At this time, Jia Huan's hand directly grabbed the mask。

She wants to see what kind of beauty is underneath this mask。

Her intuition told her that she must be a peerless beauty!

Jia Hong really fooled her, Emperor Hong Chang! Your wife is frivolous towards me!

Pushing her away, Concubine Jia immediately took off his mask!

At this time, after Jia Huan saw Jia Hong's face, her expression was slightly stunned, and the red clouds appeared.。

“That's right, he is truly a wonderful person! She plays the pipa so well。”

“I heard that you drank medicine and became mute when you were a child?”

Jia Hong raised his eyebrows, but he couldn't care less.。

After covering her mouth with one hand, he clasped her neck with the other hand, then took off the silk silk from her neck and stuffed it into Concubine Jia's mouth.。


In this situation, Jia Huan was confused.。

Jia Hong had a headache at this time.。

He tied Jia Huan up, then knelt down and said, "Ms. Jia Huan, your preferences seem to be... quite special.。”

Jia Huan's expression froze when she heard this, and suddenly her face felt hot!

What, this Narcissus is a man!

impossible! Such a

But even though she was shocked inside, she hesitated but could not speak.。

At this time, Jia Hong stroked his forehead。

He is really one head and two big now。

The key is that his original intention was to investigate Prince Ping, but he somehow got into the imperial concubine's place.。

Jia Hong rubbed his chin, took out a token and said, "I won't say more about your business."。”

“I'm a spy from the imperial court, but you have to answer a few questions.。”

“Is today’s banquet an ordinary banquet?”

Jia Huan nodded repeatedly。

Jia Hong felt uneasy after seeing her. After thinking about it, he picked her up. After opening the window, Lingbo jumped to the top floor of the boat.。

“Madam, I can keep the secret, but you have to cooperate with your answers.。”

Seeing Jia Huan nodding her head, Jia Hong removed the silk from her mouth and gave her a dose of truth serum.。

“What is your connection with Washington DC and Prince Heping?”

Jia Huan frowned slightly, but she cooperated: "Prince Pingjun has some connections with the old ministers in the palace. I am the concubine they arranged for the emperor."……”

Jia Hong raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth slightly: "So you are not favored.……”

“yes. "Jia Huan bit her lip slightly and said: "The person Prince Ping respects so much is the emperor.。”

Jia Hong asked again: "Do you know what Prince Ping is planning?”

Jia Huan said: "The emperor is now over 40 years old. Firstly, Prince Ping's son Fu Peng has a good relationship with the current prince. Secondly, send me in so that I can get some news. If I get one or two heirs, it will be useful for future disputes." plans for the throne。”

“It's just that I failed to win favor, but now the emperor sent me back to visit my relatives. Not very popular in the palace。”

“that's all? "Jia Hong said strangely。


Jia Hong thought about it quickly。

Perhaps, he really overestimated Prince Ping's intention to rebel.。

Perhaps, this old prince just wants to keep the family business。

Make friends with the emperor and the prince, collude with the pirates secretly, or just leave a way out。

But just by harassing the inn, Jia Hong could make Prince Ping take a drink.。

Jia Hong suddenly had a bold idea in his mind。

In the future, he will follow Hujiang and Suzhou to occupy the southeast。

Concubine Jia in Washington can win over, even Zheng Sanniang and Jia Hong want to recruit her。

He knelt down and said: "Prince Ping is unreliable, just follow me.。”

At this time, Jia Huan raised her head and looked into his eyes。

The eyes that had shown tenderness just now were as deep as black holes.。

It was difficult for Jia Huan to escape for a while……

After being stunned for a while, she said in surprise: "You are?”

Jia Hong pursed his lips and smiled: "King Zhenxi。”

The beauty smiled brightly, and Jia Huan suddenly lost consciousness and murmured: "Zhenxi, King? Is it you?"”

Jia Hong said again: "I have someone in the palace who may be able to help you."。”

“And now I am thoroughly investigating the Jiangnan salt policy. Although Prince Ping is not involved, the Zhen family cannot escape.。”

“I think you also know that Prince Ping has a close relationship with the former prince. In the eyes of the emperor, he is not a trustworthy person.。”

At first, because of Jia Yuanchun, Jia Hong wanted to arrange for Yuhuatian to continue climbing.。

With Dai Quan helping, Yuhuatian has a smooth journey in the palace.。

Jia Huan raised her eyes slightly and said, "What about you, King Zhenxi?”

“After all, Prince Ping is the inheritance of several generations of princes. How can he be inferior to you?”

Jia Hong smiled and said: "The Supreme Emperor。”

At this time, Jia Huan bit her peach lips slightly, her heart trembling, as if she was possessed by an evil spirit.。

Who would have thought that the pipa girl at Prince Ping’s banquet was actually Prince Zhenxi!

And at this moment, he was bold enough to win over her!

Jia Huan never thought that an encounter could be so dreamy, but what fascinates her the most is the handsome face of King Zhenxi……

She is only eighteen or nineteen, and Emperor Hong Chang is old enough to be her father.。

And because she was the concubine arranged by Prince Ping, Emperor Hongchang looked at her coldly.……

Now that she has met such a handsome man as Jia Hong, a beautiful general, and all kinds of legends and rumors, how can she hold on?

“Well! "Jia Huan said with dizziness.。

Hearing this, Jia Hong raised his finger and said, "In that case, I want to tell you two things.。”

“Well, you say. "Jia Huan said softly.。

Jia Hong said: "The first is the purpose of Prince Ping to harass the inn, and the second is to collect the money exchanges between him and the Zhen family.。”

“Do you have any quarrel with Prince Ping? Want to knock him down? "Jia Huan said strangely。

Jia Hong smiled and said nothing。

Since he has set his sights on the southeastern part of the country, he now has the Jiedu Envoy of Hujiang Prefecture in his hands.。

Naturally, there is no reason why one mountain can accommodate two tigers.。

You don’t have to knock him down, but you have to move him out!

Jia Hong smiled and said: "You don't need to ask more questions, just listen to me."。”

“So, how can you help us in Washington? "Jia Huan said。

Jia Hong said: "I will make arrangements for you in the palace."。”

“Aren’t you unfavorable? I've arranged for someone to check the cards for you at the head office, right?”

When Jia Huan heard this, her face turned red and she asked in confusion: "Can you help me in a different way?”

“Um? Jia Hong wondered: "I heard what you said, and I want to protect the glory and wealth of the Hua Mansion." Isn't entering the palace a competition for favor?”

“Now Prince Ping can’t help, so I’ve arranged it for you. Any questions?”

Jia Huan suddenly grabbed Jia Hong's sleeve and said, "That was the original plan, but now it's not the case. I, I……”

“Just make arrangements, as long as you can't turn me over。”

“ha? ? ?”

Jia Hong looked at her eyes, and his scalp suddenly felt numb, "No, no, I think the queen has some misunderstanding about me?”

“No," Jia Huan leaned closer to her face and said, "How could I forget your appearance when I saw you today?”

“The misunderstanding must be a beautiful misunderstanding, okay?”

Jia Huan grabbed her hand and Jia Hong was frightened, "I'll take you back... I'll contact you later."。”

However, when she picked up Concubine Jia, she secretly kissed Jia Hong.。

The concubine's smile made Jia Hong a little unforgettable, and he said angrily: "I never thought that she would be a bold empress?”

“If I had known this, I wouldn’t have checked today!”

Jia Huanyan smiled and returned to the boat but refused to let anyone leave.。


PS: The chapters that were stuck two days ago have been released. If you can’t catch them, check back.

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