! There is fat and oil in the warehouses of each prefecture! There are white rice, glutinous rice, mung beans, red dates, Chestnuts, peanuts, water chestnuts, and taro!’”

“The old mouse was overjoyed when he heard this and divided the eight little mice to carry out the robbery! Unexpectedly, the smallest mouse was born. He was young, weak, and sickly! The old rat won't let it go……”

“The weakest little mouse said: 'Old man, old man, although I am young and frail, I am powerful, articulate, and far-reaching! I'm sure I can steal better than them!’”

Lin Daiyu glared and opened her teeth slightly, "Don't tell me, you are making fun of me! A little mouse is a little mouse, as for making up stories to make fun of me!”

Jia Hong hurriedly pulled down her tickling hand and said, "Okay, okay - don't talk about sleeping."。”

“Phew, hurry up! Lin Daiyu urged with her mouth open.。

Jia Hong laughed angrily and said again:

“The mice were surprised and raised their eyebrows one after another. The little mouse said again: "I don't want to imitate them and just steal. I will change my identity!" This became a taro. It was rolled in a pile of taros and no one could see it, but I stole it secretly. Gradually I finished stealing it.。’”

“The mice all said: "It's wonderful, but I don't know how to change it?" 'The little mouse suddenly changed after hearing this! She turned into a beautiful lady. All the mice laughed and started making fun of the little mouse.。”

“But the little mouse said: "I said you have never seen the world. You only know the food and fruit 'taro', but you don't know it!" Mr. Lin's lady from Lianghuai Salt Class is the real 'Fragrant Jade'! Steal her!’”

When Lin Daiyu heard this, her face suddenly turned pale like the tide of a spring river, rising and fading.。

She turned around and said in a sweet voice: "I know you can't spit out ivory from your dog's mouth! Bah, you are a scumbag! Big rat!"”

Jia Hong lowered his head and rubbed her head. A fragrance hit her, refreshing her heart. He smiled and said: "A mouse is just a mouse, better than a weasel."。”

“Oh, it hurts! "Jia Hong raised his arm and asked Lin Daiyu to bite a circle of teeth, especially the tiger teeth.。

“He is really sharp-tongued and can't be choreographed, but now he bites people!”

“snort! Calling you nonsense! Lin Daiyu angrily grabbed Jia Hong's arm and hugged her。

After a while, there was nothing to say again. Jia Hong thought it was time to coax him to sleep.。


Not long after he closed his eyes, Lin Daiyu shouted again: "Brother... are you sleeping?"。”

“Fell asleep. "Jia Hong closed his eyes and said。

Suddenly I felt the girl in my arms turning over, and after a while she said again: "Liar"。”

Lin Daiyu said softly: "Is what you just said related to my father's matter?”

Jia Hong knew she was smart. When he opened his eyes and saw her looking at her face, he said amusedly: "Yes, why not?"。”

“The old mouse is an old emperor, holding the ninth division's mouse army at his fingertips. The previous dynasty stole food, but now the present dynasty collects salt. In my eyes, it is naturally not as good as your fragrant jade. You reward me with your face, I’ll just take a few bites。”

When Lin Daiyu heard this, she felt like there was a rat spirit in her arms, jumping up and down.。

Finally, he got into Jia Hong's arms and said Nuo: "I don't appreciate my face."。”

After a while, Lin Daiyu raised her head and pecked him and said with a smile: "Just give him a bite!"”

Jia Hong couldn't help but smile when he heard this and closed his eyes to sleep.。


next day。

Tianjing Morning Morning。

Emperor Hongchang was discussing matters with hundreds of officials in the DPRK。

Now that he has been on the throne for several months, he has gradually become familiar with many matters.。

At this time, a messenger from the post station hurriedly rushed to the palace gate.。


“A few days ago, Moxi made a brazen raid on Mobei and Huozhou!”

“Forty thousand cavalrymen besieged Khovd at the foot of the Altai Mountains! There are also 20,000 riders in Huozhou!”

“The Great Khan of Moxi threatened: The king of Zhenxi County burned, killed, looted and kidnapped his beloved wife Nami in Huozhou! Today we are going to attack this traitor who is outraged by everyone in heaven and bring justice to the people of Huozhou!”

Suddenly, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty looked around and rustled.。

Most people know that Jia Hong was appointed as the imperial envoy to Jiangnan。

But seizing a wife? The king of Zhenxi County seizes the wife of the Great Khan of Moxi? Unheard of!

Emperor Hongchang suddenly puffed up his cheeks with anger and said angrily: "Absurd! I ignored the peace treaty first! How can we talk about taking revenge on his wife!"”

The courtiers said again: "Your Majesty! Among the concubines of King Zhenxi, there is no one named Nami! Such barbarians are just trying to humiliate our court and King Zhenxi!”

Emperor Hongchang waved his hand and said: "Discuss the matter!”

Zhen Xie is also worried。

Although taxes were collected last year, there is already a slight surplus in the Ministry of Household Affairs。

But in previous years, the military expenditure of the Wu Dynasty was as high as more than 10 million taels! Now that there is war again, the financial pressure is extremely great!

After a while, after a lot of civil and military discussions in the court, some ministers stood up.。

“I think that General Mobei can prepare immediately and set off to rescue Khovd today!”


“As for Huozhou, Zhenyuan and Zhenxi prefectures can also send troops to support。”

“only……”The minister glanced at Emperor Hongchang。

Emperor Hongchang scolded: "It's just nothing, just say what you have to say!”

“I think: The Moxi Khanate will only be raging for a few months。”

“It has been at least a month or two since news of the situation reached North Korea and China。”

“If too many troops are sent at this time, it will be difficult to sustain food and grass, and we will not be able to carry out expeditions to pursue and suppress them. It is really not worth the loss!”

“Unless it's like back then, someone must be in charge of the overall situation and coordinate the Western Expedition.。”

Emperor Hongchang thought about it and said, "Who are the candidates?”

There was a lot of rustling in the court hall, but the ministers in the court had been debating for a long time, but they couldn't choose a leader?

Suddenly, a minister said: "Shaanxi-Gansu Governor Zhao Fangyong may be qualified for the job."。”

“During the former Western Expedition, he coordinated and assisted the logistics of the two provinces, and was experienced and methodical. To command the overall war effort, there should be spare capacity。”

“Prince Teng, the governor of Shu Province, was temporarily serving as the governor of nine provinces. This position may be re-established! Assist Zhao Fangyong in coordinating logistics and materials。”

“Among the forward troops, the Zhenxi Army must be the most courageous! Whether it's investigation or pre-stationing, we can handle it all! The commander of the Jingwei Battalion, Jia Hong, should be able to lead an army.。”

Emperor Hongchang couldn't help but nodded, but the problem was that Jia Hong's mission was only for a month.。

“The first two are fine. The forward selection was recommended by Zhao Fangyong。”

“Your Majesty is wise! !”


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