a few days later。

Jia Hong boarded the black flag ship。

It turned out that the ship seconded from Yangzhou Camp had sunk.。

Jia Hong will hand over this ship to Yao Yuan to take care of it when the time comes.。

Yao Yuan has now been transferred to Yangzhou to garrison. He is responsible for many defenses in the city. He also has some ordinary warships under his command.。

The ship Jia Hong robbed from Zheng Sanniang still had two cannons.。

If Yao Yuan can't take over, Jia Hong would rather sell it out!

After setting off from Beigu Bay in Zhenjiang Prefecture, Jia Hong and his party headed east along the Yangtze River according to the original plan。

Jia Hong is no longer worried about Miaoyu's matter.。

After all, Jia Hong used veritaserum on Zheng Sanniang that day, and she was originally trying to protect Miaoyu。


Only a few days later, we arrived at Nanzhou City。

Looking along the river bank, Nanzhou is already located at the mouth of the sea。

As for the other side of Nanzhou, it is still a small fishing village called Hudu!

Jia Hong came to Nanzhou to conduct a thorough investigation of the Salt Administration. He might send a group of soldiers to investigate.。

Since the two emperors boldly let him do it, he simply stopped doing it - opening a commercial port and establishing the Hujiang Prefecture!

Although the inspection is just a show. He even compiled the plan for the free trade zone in advance.。

Just wait to come over and then submit it to Emperor Hongchang.。

If the opening of a port is allowed, Jia Hong is prepared to put the weaving factory here.。

Most of the relatives and family members of the Zhenxi Army are still in Gusu.。

After all, this is the place where our ancestors started their careers, and even the military households under their jurisdiction later came from here.。

In addition to the soldiers of the Zhenxi Army, there were more than 10,000 people。

Whether it is recruiting people for the weaving factory or building the foundation of Hujiang。

This is all Jia Hong relies on。

As for Emperor Hongchang not agreeing? Jia Hong just abandoned the weaving factory in Suzhou。

After arriving in Nanzhou, Jia Hong first found a place for Lin Daiyu to stay, and then asked the female soldiers to protect her.。

On that day, Jia Hong led the Zhenxi Army to the Yamen of Nanzhou Government Office.。

After letting the government officials vacate their office, Jia Hong summoned 20 subordinate officials of the Nansi Division, held them all accountable, and detained them!

After polling several of the known clues,。

Not long after, Zhen Zheng, a fourth-grade Huainan salt transporter, walked into the room.。

Jia Hong took a brief look at Zhen Zheng.。

This person is still a relative of the emperor, with a first-class title on his head, and is mainly in charge of Gusu weaving.。

As for being linked to the Lianghuai Salt Administration, it is still to fill the shortfall of Gusu Weaving.。

Moreover - Zhen Zheng's family is also related to Prince Ping by marriage!

“I have met the prince. "Zhen Zheng cupped his hands and said。

Jia Hong waved his hands and said, "Sit down, Mr. Zheng, you're welcome."。”

“Thank you, Your Majesty! "Zhen was sitting down hurriedly, but her buttocks were not made of porcelain.。

Jia Hong took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and said, "Master Zheng must also know the purpose of my trip.。”

“yes——”Zhen Zheng was sweating slightly on his forehead.。

He does know, but it’s useless to know! If you don’t have money, you can’t run away!

Zhen Zheng said hurriedly: "Your Majesty! This time, whether it is salt policy or weaving, I believe you have already found out.。”

“Among them, the shortage of silver in weaving is mostly due to the fact that the Supreme Emperor visited the south of the Yangtze River... and appointed me as salt official in order to make up for the weaving accounts.……”

Jia Hong naturally knows the situation。

Weaving belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while salt administration belongs to the Ministry of Household Affairs.。

He coughed lightly and said, "May I ask Mr. Zheng, if the annual salary is two hundred taels?"”

“yes……”Zhen Zheng's legs shook and said。

Before Jia Hong could continue questioning, Zhen Zheng gave up.。

There is no other reason. Not to mention the 200 people who suppressed the Western Army outside, there are still more in Yangzhou! Emperor Hongchang is serious about this。

“Your Majesty! Wei Chen has something to say about this matter.。”

“Say it。”

Zhen Zheng lowered his head hurriedly and said: "Your Majesty, it's because the former prince followed the emperor to the south. During this period, he was threatened and blackmailed several times.……”

“The amount was huge, reaching five to sixty thousand taels in a single transaction... and the shadow account of Weaving went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs! Weichen, I can’t help but give it!”

Jia Hong looked at him with interest, half-bent down and said, "Two hundred thousand taels will buy your home peace, will you give it to me?”

“this……”Zhen Zheng is sweating profusely, where can I get 200,000 taels of silver to give him!

Jia Hong shook his head and said: "If you can still offer bribes, I'm afraid the emperor won't bother to care about you. The Zhizao Mansion has no money, and the Salt Administration has a huge deficit. How about your Zhen family?”

“The salary is two hundred taels and twenty shi of grain per year. The foundation laid by our ancestors is only a few thousand taels a year.。”

“Servants, maids, actors and troupes, squandering money and no one to take care of it... where is the remaining money?”

“Your Majesty! Wei Chen, Wei Chen……”

Jia Hong took out the booklet, pursed his lips and said: "Since the fiftieth year of Jianlong's reign, the Supreme Emperor has pardoned a total of 120,000 taels of shortfalls.。”

“In the past ten years, the Supreme Emperor has been gracious. Your family has been appointed salt officer for three years and has received 1.8 million taels of silver from the salt administration.。”

“Just like that, all the money from the two losses was given to the former prince, right? Should I go to your house to check?”

Seeing that Zhen Zheng had nothing to say, Jia Hong threw the account book directly in front of him and said: "This year, the 180,000 taels of weaving in Jinling and Gusu will be used to offset losses, and all will be sent to the Ministry of Household Affairs。”

“The Zhizhi Mansion has no money, so I can take it from home. If my family has no money, I will go and copy it myself.。”

After that, Jia Hong waved his hand and said: "Your Majesty, considering that you are an old minister of the Supreme Emperor, you have been particularly merciful. Go down.。”

“Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty! "Zhen Zheng said quietly.。

After Jia Hong saw him leaving, he breathed a little.。

For example, Jia Hong is too lazy to take care of the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.。

Given Emperor Jianlong's level of luxury, it was normal for him to transfer the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts to fill the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on a daily basis.。

The Zhizao Mansion has been losing money for many years, and it is also dragging down the salt tax revenue. It is indeed right for Emperor Hongchang to take advantage of this.。

Jia Hong even applauded with both hands. He still has a weaving factory to open!

What's more, even though he is obviously a member of the Supreme Emperor, he should abide by Emperor Hong Chang's words. Jia Hong still has to accumulate strength。

As for the Zhen family, as Cao Gong said, yesterday I thought the purple python was too long, but now I feel pity for it!

This matter naturally has nothing to do with Zhen Zheng’s other relatives.。

The descendants of Zhen Baoyu were only harmed by the willfulness of their ancestors and the greed of princes and grandsons.。

Jia Hong shook his head and laughed: "I hope Zhen Zheng can still spare some money!”

Otherwise, I'm afraid even Prince Ping won't be able to save his family!

at last? After eating, the bird throws itself into the forest, leaving a vast expanse of white. The earth is really clean.!


a few days later。

Jia Hong sorted out the problematic officials in the salt administration at the Nanzhou government office.。

At this time, he remembered the reminder sound in his mind。

“Ding! The Shanghai River was opened as a port and a government was established! Cutting off successfully!”

“Congratulations! The host obtains cement formula and a cement factory!”

“Congratulations! The host gets an upgradeable port! Level: Regional commercial port!”

“Congratulations! Hujiang will be under the direct jurisdiction of the host! Currently concurrently holding the post of Wu Dynasty: Hujiang Jiedu Envoy!”

When Jia Hong heard the sound, he suddenly fell into a burst of ecstasy!

The reward this time is really big! It was beyond his expectation!

Originally, after having the experience of Zhenxicheng last time, Jia Hong came here hoping to get a reward this time.。

But he really didn't expect that the jurisdiction of Hujiang would be directly given to him!

Moreover, cement is convenient for building cities and roads, and ports can be directly upgraded!

Combined with the weaving factory we got last time, Hujiang has the basic configuration!

The name Jieduzhi... I won’t complain. The Wu Dynasty really didn’t have such an official position.。

Jia Hong's Hujiang Jiedushi was much more powerful than the governor-general of Wu Dynasty. The governor is responsible for supervision and supervision, while Jia Hong is directly in charge of Hujiang!

“The port still needs to be located. And the arsenal can indeed be expanded.——”

“But the arsenal is not in use for the time being. You can wait and see for a while and take over it completely first!”

At this time, Jia Hong was inevitably excited. Compared with the last time he visited Xicheng, intercepting the Hu River this time was really unexpected.。

After he got up and walked out of the Yamen, he jumped and danced in the city for a while, and came to a temple tower to look at it.。

Looking south, you can see rivers and woods, but you can also vaguely see the insect island at the mouth of the Yangtze River!

In his memory, the Shanghai River was opened as a port and contained the concessions of the great powers. It was actually the "State of China"”!

At this time, Jia Hong's heart was full of expectations: not only to develop Hujiang as a base, but also to fight back! Go and set up concessions in the West!

Recalling that Emperor Jianlong once said that he was a "poisonous man", Jia Hong smiled at the corner of his mouth。


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