two days later。

Early in the morning, Jia Hong got up at the inn in Nanzhou。

While he was busy washing himself and having breakfast, Jia Hong went to knock on Lin Daiyu’s door.。

“Qi'er, are you awake?。”

“She's asleep, don't come!”

Jia Hong shook his head and laughed when he heard this, and returned to his room again.。

The girl is a bit thin-skinned after all。

Compared to that day when there was only one room in the temple, this made me look more reserved.。

Therefore, Jia Hong did not bring a maid with him, so he asked the female guard to bring breakfast to Lin Daiyu.。

After a while, Jia Hong returned to the room, but the soldiers led the officials from the memorial office.。

Jia Hong frowned slightly as he looked at the imperial documents.。

Moxi attacks Huozhou and Mobei?

Stealing his wife Nami...what kind of casus belli is this?

Jia Hong couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.。

He and Rana are getting married, but this guy is probably drinking too much and forgetting to eat peanuts.。

Although Jia Hong also wanted to go to the northwest to fight again, the matter of the imperial envoy from Jiangnan was not over yet, and he could not give up his burden.。

After sorting out the affairs of Nansi, Jia Hong left only a dozen soldiers to facilitate contact, and then set off back to Yangzhou City。

The affairs of the Zhen family were just like those of the Rongguo Mansion. Emperor Hongchang still gave him face.。

As for Jia Hong's Hujiang Mansion, he has already sent soldiers to conduct on-site inspections, so he is not in a hurry for the time being and will consider it after the imperial envoy's affairs are finished.。


After arriving in Yangzhou, Jia Hong settled the clingy Lin Daiyu home。

But I saw that Yushuang Courtyard was very lively, and everyone was doing this female celebrity in Qin Keqing's room.。

“I’ve met the prince!”

“Hello brother Hong。”

“Mr. Hong。”

Qin Keqing and Xue Baochai inevitably covered their mouths and laughed.。

Even Qin Keqing's maids Qingwen and Baozhu, Xue Baochai's Ying'er and Wen Xing, Lin Daiyu's Xiaohong, Xueyan and others all had smiles in their eyes at this time.。

Lin Daiyu's face turned red when she saw it, so Jia Hong said, "It's just a trip to Nanzhou. I'm willing to endure hardships, so I went together."。”

Qin Keqing smiled and said, "What are you talking about, Mr. Hong! I'm willing to endure hardships with you anywhere. Even if you have this nickname, you're not ashamed to shout it."。”

“It sounds like Ping'er, only with a nasal sound. I didn’t know, I thought you were taking your wife out!”

“sister in law! Lin Daiyu's face was hot and she stamped her feet, "Why do you say such things to make fun of me!"”

Qin Keqing said with a charming smile: "But you don't know that when you went to Rong Mansion, he and I happened to meet each other. I already made fun of him back then, so why don't I dare to make fun of you now? !”

Seeing that Qin Keqing was just joking, Jia Hong smiled awkwardly and sat next to her.。

Qin Keqing, however, didn't mind Jia Hong's romance very much. She smiled angrily and said, "I was just joking, but you are really worried about your sister growing up!"”

When Lin Daiyu heard this, her eyes inevitably wandered, and she pursed her lips and said: "He is just a weasel!”

After scolding, he didn't dare to look at Jia Hong, so he could only frown and go back to the room in shame.。

Xue Baochai said: "Good sister-in-law, you are not bullying anyone. Sister Lin, who is usually very articulate, makes you so embarrassed that your tongue is tied."。”

Having said that, Xue Baochai was inevitably envious。

But I am not Lin Daiyu’s temperament。

Jia Hong just shrugged slightly and left the room after chatting with a few people.。

As for Xue Pan, Jia Lian and others, they heard that they had wandered to Jinling, so Jia Hong ignored them.。

When Jia Hong went to the study, Jia Changping came back with the soldiers.。

“I’ve met the adults!”

“Um. what's the situation。”

Jia Changping followed Jia Hong into the study and said: "The poison caused by the Lin and Li families was directed at Prince Ping. The reason is unknown.。”

“But my subordinates have figured out the residence and whereabouts of Prince Ping.。”

Jia Hong nodded, knowing that Prince Ping was just an old pervert, so he motioned to Jia Changping to continue.。

Jia Changping added: "After returning from the Western Expedition, Prince Ping voluntarily resigned from his post as General of the West Road. After that, he basically did not live in the capital, but moved back to Jinling with his family.。”

“Since the beginning of spring, he has been traveling frequently to various prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River. He owns a large boat and entertains guests every day, only mooring for a short time in the morning. I have recently arrived near Yangzhou。”

“In addition, when the subordinates passed through several inns, they often saw the Pingnan Army soldiers of King Pingjun wandering around. Suspicions of harassment and interception of official documents cannot be ruled out.……”

Jia Hong listened carefully and kept nodding.。

He ordered: "Both of these matters do not require further investigation. Was Veritaserum used?”

“Returning to your lord, I used a dose when interrogating the Li family servants.。”

“Okay," Jia Hong waved his hand and said, "Keep it in your hand. Use if you need to investigate things in the future。”

“You lead the original team and carefully check the conditions of the inns in the surrounding prefectures. Let’s see if there are any other aristocratic families besides Prince Ping who are interfering.。”

Jia Changping said: "Yes! Do you need to intervene when encountering obstruction?”

Jia Hong rubbed his chin and thought for a long time.。

There have always been incidents of local powerful men harassing official documents and messages from the imperial court.。

Jia Hong himself will develop the Hujiang Mansion in the future, and even intends to control the Gusu, Jinling, and Jianghuai areas.。

It may not be that he wants to rebel, but now that his official status is increasing day by day, God knows what the emperor will think about it.。

Even if Jia Hong has no intention of rebelling, Zhen Yan treats him well, but others may not treat him well.。

Just like Prince Ping, isn't he also the adopted son of the founding monarch of the Wu Dynasty?

In the feudal era of the Wu Dynasty, the imperial power was supreme and could do whatever they wanted.。

Jia Hong doesn't want to be a fish to be slaughtered, he just doesn't do anything.。

He waved his hand and said: "No need. Investigate secretly. Find out which aristocratic families they are, why they blocked it, and what they tampered with and concealed."。”

“Prince Ping's mansion in Jinling sent more people to keep an eye on it.。”

“Yes, my lord!”

Afterwards, Jia Hong asked Jia Changping about the situation of Pingjun Wang Huafang and asked Jia Changping to leave the room.。

“A romantic boat? "Jia Hong shook his head and laughed, "This Prince Ping is also an old man. I can still play at this time, but I still want to get Shuangyu?”

After much thought, Jia Hong decided to sneak into the boat。



After seeing Qin Keqing sleeping soundly, Jia Hong got up and。

When he was at home, Jia Hong would occasionally mess around with Heping'er, asking her to call "Miss Hong" and even do some make-up.……

“I never thought that it would come in handy one day.……”

Jia Hong inevitably shook his head。

Just because there are mostly women in Prince Ping's boat。

With his appearance, others will definitely not be able to forget him after seeing him.。

After tonight, he will simply sneak back in again!

I'll rob Prince Ping and take another round of Veritaserum to take a closer look.。

Otherwise, as Jia Changping said, there would be basically no chance of contact.。

I spent a long time applying makeup and powder on Qin Keqing's dressing table.。

Halfway through the painting, Jia Hong heard the sleeping Qin Keqing humming softly.……

His heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly put away the rouge, powder, face, aromatherapy, etc., then took Qin Keqing's clothes from the closet and left.。

“Huh-shame on you! "Jia Hong shook his head and laughed. He walked into the kitchen and took out two papayas, then turned around and walked to the study.。

However, when he passed by the west wing, he turned his head and saw Xue Baochai……

Xue Baochai couldn't help but feel itchy when she thought of Lin Daiyu and Jia Hong going out, so she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and sat by the window in a daze.。

When the moonlight was just right, she saw a romantic beauty passing by the window.……

Jia Hong,“……”

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Xue Baochai suddenly felt her face turn red.。

She also saw that this man was wearing her brother's clothes - who else could this be!


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