a few days later。

Jia Hong left Prince Ping's boat。

During this period, I had free time, and occasionally asked Concubine Jia to play two songs.。

I also got a lot of news from Prince Ping.。

Due to the practice of the previous dynasty, the grain tax in the Jiangnan area was several times higher than elsewhere.。

King Pingjun helped the wealthy gentry, deceived and misreported, and benefited from it.。

Firstly, he used it for extravagant expenses, and secondly, he used it to support his Pingnan army.。

Although the Pingnan Army is small in number, it can be considered an excellent team.。

Even if the imperial court allocated funds for Jia Hong's Zhenxi Army, the government still had to subsidize it.。

After getting the dirty information about Prince Ping, Jia Hong didn't want to stay for long. He first said goodbye to the bold Concubine Jia.

After returning to Yushuangyuan, Jia Hong sent ten female soldiers to her from Washington, and asked the soldiers to send instructions to Yuhuatian.。

As for the Hujiang Prefecture, Jia Hong sent soldiers to expand the weaving factory, cement factory and port.。


to the next month。

During Jia Hong's imperial envoy work, he obtained 800,000 taels from officials of the Weaving and Northern and Southern Departments.。

Among them, the Zhen family is the most numerous. In addition to Zhen Zheng of the Southern Division, there are also people from the clan who serve as salt officials in the Northern Division.。

Because Emperor Huang Zhenyan had informed him in advance, Jia Hong did not confiscate his property.。

Just in accordance with Emperor Hongchang's request, the Zhen family returned the accounts of the Ministry of Household Affairs。

The Lianghuai transfer envoys, including the three who had resigned, were all turned upside down by Jia Hong.。

A total of 1.6 million silver copied。

Jia Hong left 200,000 taels as food and salary for the Zhenxi Army in the past few years.。

Emperor Hongchang died in poverty. Jia Hong couldn't care about so much, so he had to save some money first.。

But even so, the more than two million yuan was directly given to the Minister of the Ministry of Finance who came to take over and thanked his ancestors for generations.。

“These people are really rich. "Jia Hong watched the escort ship leave.。

After returning to Yushuangyuan, Jia Hong presented a memorial to Emperor Hongchang.。

At this time, there was a flurry of warblers and birds in the yard. Jia Hong went out and saw that it was Wang Xifeng who had returned from Jinling.。

“Master Hong! Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "I'm back!"”

Jia Hong kissed her affectionately and said, "Welcome. Are you tired from the journey?"”

Wang Xifeng's pretty face turned red, and she pursed her lips and said, "You are so virtuous! You are not afraid of being laughed at!”

Jia Hong smiled slightly and walked into the room with his arms around her.。

“Where is Sister Qing? Wang Xifeng said。

Jia Hong was slightly startled and said: "Concubine Jia from Washington is visiting for a wedding. Today she took Sister Lin and Sister Bao to go there.。”

Seeing his strange expression, Wang Xifeng blinked and said, "What, are you hiding something on your mind? You shameless person, which sister do you want to please?”

“Hahaha——”Jia Hong rubbed her face affectionately, "I want you to talk nonsense."。”

Wang Xifeng said: "If you ask me, Sister Bao is very good, and Sister Lin is also very good."。”

“Sister Bao is smart and clever, but if things don't concern her, she is always reserved. Sister Lin is warm-hearted. Although her mouth is as broken as mine, she is a little more careful.。”

Jia Hong said angrily: "Why, can you still see clearly now?”

Wang Xifeng shrugged and said, "Isn't it just a joke? Are you treating me as Sister Qing and not telling me? Sister Bao lives in our house, and Sister Lin often comes here. I come and go, can I still see the problem?"”

“But I can tell you, my cousin just came over on New Year’s Eve. You're in a hurry, be careful. Let's take a closer look at you!”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "Where are you? But, I have to hold a good birthday for Sister Bao this year."。”

Wang Xifeng thought for a moment, "Oh - that's right! It's also an important age! Will Master Hong be the same next year?”

Jia Hong listened to her and caressed her face lovingly, "Sister is not here right now, how about we get another one?”

Wang Xifeng's pretty face turned red and she said angrily: "You can't jump even if you're a monkey! I just came back from Jinling, I need to rest!"”

Even so, she waved her hand and let the maid Ruyi go out.。



Jia Hong held Wang Xifeng in his arms and said, "Xiao Feng。”

“Well - you say. "Wang Xifeng shouted。

Jia Hong stroked her hair and said: "You have taken care of the Jinling ship. Now I have another position, the governor of Hujiang. The place is at the mouth of the Yangtze River, southeast of Suzhou。”

“Jiedushi? "Wang Xifeng raised his head curiously。

Jia Hong took out three employee notebooks。

This is the booklet that comes with the system when the three facilities are awarded.。

Once employees register, their loyalty is full and there is no need to worry about leaks.。

He told Wang Xifeng: "Well, Jiedushi. A specially designed position.。”

“Today, there are weaving factories, cement factories, and port facilities in Hujiang Mansion. These all belong to our family's property。”

“I need you to go back to Suzhou in the near future and select some male and female workers from the households under your jurisdiction.。”

“Every place needs a steward, the one at the port - I remember Sister Yinshuang and her brother, there was a fisherman who was in charge of the fishery and pearls at Haizhou Port.。”

“Regarding the Hujiang matter, I have asked the emperor to ask Mr. Zheng to come over. We will not build the Grand View Garden and other projects, and save the money to invest in the construction of Hujiang Prefecture. Even if we build the Grand View Garden in Hujiang, we can save a lot of money!”

Wang Xifeng's face was filled with joy when she heard this, and she said, "What a good thing! Where did the factory come from?”

Jia Hong kissed her and said: "Just think that your husband has magical powers, just forcibly create them."。”

“oh——”Wang Xifeng chuckled and said, "That's nonsense again! That's fine, I won't ask.。”

Having said that, Wang Xifeng's eyes were full of admiration, "My father is really capable of anything! I can be an official three times a year, I can make money, and I can do everything with ease!"”

Jia Hong said with a smile: "I will be in Jiangnan for a long time. As for you, just go and work and show your abilities and talents."。”

Wang Xifeng hugged Jia Hong and said: "It's good, but it's good. I don't know how much you feel sorry for me!"”

“How about this! Sister Lin and Sister Bao gave it to me. They also helped me read the first and second accounts. Although he is young, he is also sensible and reasonable.。”

Jia Hong was not surprised when he heard this。

Needless to say, Xue Baochai is a virtuous person. In the Red Mansion, when Wang Xifeng was seriously ill, Lin Daiyu also helped read the accounts.。

It's just that the two of them are no more afraid to interfere in the internal affairs of the Rong Mansion than Tanchun, a member of the Jia family!

Jia Hong smiled and said: "Okay, don't say give it. Just ask them yourself. Just ask them if you are willing."。”

“Pooh! Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf!" oh! Sister Qing, Qingwen, I will also go and ask for it. Since she is a weaving factory, she must be proficient in this matter because she can do the work with dexterity.。”

“I heard that your unlucky attacker managed things quite neatly.……”

Jia Hong pecked her beak in a funny way and said with a smile: "Okay - chatter endlessly, just make arrangements!”

“Mr. Lin and his mother’s Chen family should remember to pay a visit when they go to Suzhou. You go first, I will go there in a while。”

“OK! "Wang Xifeng smiled and said。

After saying this, the two of them chatted for a while and forgot about lunch.。


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