A few days later, Jia Hong's memorial reached Tianjing。

Emperor Hongchang was very happy to see Long Yan in his study!

I feel so happy!

“well! Emperor Hongchang patted the memorial and said, "No wonder the king of Zhenxi is so loved by his father!"”

“In just over a month after going to Jiangnan, I found out that all kinds of documents were short of money and corrupt ink, worth two million taels! Relieve stress!”


This amount of money is enough to pay for the ordnance, gunpowder and other expenses applied for by the Ministry of War in the early stage!

The key is to have completely liquid cash and escort it over for special use!

If you spend the free money, you won’t have to worry about the household shortage. The money will need to be used elsewhere!

And now, due to the sneak attack of the Moxi Khanate in the northwest, there are already troops rushing to help in Xijiang and Mobei!

Although the overall front line has not yet been drawn up, the imperial court has already responded quickly.。

At this time, Zhao Chengchuan will serve as the general in command, and Wang Ziteng will serve as the logistics officer controlling the nine provinces.。

If we continue to make preparations this year, I'm afraid I'll have to put in another 10 to 20 million yuan!

“Huh, it's useless even if the Moxi Khanate retreats! Today, when the Wu Dynasty is humiliated, there is no reason to escape unscathed!”

Emperor Hongchang suddenly felt relieved. It was really rare good news!

At this time, Emperor Hongchang turned another page and saw Jia Hong begging him to ask for Jia Zheng, a doctor in the Ministry of Industry? !

He read on in confusion, but his eyes became more and more appreciative.。

“He stopped the Grand View Garden that his father had admired, and directly invested the money Rongfu wanted to donate into the construction of Hujiang Mansion!”

“This King of Zhenxi also cares about the country.——”

Zhen Xie nodded repeatedly.。

The idea of Hujiang was proposed by Jia Hong。

This will build a mansion and a port without asking the court for a penny.。

In this kind of experimental zone, as long as it doesn't cost the treasury, a hundred screening associations would be happy to come!

“well! "Zhen Xie became more and more happy.。

But when he turned the page and saw Prince Ping's small report, his brows furrowed.。

Zhen Xie naturally knew that Prince Ping was the heir of his grandfather’s adopted son.。

Moreover, Qin Fupeng, the son of Prince Ping, has a close relationship with the current crown prince Zhen Jue.。

Zhen Xie carefully looked at the memorial presented by Jia Hong。

“Colluding with the former prince, he extorted more than 500,000 taels from the Zhizhi Mansion; with the help of the Supreme Emperor, he showed favor to the Zhen family and obtained another 300,000 taels from the salt administration; he harassed the inn, intercepted and tampered with official documents and messages, and won over local officials to extort money from wealthy gentry. Get one million taels; countless rare treasures……”


Zhen Xie's face was furious, and veins popped out on his forehead.。

“It’s in vain that my father still trusts me so much, so I don’t care about the fourteenth’s birthday! How can I trust such a national thief?”

“Just interfere in the weaving salt policy! But harassing the station is not bullying the emperor! !”

Zhen Xie is really angry!

Since the last Western Expedition, the inns and memorial offices have been extended to the northwest。

If Zhen Xie has been on the throne for a few months, what he values most is intelligence efficiency.。

Like the Jiangnan area, official documents and memorials can be delivered within one to three days.。

Moreover, the Zhen Association is slowly expanding the scope of reporting officials。

In the past, only officials of the feudal border could pass the memorial, but now it has been extended to officials of the third rank and above who need to write a memorial.。

How many months has this been implemented? Just do it! This Prince Ping is simply desperate for his life!

“Xia Shouzhong! "Zhen Xie waved his hand and said。

“The slave is here!”

Zhen Xie waved his hand and said: "Go down and kill the prince of Nasuping County in Qin! Let him dare to be presumptuous!"”

But after a second thought, he added: "I have given my instructions to King Zhenxi to go and hold down the battle! I'm sorry that even the Pingnan Army will not dare to rebel!”

“His Majesty——”Xia Shouzhong knelt down and said。

Zhen Xie raised his hand and said, "Speak!”

Xia Shouzhong hurriedly flattered: "King Zhenxi went to suppress the formation, so Prince Ping had no reason to resist.。”

“But at this time, after all, it is related to the hereditary and non-alternative title granted by the late emperor. Firstly, the clan government has objections, and secondly, I am afraid that the Supreme Emperor also has objections, which seems to be not cautious enough.。”

Zhen Xie nodded lightly when he heard this, but the truth is this。

If you seize the title at will, it will be useless no matter how respectful the courtiers may be. The title is worthless.。

After Zhen Xie thought about it, Jia Hong reminded him after seeing the memorial: "There are two thousand households in Pingnan Army, and their jurisdiction is in Tianjing."”!

This made him want to kill Prince Ping even more intensely! You have two thousand soldiers in your hands for nothing!

Nowadays, the military power of the large garrison in Gyeonggi Province is in the hands of the Supreme Emperor. Zhen Xie is worried!

Zhen Xie waved his big hand and said: "I have committed several crimes against Prince Ping, and I will correct them! Each of the Pingnan Army will lead their troops back to the capital and report their duties to me!"”

“Qin Fulin, the son of Prince Ping, um - attacked Prince Beijing! Return to Beijing to accept the title of knight, and give him the mansion of the Fourteenth Old Man。”

Zhen Xie took a long breath and said: "Fu Lin is also a sensible child, let him be an idle prince. In this case, the clan house, the Supreme Emperor can still have any objections?”

“The emperor is wise! Xia Shouzhong said in admiration: "This is absolutely appropriate!" Presumably all the princes must also praise the emperor for his magnanimity!”

Afterwards, Zhen Xie drafted an edict, and Xia Shouzhong prepared to retreat and make arrangements.。

But at this moment, a messenger hurriedly rushed into the imperial study room.。


“General Mobei led 10,000 people to aid Khovd!”

“But he fell into the enemy's trap and killed eight thousand people!”

“Except for General Mobei and two adjutants, the other fifteen generals were all killed!”

“What! "Emperor Hongchang stared blankly, his eyes cracked!

Click! ——The brush in Emperor Hong Chang's hand was cut off!

“what is going on!”

Zhao Chengchuan, Wang Ziteng and other general commanders and logistics personnel are not in place yet!

This motherfucker donated 8,000 elites? ? ?

The key is, Zhen Xie just took over this division's army from the Supreme Emperor!

It hasn’t been conducted yet, it hasn’t warmed up yet!

“in the end! ! what's going on! ! !”

Emperor Hongchang was so heartbroken that he burst into tears!

The messenger was so shocked that he fell to his knees and shivered.。

“Return - Your Majesty。”

“On the 17th, General Mobei captured the enemy scouts and found out that there were only 2,000 Moxi troops in Hetongbo.。”

“So he sent 3,000 men to pursue him, but he was ambushed by 30,000 enemies!”

“Due to incorrect intelligence, the general gave another order to divide his troops, but they were divided and killed and unable to break out!”

“Finally, on the 23rd, only two thousand people were gathered and returned to Khovd!”

Emperor Hongchang looked up to the sky and sighed, "Why are you so impatient! So impatient!”

The key fifteen generals can reach the level of assistant leader or deputy leader, and the entire Wu Dynasty only has a few hundred people!

There has never been another battle in which a large number of generals were killed!

“Just because……”The messenger said again: "The deputy general said: 'It was just because it was too easy to march to the west two years ago. I ignored the cavalry power of the Desert West Army and underestimated the enemy too much.。’”

Emperor Hongchang said angrily: "Don't you know how long we have been planning for the Western Expedition? Expansion of Yuan City, construction of the Western Military City, Anfu Army reconnaissance, the front line of Huozhou Camp, and the logistics lines of nine provinces!”

“Let General Mobei come to see me with his head raised!”

“yes……”The messengers hurriedly retreated。

“Xia Shouzhong! Emperor Hongchang shouted again: "Beat the Prince of Ping County!" Ask the King of Zhenxi to lead the southern army and return to the court from now on!”

“Yes, Your Majesty! "Xia Shouzhong hurriedly retreated.。


In Tianjing City, the storm is about to come and the wind is filling the buildings。

But at the same time, there was peace in Yangzhou city.。


Jia Hongzheng hugged Qin Keqing and took a nap in the room。

As soon as he woke up, he heard a notification sound in his ear。

“Ding! Cause Prince Ping to cut his title! Qin Fulin was granted the title of King of Beijing!”

“Congratulations! Reward Nourishing Qi Pills*100!”

“Congratulations! Reward BMW Card: Yushuang Snow Rabbit! You can travel a thousand miles in a day!”

“Congratulations! Reward Black Armor Cavalry*500! !”


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