Next to the canal in the suburbs of Yangzhou。

Jia Hong flew through the city and came to the river bank。

Looking far away, I saw Prince Ping's boat docked on the shore.。

Coming and going, there are maids, servants, singers and dancers coming and going。

However, after watching for a while, Jia Hong frowned。

Because at this time, I saw a middle-aged man walking on the shore, as if he was waiting for someone.。

“According to what Chang Ping said, Prince Ping’s boat usually did not receive guests, except for his family members.……”

Jia Hong made a quick decision and found a fisherman's house after falling down on the street.。

The white-haired old man paddling was overjoyed, swallowed his saliva and said, "Girl! Where are you going?"”

Jia Hong threw a piece of broken silver to him and said, "I bought the boat."。”

The old man's face turned red when he saw this. This was just a broken boat, how could it be worth a few taels of silver?

“Thank you, great aunt! Thank you, great aunt! "The old man hurriedly bowed and said。

Jia Hong waved his hands, jumped onto the boat, shook the wood pulp, and swung towards the painting boat.。

When he came to the deserted place at the end of the boat, seeing that the distance was about the same, Jia Hong used Lingbo Weistep and jumped into the boat.。

The boat is divided into four floors, decorated with colored glazes, lanterns and flowers of various colors, making it elegant and complex.。

Even on the top floor, the space is quite huge. It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s a cruise ship.。

Seeing no one around, Jia Hong pushed open the crack of the door on the top floor. Inside was a group of singing girls and actresses, in groups of three and two, singing and dancing.。

Jia Hong took the opportunity to touch inside. Unexpectedly, he bumped into a woman holding a pipa in her arms.。

The woman looked up curiously and found that the woman in front of her was... so tall, and so beautiful!

Jia Hong couldn't help but cover her mouth and push her into the side compartment. After tying her up, he "borrowed" her pipa to cover it up.。

Afterwards, Jia Hong held the pipa in his arms, half-hiding his face, and casually walked into the boat.。

Glancing sideways at the window, I saw gongs and drums beating on the river bank, and a procession of ceremonial guards and carriages and horses approaching. The number and status were extremely high.。

Followed by a large sedan chair with purple and gold phoenixes, dragons dancing on the tents, and embroidered phoenixes flying on the curtains.。

Not long after, a group of more than ten eunuchs cleared the way, and Prince Ping was accompanied by some female relatives, dressed dignifiedly.。

“Who will King Ping take over?”

Jia Hong was really curious. He couldn't think of anyone else in the Jiangnan area who needed such hospitality from the king.。

“Even if you are a member of the royal family, your status is quite high.。”

He waited and watched for a moment, but saw several palace maids accompanying him. They opened the curtain and led a luxurious concubine out of the sedan chair.。

“Emperor Hongchang’s concubine?”

Jia Hong recalled quickly in his mind, but soon found a。

The Rongning Mansion belongs to the Jinling family, there is the An Mansion of Jia Hong’s ancestor in Gusu, and there is the Hua Mansion in Yangzhou.。

The four families are collectively known as the Four Jiangnan Jia, or "An Ning Rong Hua". Jia Jing, the patriarch of the Huafu clan, and Jia Yuhuan, the eldest daughter, also known as Jia Huan。

Not long after Emperor Hongchang ascended the throne, he was just named the imperial concubine.。

“Ouch! Narcissus! Are you Narcissus?”

Just as Jia Hong was thinking, someone grabbed him!

Jia Hong turned his head in confusion, only to see a mother with heavy eye makeup grabbing him.。


“Um what? "My mother said weirdly: "Aren't you here to play the pipa? Let’s go!”

Everyone in Jia Hong was stupid. If he had known this, it would be better not to take the pipa!

What I didn't want to grab was a horned musical instrument.。

After Jia Hong thought for a while, he did not refuse and allowed the other party to lead him into the lower level.。

“That, that! "My mother pointed to the hall and said。

“Soon after the banquet starts, I'll call you. Get ready.。”

“Mrs. Zhao! "But a servant came towards me。

He looked Jia Hong up and down and asked curiously: "Is this the Narcissus from Luanfeng Pavilion?”

“Not exactly! "My mother said proudly: "Look, she is as good a girl as Shuicong! Good piano skills! I guarantee that you will be satisfied after listening to it.。”

“But I made a promise, the person I introduced here only shows off his skills and not his body! But be careful and you can’t make any mistakes!”

The servant glanced at Jia Hong again and said with a smile: "It's good, but it's good. Of course I listened to you."。”

Jia Hong ignored the two of them and looked at the banquet hall outside the compartment. He had no chance to pick up the king for a while.。

After a while, the boat sailed gracefully out of the river bank。

Seeing that Mrs. Zhao was about to leave, Jia Hong pulled her and raised the silver mask in his hand.。

Mrs. Zhao said unexpectedly: "Wear a mask? Why bother? You still don't show such a good appearance to others!”

Jia Hong rolled his eyes and put on a mask, covering half of his face.。

“Okay, okay! " Mrs. Zhao waved her hands and left.。


At this time。

As Concubine Jia sat down, the maidservant who served the dishes quickly became busy.。

However, Jia Hong recognized that the family members beside Prince Ping, besides the Qin family, there were also members of the Zhen family.。

After all, Zhen Zheng’s sister was married to Prince Ping.。

In addition to the Zhen family, the other part should be the family of Concubine Jia in Washington.。

Not long after the banquet started, Mrs. Zhao came and grabbed Jia Hong's hand, saying she was going to perform next to the banquet.。

Jia Hong couldn't figure out the purpose of the banquet, so he had to pick up the pipa and go to the banquet first.。

At this time, Jia Hong's appearance really attracted the attention of the guests.。

“Cousin, is this the Narcissus from Luanfeng Pavilion? Why is it so high!”

“This is strange! But I didn't remember her being so tall. Wrong person?”

“However, even though she is wearing a mask, she can still be seen as a beauty.……”

Jia Hong glanced over and saw two teenage children.。

He guessed that one was Zhen Zheng's son Zhen Baoyu, and the other was Qin Fupeng, the son of Prince Ping.。

It is estimated that Zhen Baoyu could not have imagined that the "beauty" in front of her was planning to ransack his father's house not long ago.。

The others were only slightly curious and saw Jia Hong sitting down, so they ate the banquet and waited to watch the performance.。

Jia Hong narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Concubine Jia. She looked graceful, dignified and elegant.。

It's a pity that when we were in Tianjing, we didn't ask the old man more about things in Washington, but he couldn't guess the purpose of the banquet.。

However, it may not be an ordinary reception banquet。

As for why Concubine Jia is here, it is difficult for Jia Hong to know.。

Then he raised his eyes and looked at Prince Ping again。

Not worrying too much for the time being, Jia Hong started playing the pipa in his hand.。

With the blessing of proficient piano skills, Jia Hong chose Liu Qingyao's "The King of Zaozhuang Enters the Battle Song"》。

With a few flicks of his fingers, the guests at the banquet suddenly felt shocked!

The tall beauty sitting in front of her, what she picked out in her hands was like thousands of troops galloping.。

The sound of the pipa is like the trampling of horse hooves, and the sound of the pipa is like the sound of gold and iron!

“Wonderful, wonderful! What song is this?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know! I have never heard of it, but a majestic meaning came out of this woman’s hand!”

“Although it cannot be tested, it is suspected that it was modified from the "Lanling King Entering the Battle Song" in Lanling area! The music that was introduced to the East in the prosperous Tang Dynasty is now called Gagaku in the East.。”

“But it has the meaning of "the silver bottle is broken, water slurry bursts out, and the cavalry stands out with the sound of swords and guns"!”

“Hahaha - I never thought that this woman would be so broad-minded and worthy of becoming a heroine。”

Everyone was full of praise, Jia Hong ended the performance。

But at this moment, Concubine Jia slightly raised her hand to call the palace maid。

Not long after, the palace maid walked up to Jia Hong and said, "Miss, please go sit next to her."。”

Jia Hong raised his eyebrows slightly, this is really troublesome!

But he still followed the steps of the palace maid, walked to the imperial concubine and sat down next to her.。

“I don’t know, what’s your name? " Concubine Jia opened her teeth slightly and said。

Jia Hong raised his eyes slightly, smelled a wisp of fragrance, and pointed to the red silk scarf at his throat.。

After realizing this, Jia Huan smiled and said nothing, and called the palace maid to serve Jia Hong wine and food.。

“You play the pipa very well." Jia Huan took Jia Hong's hand, "I also liked playing the pipa, but now I don't have much chance. After a while, play it to me again。”

Jia Hong opened his mouth slightly, feeling that Concubine Jia was too kind, and felt strange in his heart.。

But Jia Huan didn't mind that Jia Hong couldn't speak, and sometimes talked to him word by word.。

Later, at the end of the banquet, Jia Hong was led into a room by the palace maid.。

“You can take off the mask. It was just for a show, right? "Jia Huan said kindly。

Naturally, Jia Hong had no intention of taking it off.。

But at this time, the imperial concubine in gorgeous clothes took Jia Hong's hand, stood up on tiptoes, and kissed her。

Jia Hong only felt the warmth between his lips, which made him feel stupid。

Is there something wrong with Concubine Jia? ? ?


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